Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Parc de Bagatelle

Parc de Bagatelle
Is part of the Bois de Bologne in Neuilly.Take the #43 bus from Gare St. Lazare. Then walk tout droit/straight ahead. 
Do not wander into the boulangerie on the corner for an ice cream as I did. The woman gave me the wrong directions. The Bagatelle is down on your left once you've entered the gardens. Really you can't miss it.
There are gardens within gardens. I missed seeing the roses in full bloom and should have come earlier in June. They have many events throughout the summer. Check
Empress Eugenie's kiosk set up on the hill overlooking the Roseraie.
Stop in the small boutique to the right of the entrance and buy a map for . And 20 centimes 
In English too.
*A reader was having nothing to do with the peacock and kept shooing it away. I should be so lucky as to have a peacock hanging about when I draw ✍️ 
My favorite spot was a small rectangular garden off to the left of the Roseraie, called les jardins des Presentateurs with seasonal changing blooms and vegetation, even corn.
A series of pergolas.
Each one different in design and shape.
A pure visual delight
At 5 pm I had it to myself. The gardens are open 9:30 till 6:30

Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier (1861-1930) is the landscape architect of this garden as well as the Champs de Mar near the Eiffel Tower. He was influenced by both the Impressionists and the Neoclassical.

An exhibition on of historic landscape drawings of all the gardens of Paris at the chateau within the park. I haven't even shown you the lily pond and so many other areas but I'll be returning. I'm enjoying all the nature Paris has to offer. Something I rarely did in New York.
Can I send 💌 you a map 🗺️ of Paris parks

Marie-Antoinette had a hand in designing the gardens but that's another story. Are these white flowers pom-poms?
A woman on the 43 bus had a huge bouquet of these white flowers. I'm off to visit goats and cows producing cheese 🧀 near Nantes tomorrow at the ferme of fromager Pascale Beillevaire. More adventures to come!


  1. OMG, Carol, those are the most beautiful pictures of what must be the most beautiful gardens in all the world. I can't wait to go for myself but your pictures took me there avec tu! (practicing my French!)

  2. Gorgeous pictures! I think the white flower is phlox...

  3. It's one of my most favorite gardens and I was lucky enough to see the roses in bloom...fantastic!

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I agree with jg1225, those white flowers are
    phlox. Also come in pinks, deep pink, purple, etc.
    Pretty photos you have shared! Thanks!
    Have been loving all the cheese posts you have done...very informative too!

  5. The deep pink, almost red dahlias are wonderful also. Thanks for the garden tour. Can't wait to hear more about cheese.

  6. I have some of those Phlox in white and pink ones, compliments of my neighbor thinning hers out. :) I love this post. What a wonderful place to go visit. I hope to see the Lily ponds and you need to go back next June for the Roses. Oh and that Peacock...would I love to have it bothering me. Your Rose painting and its colors looks like an old fashion painting. Love it.. Fab post.

  7. They are indeed phlox blooming along my pink ones also right now in QC.
    What glorious gardens..Your rose paintings are expressive and unique..
    I would love a peacock sighting!!

  8. What a wonderful excursion! And I really love your rose at the top. Lovely!

    This looks like a gem of a spot -- isn't it wonderful you can live there so you don't have to cram all of it on a vacation? I could spend rather a long while in this lovely spot!

    Happy day!

  9. The white flowers are Phlox they have a scent and bloom in last part of summer till fall usually. They come in other colors and they return each year. I love them
    I always enjoy the Bagatelle when I get the chance to go there. Love that little bijoux of a building.Looks like you had a lovely day!

    1. I wonder how crowded it gets, this being August it was quiet.
      A wonderful place to return to many times

  10. Very pretty, Carol! I'm loving you amidst all this greenery. Does my heart good. Sounds like you're enjoying it. Lots of good paintings waiting to happen there. xo

  11. I can't wait to see more of your trip to Bagatelle, Carol. Lovely. On another note, is this where the Duke + Duchess of Windsor lived at one time? xo

  12. Yes, Villa Windsor. Diana and Dodi visited it for 30 minutes the day they died. His dad was renovating the villa at the time. The contents of the house were later auctioned off. Mind-boggling, the history of this incredible park.

  13. Really beautiful - Bois de Bologne has been on my list of "to do in Paris" but I have not yet made it there. Now, I see I must return so I can spend a day in this park.

  14. Some of those arbors look like wisteria....worth a springtime visit just to inhale the scent.

  15. Yep. Phlox. But then you already knew that. :) Lovely....

  16. A really beautiful spot, Carol.
    I love the tunneled walkways. And that peacock shot is great!

  17. Anonymous2:22 AM

    My God these gardens were just breath taking.. Your blood pressure must have been at its lowest...

  18. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Hello, The flowers are phlox. They are very scented and the name is David. This is one of my favorite scented flowers all summer.I enjoy reading your beautiful blog. Thank you for the lovely pictures and history of France.

  19. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Beautiful watercolor on beautiful gardens!
    Thanks, Lois

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Hello,the white flowers are Flocks they smell wonderful!
    I love your post and read it everyday,thankyou,

  21. Thanks for this post. I tried to tour the Chateau de Bagatelle last October on a rainy Sunday at 3pm (at that time, the only time available for tours), but the guide never showed. Also thanks for the directions on how you arrived there. I am familiar with the past history of the Chateau de Bagatelle -- now must investigate Villa Windsor.

  22. How beautiful! I went cycling in the bois de bolougne in July, but it wasn't nearly this gorgeous. I was a a bit underwhelmed with the bois actually. I will have to search out this area. Your rose painting is beautiful.


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