Friday, August 03, 2012

Carla Coulson Portrait Shoot, Cafe Saint Regis

Photo by Carla Coulson
Last trip in Paris I got 'Funny Faced' by Australian fashion photographer, Carla Coulson.
Do you dream of a portrait in Paris? Your own private shoot in a chic Parisian cafe, on a bridge, the Eiffel Tower, shot at night on a cobblestone street, you name it. That's what Carla offers with ambience and glamour 
This is Team Muse. Photographer Carla on the right with her expert hair/makeup/maquilleuse, Veronique Marot on the left. They showed up at 8am to make magic. I'll never be the same again. 
Veronique has endless tricks from doing runway shows and print ads.
Vero does hair too
My lips will never be the same since Veronique introduced me to MAC Russian Red. I fought it but gave in happily in the end.
Off we go to the 1st shoot setting, 
Cafe Saint Regis
, Ile St. Louis 6, rue Jean du Bellay 75004
, a place loaded with Parisian atmosphere and ambience bla bla.
I ordered Champagne for courage. The waiter was happy to participate.
Photo by Carla Coulson
Photo by Carla Coulson
Photo by Carla Coulson
Photo by Carla Coulson
Bring appropriate props to your shoot with Carla.
Mine was bags & bags of French macarons. You have to keep your photographer and makeup artist well-fed and happy.
Photo by Carla Coulson
Photo by Carolg
A huge bouquet of roses to Carla Coulson and Veronique Marot for making me feel S'Marvelous. As if I'd walked straight out of  Funny Face. I'm still feeling the afterglow. I have MAC's Russian red lips to prove it. Carla will make you look and feel S'Wonderful next visit. Give yourself the best gift ever. You can read here all about Carla & contact her with ideas for your private Parisian shoot.
Cafe Saint Regis letter.
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much! 


  1. Carol, you look fantastic and definitely have that Parisian look.
    I've been following Carla Loves Photography on FB and she is terrific.
    Merci, for sharing these wonderful photo's.

    1. Carla's just terrific and so fun to work with.
      Especially for someone who'd rather hide in the closet than be in the spotlight.

    2. PS For the 'Parisian Look'

      Macaron T-shirt, dotty scarf, felt necklace are all from Anne Maisonneuve
      Red shoes by Repetto
      Macaron bracelet by N2
      Manteau fatique by issey miyake/Final Home
      Lips by MAC Russian Red (merci Veronique)
      Bear by Sonia
      Macarons by...OK Enough!

  2. Carol, I *love* this post! The photos of you are wonderful - doesn't the lipstick go perfectly with your eyeglass frames?! When I next get to Paris (alas, it's been a decade) booking a shoot with Carla is a *must*!

    1. Do it!

      Carla gave me cheekbones I didn't know I had.

  3. frenchcravings.com9:17 AM

    Wonderful photos of you, Carol! I need take a cue from you and set up such wonderful activities on my trips to Paris. It's all in the name of research, after all. :)


  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    tres tres soigne!

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    So Parisian!!!! You look wonderful, so happy you consented to this, very classy. Some "me time" always does a woman good.

  6. Jeff S9:22 AM

    Finally, a picture of you amongst the treasures - so nice.
    I am delighted to be reminded of what you look like

  7. You are absolutely gorgeous, Carol! What a fun experience. I'm so glad you caved to the Russian Red. It's totally YOU!

  8. How fun it would be to do something like that. Your photos are wonderful! Love the Russian Red too, now I am tempted.

  9. What fun! Carol, you have always been a very chic lady, and the little touches that Carla and co. added have enhanced your Parisian flair.

    I've never myself used MAC products (other than a couple of brushes,) but know many folks who swear by their red lipsticks. The color you are wearing really does look tres jolie!


    1. I've never gone near MAC cosmetics - too theatrical for me
      Go figure
      Well I always was a "MAC-aron Girl'
      now for keeps unless the red glasses break - must get a backup pair!

  10. What a wonderful post. You look so Parisian. So glamorous. But where was your camera? I see Bear got his picture taken with you and alone:))They are all fabulous!!!

    1. always my little reliable Canon Pwershot S90
      Carla was using a major SLR bein sur!

  11. You look fabulous!

  12. Carol, you look absolutely marvellous fantastique with THAT lipstick and red-framed spectacles!!

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Love these photos of you!
    The mood is absolutely wonderful and the colours too. Team Carla did a fabulous job.

  14. Anonymous9:49 AM

    You are absolutely adorable! Love the photos.


  15. Oh how wonderful! I'm a great Carla Coulson fan as I am a great Paris Breakfasts fan. What a wonderful day you had and yes, Russian Red is the way to go. So pleased to hear you two artists got together. I adore Carla's blog/website. She is so incredibly generous in her photography advice, not to mention being a stunning photographer, bien sur. I love those red lips with the red glasses and the adorable waiter aided and abetted the image. Bravo to you both and to Veronique. xxx

  16. How fabulous! This is the best souvenir from Paris ever. I will certainly keep it in mind for the next time. You look tres, tres jolie!

