Saturday, April 10, 2021

Le Floraison de Cerisier du Paris, Cherry Blossom letter

 I was just finishing this month’s Paris Letter, when the BBC announced Prince Phillip’s passing, so this is my homage 🌸🌸🌸 As a ‘Spring Special’ you can buy it as a single letter.


As always It begins with a doodle. PBer Bonnie picked the one on the right. Voila 👏

But not an easy picture to draw. All those tangled, gnarly branches. 

All those @#$& fluffy cherry blossoms! 🌸🌸🌸

This Japanese wood block print saved the day - use a visual symbol rather than go realistic. And the falling petals were perfect. I found this image in a French video, 1000 ans d'histoire des cerisiers en fleurs au Japon en 8 minutes. 🌸Add the subtitles(still in French but easy to figure out).

The same video shows how over time cherry blossoms infiltrated all levels of Japanese culture. 

BBC radio 4 is celebrating Spring with daily readings from the intriguing book, ‘Cherry' Ingram: The Englishman who saved Japan's Blossoms. Would you believe an obsessed British naturalist decided to save rare varieties of the cherry trees? The Japanese were letting many species disappear. Fascinating and beautifully read. 

Yesterday I went looking for pink on Champs-Elysées. A delicate, fragrant cologne in the Pierre Hermé-l’Occitane store, but no pink pastries from M. Hermé. 

Do you know the Hot French designer, Tara Jarmon, much loved by chic young Parisians? A simple milkmaid’s pink gingham dress (245€).

Across the avenue Laduree’s windows have towers of pink macarons. I think they have a ‘cherry blossom’ flavor.

Their pink and green, witty Easter windows are still up. FYI: Easter lasts for 2+ weeks in Paris. Sadly there are no 50% off sales afterward.

In Guerlain’s windows at 66, Champs-Elysées, beautiful petal pink perfume bottles, but they’re not open. Isn’t perfume as ‘essential’ as macarons to daily French life? 

This week I passed by the tiny, but oh so beautiful Square Marie-Trintignant in the Marais. Once a year it is full of blossoms for a week. And the next week full of petals 🌸
Isn’t it time for an 
Eiffel tower Paris letter?
I picked up some fallen blossoms and put them in my pocket. When I got home I cut the stems, dropped them in a dish of water. Et voila they revived! I hope you have blossoming 🌸 trees nearby dear PBers. If not, live vicariously through  Parisbreakfasts ☺️🌸🌸


  1. So lovely & intricate. It must have taken hours. Have you tried to taste one?🌸

  2. Beautiful watercolor, Carol, and a fine and fitting homage to the Prince. You have me humming April in Paris 🎶. All of your pictures are so pretty...that Tara Jarmon perfume maccarons! Love pink, but not quite as much as lemon yellow, of course! Thank you for this lovely preview of’s not yet blooming where we are. I’m off to your Etsy shop!

  3. I have not GA but I read the blossoms are edible!
    I meant to say. I know there are cherry blossom teas..

  4. Lovely post Carol..gee that watercolor could make so many pretty things..I think a store should buy it and have pretty bags made..Recyclable of course and eco-friendly.

  5. Your Tour Eiffel in cherry blossoms is a Spring wonder! Enjoyed all of the pink, brightening up grey days.

  6. Another 2-3 weeks before ours bloom here in WNY

  7. Loved the video, Carol. This year our small town will be having a plein aire painting weekend as there are many cherry trees planted street side. Will think of you,

  8. Long live the cherry blossoms! Our Door County has acres and acres and acres of cherry trees. It is a huge agricultural endeavor here & a field of blooming trees is lovely sight to behold too.

  9. I’m ooking forward to seeing your lovely looking cherry Tower piece. Do you ever sell the original piece the letters are printed from?

  10. Très désolé 😳
    No can do Nancy. I need the original art to make future letter copies.

  11. Janelle1:05 PM

    I love all the interesting information you provided about cherries too but then I always love this aspect of your blog. Very informing.

  12. I’m a research person so it makes it more fun for me too.
    Dont miss the BBC readings on Hollingwood ‘Cherry’ Ingram. Truly fascinating

  13. That cherry tree, Eiffle Tower water color is spectacular, Carol - makes me want to visit in early April (but, if I did that, they would probably bloom in late March). I've always enjoyed Lauderee windows - so elegant & delicious looking.

  14. Will your beautiful Eiffel Tower Paris Letter be included in a current 6-month subscription, or is it only available as a single letter?

  15. Oh that’s the reason For its creation. The single was an afterthought
    Not to worry Nancy

  16. Great idea for the Tour Eiffel! It looks love surrounded in cherry blossoms. Thanks for the Paris photos too.
    I’ve visited Japan several times and always love it, we got to go once in April and saw many blossoms. Fascinating to read that and Englishman saved many species of cherry trees, will have to look that up to learn more.
    Over here in Australia is autumn, so we’re starting to get some leaves turning colour after some late summer weather. Enjoy spring!

  17. I wore my cherry blossom cologne from Monoprix. It's a little heavy and sweet, so I only used a smidge.

  18. Normajean10:04 PM

    I LOVE this Paris Breakfast!!! I have several blossoming trees right now but the one I am obsessed with is my Japanese Plum Tree.... I have been
    snapping photos before there was any sign of a bud!!!

  19. Each Paris letter gets better & better.
    I agree with Bonnie-your chosen version is the best. This will be a best seller for sure! I can’t get enough of the pink!

  20. Katherine1:03 AM

    Beautiful & very informative post.........

  21. That watercolor should have wider distribution. It's so beautiful -- it belongs on a tote bag or a journal cover. Or a pillow -- all those things that Studio6 does so well. I think I shall be hopping over to Etsy to check that one out. It is wonderful.

  22. Thanks Jeanie
    You’re a peach 🌸

  23. You are such a gifted artist and witty raconteur.

  24. Nancy, the Eiffel tower/cherry blossoms is being mailed out right now to letter subscribers!

  25. What a beautiful pink email.
    Thank you. stay safe.


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