Sunday, May 12, 2024

What I ate this week in Paris


Last night I
did more dessert research 🔬 with Joyce (visiting from New York)

On Profiteroles. Joyce got a choux Chantilly, a simpler version sans sauce chocolat noir et glace 🍨 vanille.
We were at Bouillon ChartierMontparnasse👍 
Have you been? A fun, crowded, noisy, and very cheap restaurant. Especially on a Saturday night. 
Our 3-course meals came to around total 32€. Chartier is famous for scribbling your bill on the paper tablecloth.
were the original restaurants in Paris for the masses. They’ve made a big comeback in recent years with the addition of Bouillon Pigalle and Bouillon République. 
The profiteroles at Bouillon Pigalle are considered the best by French Vogue. Should I go try? Oh non! They are using soft serve🫣
Another fab dessert this week was shared with Solli at Berthillon - Pêche Melba (no peach 🍑, just tiny fraise de bois 14€) + pistache. We were not happy with our photos. Solli says we must go back & try again 🤔
My dinner companions shared a 
Tarte Tropiziénne - more crème Chantilly
I had asperges vertes/green with Parmigiana & a soft boiled egg 🥚 
I didn’t eat any Paris Brest. Shannon, DeeAnn, Nicole & Jane shared it 
at Le Grand Colbert on Tuesday night.
I had artichoke hearts salad, while they had Diane Keaton’s poulet roti (from the movie “Something’s Gotta Give”). Pst, Bonnie says they didn’t have it on the menu before the movie was made. *You have to search for it 🔎 A lot of eating out for me this week! I’m headed to the marché for pamplemousse, fennel & fraise🍓 I’ll be eating at home 🏠 tonight.
Art Nouveau Bouillon map up on Etsy while searching around. Bon Sunday Brunch PBers


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What beautiful photos! Interestingly, while I was trying to figure out how to post with my name, you changed them! It made me smile to think of us both on your site at the same time. You know me from the crackers at Eataly in Le Marais… but you may not know that I ate no sugar or flour during my five weeks in Paris two years ago. I appreciated all the fancy desserts as visual works of art! Happy Spring, Carol. 💕🇫🇷

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Ha Barbara, I stopped eating sugar & all white stuff since Thanksgiving 🦃
      Only recently have I given in to sweets hiding under a coating of hot chocolate sauce 🫣

  2. Thanks for sharing the tasty food Carol! Asparagus and artichokes are great veggies. I have not figured out how to use fennel when cooking myself, any tips or favourite ways to eat it?
    Love the Peach Melba, though without the peach. Named for famous Australian opera singer Nellie Melba. She perfected her opera singing with a teacher in Paris, then she became famous.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      I usually slice up fennel & dip in hummos
      It can be sautéed. Further research 🔬 is necessary

    2. Anonymous3:06 AM

      'J’aime les fenouils émincés avec des anchois et des croûtons grillés et une vinaigrette. Élise

    3. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Maim, maim Elise J’essaye 👍

    4. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Merci Elise 👏

    5. Merci for the fennel suggestions!

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Le Grand COLBERT?? I have your watercolor of the place. ❤️
    You’re killing me with these deserts…all favs!!

  4. Bonnie L9:11 AM

    Ooh, I’ve wanted to eat at Boullion Chartier ever since they opened the Montparnasse outpost. But, every time I pass by there is a VERY long line. You’ve inspired me, with that towering profiterole, to try again! The interior looks gorgeous, very Belle Époque.

    Exciting week of dining out, C. Green with envy! Happy to see that tarte tropezienne on the desert menu. Love those! ❤️

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      The line was not so bad & moved quickly with the help of the maitre D. I reccommend visiting the original first - Bouillon Chartre grands boulevards, 7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009

  5. Such fun with desserts for you this week! The grande profiterole at Bouillon Pigalle or Bouillon Republique is big enough for two, and quite tasty, but it is made with soft ice cream, and I personally prefer them with real ice cream. The profiteroles at Bistrot Victoires are classic.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Thank you for the excellent info Kiwi 👍
      You have saved me a trip. Soft serve is triste indeed.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Any openings for Research Assistant!!?? ~nj♥

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Definitely NJ
      You eat the desserts
      & I take the pictures 📸

    2. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Perfect NJ

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I’m still thinking about that profiterole!! Wish I never left that last piece!!! I could have gotten away with it being Canadian! 🤣

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Haha I will post it to you N. 😂

  8. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Ah mon dieu j’en ai besoin B

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Just 4 ingredients- chocolat, amandes, choux, glace vanille
      Et voila!

  9. It's a good thing you have to walk a lot. Oh my! It looks totally fabulous! I haven't made Paris Brest in years. We did a big one but I like the individuals. And I've never done asparagus with the egg. That sounds wonderful too. I'll have to try that this season. Good protein, low carbs! Those desserts! Sigh!


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