Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I went to buy French stamps yesterday


A Big, Big Merci PBers from Bear 🐻 for keeping him in Paris with your love 🌸 for the Eiffel Tower/blossoms letter. If you’re already letter subscriber your Eiffel Tower letter 💌 is in la poste 📮 
This is not me enroute to buy stamps. I wish...

I noticed the pavement was blocked off and thought,”Oh S***! I’m gonna have to walk in the street and get run over. Then I noticed they were repairing a patch of broken pavement and clapped 👏 Thank you Paris infrastructure ☺️ 
Prepare yourself for Paris’ ‘Killer Bikers’ 🚴‍♀️  when you come. They run red lights, ride in crosswalks and dont wear masks. You have been warned. Elaine S. got knocked over by one idiot biker.
FYI: the metro is currently full of giant hunks of cheese if you’re into fromage and who isn’t?
I took Metro 7 to Chausée d’Anton - Lafayette near Opera Garnier.
Galeries Lafayette may be closed but their Spring windows are fabulously goofy and colorful, designed by the very fabulous Mira Mikati.  Thank you GL 🤸🏾‍♀️
GL’s La Maison de Gourmet is open and awaits just across bd. Haussmann. 
At 10 I used to go alone to browse in Wanamaker’s toy department and then their magazine racks. Other kids took ballet classes. I went browsing. Walzing through their 26 foodie stations is a lovely way to pass some time. Print out this map for your next trip. 
Temptation lurks like land mines. I fell for the ‘Tarte Mandarine Thym Citronné’ poofie thing upper left. I am mesmerized by the names.
Be sure to ask for the fancy signature bags. Tell them, “C’est une cadeau/gift” The shopping bags are sturdy and make great little waste paper baskets. And Chic Parisians reuse them when they’re out shopping!
Carré d’Encre/Ink Square has everything for the obsessed snail mail writer. In the back are the 1st day issue stamps, none of which are suitable for international letters sadly. And none are self-sticking/autocollant. The glue destroys the paper evidently. Collectors don’t like that. Who knew? 
I’m stuck buying sheets/planches of boring, traditional Marianne timbres/stamps. Bet you didnt know what we call a sketch ‘thumbnail’ is called a ‘timbre’ in French. At the post office I attach my stamps and send them off to you.
There’s a brand new coffeecup bonus watercolor if you’re thinking of subscribing to my Paris letters. Bear thanks you again dear PBers 🤸🏾‍♀️ ❤️🐻 Would you like to see more single letters on Etsy? Let me know IN THE COMMENTS HERE PLEASE🙏 Xxx💋🌸


  1. Seahorsey197:21 AM

    I can't go to Paris but I can have your beautiful watercolor of the Eiffel Tower. Looking forward to receiving it!

  2. Love that bag:) C'est 2 cadeaux lol.

    And that paper store..
    And that bow on you envelope.
    First..Your Tower.

  3. Such amusing windows at Galeries Lafayette. Hope you will photograph Samaritaine when it opens.
    Would love to browse in Carne d Encre. Trying to get my grandsons interested in stamp collecting.
    Adorable shot of Bear. Looks like he may have a new crisp ribbon for his bow.😊

  4. Love your photos of your adventures out-and-about in’s the next best thing to being there. French postage stamps are fascinating and beautiful. I too am waiting in anticipation of finding your wonderful Eiffel Tower with Cherry Blossoms in my mailbox. 📬


  6. Oh my gosh I loved Wanamakers! Now that was a department store!

  7. What a fun walk through! I am so excited for my Tour d'Eiffel (is that right?) to arrive. Cannot wait!

    Happy week. Enjoy those pastries!

  8. I always enjoy your newsletters and photos of Paris. I look forward to receiving the Eiffel Tower watercolor in the mail. Since you asked I would say "Yes" to more single Letters.

  9. What a delightful post, Carol, do you take Bear with you to help you put the stamps on I have quite a collection of those marvelous bags & can't bear to part with them, so I use them to hold any number of miscellany.

  10. Carol, I feel like I just traveled around Paris with you today! Such an invigorating post...and commentary about daily life as it is currently being lived in this late stage of the pandemic. Thank you for this joy!

  11. Thanks Kim - when I go out its usually quite a jaunt. And usually some pastry gets into the mix...hmmm.

    Suki, I love it that you multi-purpose the shopping bags!

    There will definitely be more singles on offer. If you have any favorite images let me know please

  12. Who knew a trip to the poste could be so lovely.

  13. We have maniac cyclists in the US too. There are memes about them. They’ve been used to ruling the road for the past year, I guess. Paris looks so wonderful. Can’t wait to return!

  14. We have maniac cyclists in the US too. There are memes about them. They’ve been used to ruling the road for the past year, I guess. Paris looks so wonderful. Can’t wait to return!

  15. Paulita, any trip outside is an adventure in Paris...or at least I try to make it so :))

    Grandogs...’Maniac Bikers’ good terminology. There are so many rules here, but bikers are exempt. Mayor Anne Hidalgo wants to make Paris car-free. It will be people-free if the killer bikers rule :((

  16. YES PLEASE... more single letters on etsy!


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