Monday, November 03, 2008

Chantilly, Musée de la Toile de Jouy

Some PBers write they'd like to tag along to Paris.
Believe me you wouldn't. Sometimes I wish I could skip it.
Friday morning I took the train to
Chateau de Chantilly to see the newly renovated Grand Singerie.

The chateau is magnificent but this one small room is mind-blowingly beautiful.

 No one is quite sure if Wateau or several other artists painted these murals since they are unsigned.

Back to Paris after lunch to visit Musee Carnavalet, the history of Paris museum in the Marais.

I'm collecting bits of Louis XV details.

On walls.

On frames, like this one at the Musee Cognacq-jay a few blocks away.

Saturday was a "lite" day. I only made it to the Musee des Arts Decoratif.

There was a "Red" exhibit going on.

Plus red fire toy engines and red everything!

After lunch with my cousin, off to the Opera Garnier.


On Sunday I took the RER to see the Musee de la Toile de Jouy just on a whim.

What wonderful fabrics.

But don't go Sunday if you want to buy.

The fabric shop is closed.
I'm off to Chateau de Fontainebleau. Tomorrow, I hope to just walk around my neighborhood and visit the marche d'aligre.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Hi, your daily postings have helped me through the loss of my gorgeous son. Seeing your latest postings gave me wonderful memories of the time I visited the Loire Valley with my son 8 years ago.
    So I had to post and say husband and I plan a trip to France in 2010. I have some gorgeous little watercolors of Paris and Avigion, they take be straight back. Have fun!

  2. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I love how you take us along with you, though I'm not sure I could ever keep up with you..
    Taging along virtually is fine!

  3. Great post. A toile museum, who would have thought.

  4. See! I told you you know Paris better than me, here is the proof, I've never been to Salon du Chocolat, never been to Musée Carnavalet, Musee des arts decoratifs, nor Fontainebleau et so many more, so now I want to go too, especially salon du chocolat.

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Thanks so much for sharing this daily ~ I have been to Paris in November a few times and really miss going this year, so I am enjoying living vicariously! Thanks again!

  6. Hi! Love your blog, it is truly what dreams are made of. I love chateau de Chantilly, expecially visiting the horse museum. I love all the animal statues. This post reminds me I need to get back to Paris, quickly. Merci!

  7. Everything posted was just beautiful,Thanks for sharing.Hugs Marie Antionette

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Bonjour Carol,
    The chateau looks so romantic with the little paddle of rain...
    Carnavalet is my favorite. I've never been to the Toile de Jouy, a must then for me.
    Always lovely read..,
    Nice week ahead, no; make it excellent and fun!

  9. Oh my heart bleeds for you. What you have to do in the name of this blog is mind blowing.
    Wish I was there :(

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Fantastic pictures!!! Chateau de Fontainebleau is in my top 3 favorite places to visit in France!! The marble room there is my fav! I could move in. Ask for me if my rooms are ready so I can start packing haha! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I have several of those little frames in my home and there is a vendor here in the USA that makes replicas if you want one..I can point you in their direction :)

    Have a wonderful to read your other posts regarding your trip!

  11. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Sounds like you are having a great time!!Enjoy..
    have a croissant for me.

  12. No! YOU have a croissant on me!!!
    Too many croissants so far...ahem

  13. Carol, as always a superb collection of pics.

  14. How is it that of all the gorgeous photos I am lingering over that Agape Caramel with what looks like angel meringue wings? Could be I was properly prepped by the Wattteau? And I love the exhibit of Red. Ooh la and la.
    Pauvre enfant...hope the space is less spacey feeling today. I do know what you mean. Just pitch in ...I suggest some warm cocoa as well. ;-)

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Thank you for the tour, the photos are breathtakingly the chaise. The detail works is incredible!

  16. WOW. this was a fun trip with you. I LOVE all that red that chair and the dress, oh my. and the Toile museum I would go crazy in there. so much to see I need to go back and look some more.
    Thanks for taking us with you.

  17. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I love, love your latest excerpts from all the wonderful French chateaux and all things related. I have visited France a couple of times and am still addicted to any glimpse that I get of this wonderful country! I am also a Marie Antoinette- aholic and relish all the images that you have sent. I am currently working on doing a 1/12 scale chateau dollhouse done in French country style so also love all your references to miniatures. Keep up all the good work. Wish I could be there....I would buy you a grande cafe au lait and macarons!

  18. Anonymous3:44 PM

    In your last post "What I Did Last Weekend" you don't sound like you're having much fun. C'est possible?
    In any case, I've decided than rather be jealous of your adventures, I'm going to Paris next month! I don't have the stamina you do (my gosh you must be exhausted already) but I plan to see and do as much as I can in ten days. Thanks for your postings and URLs to all these wonderful places. I'll try and see a few of them as I go.

    Take care

  19. Anonymous3:49 PM

    After seeing your pics of the Chateau, it brought back memories of my last visit. A friend insisted that I stay the weekend with her family in the burbs 2 hours outside of Paris towards Lyon. I hesitated since I'm a city lover, but I went with an optimistic smile on my face. The weekend lasted from Thursday night through Monday morning! They took me to as many chateaus as we could drive to in 3 days! I thank heaven everyday that I've been blessed with such wonderful friends. Have you ever gotten to Villandry?
    The gardens there are breathtaking!

  20. i am drooling over those sweets. breath takingly fab photos.

  21. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Beautiful chateux - what details! Ah..the agapé...Pierre Herme made this in class...I believe this is his new creation for the season.

  22. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Beautiful photos! Sounds like a great weekend! I loved Chantilly, I was there one year on my birthday and Fontainebleau is stunning and the little town is adorable!
    Looking forward to more pictures!!

  23. Anonymous12:22 AM

    They actually have a photo policy at PH? Lunacy!
    They obviously fail to see the bird they have in the hand.
    Last year or the year before, fashion was full of toile prints - and I have a black toile jacket to prove it.
    LOVED that red dress!
    Where was it last Saturday when I had a black tie event?
    Buck up and carry on - you owe it to your public!

  24. What a lovely post! Love toile!! Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway
    Patti V

  25. Oh I would have been in heaven at that museum, love toile!

  26. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I have to say I love your site, you make me feel like I'm there. With all the snaps and little stories that go along with them. It's just perfect not to much to read but a perfect blend. Do you go there a lot? or just use pictures and right little captions?
    Oh PS your watercolors got me to painting again.


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