Thursday, November 02, 2023

Salon du Chocolat #2


On Monday Bear 🐻 went to the Salon du Chocolat.

He was bear 🐻 hunting

Hunting bears 🐻 has become pretty easy to do these days

I’m not talking about bears 🐻 turning up in your CA back yard 😱

If you should encounter a bear, the National Park Service advises you to stay calm & talk so that the bear knows you are human and not a prey animal. Do not scream or run 🏃‍♂️ 😱

Back to marshmallow bears by artisan chocolatier Vincent Guerlais of Nantes at the Salon.

Marshmallow chocolate-covered bear cubs are a classic, iconic childhood candy every French kid grew up munching, since the 1960s.

Made by Cémoi and still costing around 2€

Cémoi has a history that goes back to 1814. 
Cémoi is the biggest French chocolate manufacturer and the 26th largest in the world.

The range of fancy pants Ourson Guimauve/marshmallow-filled bears 🐻 is a rampant trend in France since 2015, if no where else. 

They were
 in depth at the Salon, even the plain ole petit oursons 🐻 
Some of you might not know who Bear is. Early days, 2010, he was a gift from Sonia Rykiel
He’s been under the weather a bit (thanks to French moths who ❤️ cashmere) so he doesn’t travel so much. 
But he certainly enjoyed 
Visiting the Chocolate Salon again.

We both did. Especially sampling Pariés Basques gâteaux 
And we got downstairs this time, 

To visit the more exotic purveyors like Peru 

And chocolats 🍫 Afriques 

And Hawaii Manoa chocolates.

I always love looking at the original product, the cocoa beans 🫘 or cabosses. 

It’s hard to believe the rich chocolate bars/tablettes 🍫we love so much comes from this. Beauty and the beast 🦁 

And I got a second chance to get a handful of 6 vanilla beans 
I spotted opening night 🤸‍♂️
Of course there were the usual baking contests/competitions 

Always at the Salon with the usual whoops of excitement.

Bear & I left the fair, happily clutching our vanilla beans. We showed them off to Bouquiniste  Brigitte we met on the bus home.
Bear is featured on a personalized Holiday 🎄 letter if you’re so inclined. Or stop in at my Etsy Shop for more Holiday letters 
             Or you could buy Bear a cup of KO-FI ☕️ 🐻
           🐻   ☕️  🐻    ☕️  🐻  ☕️   🐻   ☕️  🐻  ☕️  🐻   ☕️ 🐻


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Thanks for another lush visit to the Salon. I must plan my next trip more carefully date-wise. Dorrance

  2. So nice to see Bear at the second visit to this chocolate extravaganza! I have started to follow Amaury Guichon The Chocolate Guy on Instagram. You probably know of him.🗼❤️🍫

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      I do not know him 🫣 so embarrassed 😳

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Does Bear need more surgery? The surgeon will be in Paris next week. 😎

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      yes he does 🙏 Maybe I will get some cashmere thread 🧵

  4. Bonnie L7:01 AM

    It’s so good to see Bear out and about and on the prowl for fellow oursons! Fun! Lucky you going back to the chocolate salon. And, you showed such restraint buying only vanilla beans. Thank you for all the yummy photos. A Salon not to be missed, for sure.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Bear is a good companion at food fairs. He keeps me in check 👍

  5. Those chocolate bears are awfully cute -- my little guys would love those!

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      They are but I still love the classic Cémoi 🐻 in the bag from Monop ❤️

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What will you make with the Vanilla Beans? Love seeing all the photos- keep them coming - Bonnie

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      That is the problem since I’m not a baker 🥧
      You may be getting some beans in you stocking 🧦

  7. Make sure to make vanilla sugar too:)

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      How do I do that Monique? The Cordon Bleu sells cinnamon with vanilla that I love ❤️

  8. sukicart11:50 AM

    So excited to see that Bear got to attend the Salon with you but sorry to hear he's not 100% at the moment. I brought some chocolate marshmallow bears from Meert home to my great grandson and he loved them.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Anything from Meert is divine. Yes, I need to take up knitting 🧶 😳 to fix Mr.Bear

  9. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I would have a terrible time controlling my self there!! Carolyn

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      You’d be surprised.
      There is so much Chocolate it’s easy to resist.

  10. Anonymous5:10 AM

    This looks like fun! The chocolates look wonderful. I would be in Lala Land. Lynne

  11. You a bear had a nice trip, and I agree impressed you only bought vanilla (which looks amazing). You might be able to make a vanilla rice pudding type thing in a saucepan, with real vanilla it would be good. Those marshmallow bears are very tasty!

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      I did succumb to the chocolate 🍫 on the first night even though I spotted the vanilla but did not buy. I had to come back 🙃


    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      The French LOVE ❤️ rice pudding - a fav childhood dessert.
      We had it growing up but it was not all 😝
      Top drawer Paris restaurants serve it & everyone freaks out with joy 🤸‍♂️

  13. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Reading your blogs always takes my mind away from things - Thank you for your inspiring stories and as always your delightful watercolors!

  14. Anonymous2:18 AM

    I am such an armchair traveler and you fit in where I needed you to, oh so many years ago. Your photos and personal work are always a treat.

  15. Your photos and personal work are always a treat.


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