  17. You gorgeous dame!!! The red lipstick is perfection - and your look is oh-so-chic! A real Paris babe!

  18. These are fabulous! Her eye for detail is what sets her apart. The touches of red in the signage behind you and positioning the bracelet with that pop of red in front. Counterbalanced by the yellow! That one with the doors is fab as well with all that pink! Russian Red is you!!!

    1. You got it exactly
      Nothing gets by Carla's eye - all the little color accents she notes.

  19. Va-va-va v00m! What amazing adventures you bring us -- I was THERE with you on your Funny Face re-incarnation. Carla's photos of you do justice to you and the world you create each day here on Paris Breakfasts. 'S wonderful.

  20. Love, love, love!!!!!! Fantastique! Rouge is all that is good for you and wow, what a narvelous shoot. J'ai l'envie, ma chere!

  21. C'est magnifique! You look beautiful - love the Russian red lipstick.

  22. Thanks for sharing these photos with us. Really great!

  23. marilyn11:06 AM

    the glasses! the lips! the shoes! ooooh la la!

  24. You look S'Marvelous! The Russian Red suits you well.
    We hope to have a portrait shoot with Carla next year in Paris.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend! xoxo, B

  25. C'est magnifique! All lovely shots. Nice to see pictures of you. Looks like it was great fun!!

  26. Oh you're so lucky! Don't you love Carla? She's just the best ever.
    Gorgeous shots. Bravo!

    1. Carla is Fabulous!
      Words don't begin to describe what a doll she is
      Very kind, very sweet with a great eye for detail.

  27. Geri, NJ11:49 AM

    You are so brave, beautiful, and so beautifully chic! (AS I would have guessed). Very cool business idea; I would really have to dig deeply to muster up the self confidence to indulge in a photo shoot...not to mention wearing red lipstick again...definitely with a bit of bubbly ~ good thinking there! Just...Wow!

    1. Geri I'm happiest undercover. If I could have gotten out of it...
      The Champagne was for courage & I don't even drink.
      But thank goodess I did it.
      It was one of the best experiences with long term effects.
      Merci Carla & Veronique

  28. ... FANTASTIC ... you look fabulous ... the red's with the black and white dot scarf, and the blond hair is ooh la la ... love it all.

  29. russian red: c'est parfait. lookin good in the 'hood! (lucky you, yours is Paris!)

  30. You look so wonderful! The red is perfect for you!

  31. So chic. You look like the women I see in French cafes that make me think, "Oh! How do those French chicks look so consistently gorgeous?"

  32. Hahaaa--Carol, you kill me. You look fabulous--what great shots she got of you, but you know--the shot is only as good as the material. That's what I'm thinking...

    Sounds fun--she caught your playful spirit completely. Lovely, Carol!! xo

    1. Thanks Sue!
      Carla is very playful herself and brings it out in you

  33. the red lipstick and glasses...a perfect Paris Picture...

  34. ps
    the polka dots are perfect. And love the reds! You are adorable here. have some of that champagne for me, woman! xo

  35. tu est tres belle, Carol! How fun to have a photo shoot! Bear looked his usual dashing self in the professional shoot,but I liked your close up best!

    1. Bear added his essential touch of French stripes :)

  36. You are stunning!!And yes to that lovely bright red...
    Just lovely..Very very chic..I spied a macaron bracelet .. Oh that's cute!
    Thanks for sharing this fun experience..I am happy you put one on your sidebar.

    You really look so Parisian.

  37. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Completely fabulous photos ! It has been a year since my last trip to Paris...but, I can feel that magical Parisian ambience via your experiences.. until I get back again. You look very Parisian chic ! No one does a Paris blog like you do , Carol.
    Thanks ! Arlene / Gabriola Island/

  38. How fun is that!!!!
    You do look marvelous, darling.

  39. You look just stunning, Carol !! Fabulous photo's and a delightful post !

  40. Thanks for the lovely plug and links.
    It was great fun to do with you!

  41. This looks like soooo much fun and you look Fantastic! ♥

  42. Fabulous photos! Thanks for sharing your photo shoot with us.

  43. C'est une bonne idee!!
    LOVE the last photo of you glancing out of the cafe with champagne in hand....
    This sounds like SO much fun.....something else to add to my "to do" list.

  44. I have a new favourite - the one of you with the cute waiter and bear - such a happy feel!
    Ditto everything everyone has said above :))

  45. Wow, such good shots of you - no more trying to see you in window reflections :)
    The first shot is the best, I think - all good, but I like that one the most.
    Very continental look, Carol!

  46. How fab! Wonderful!

  47. You look BEAUTIFUL :) Great pictures!

  48. Wow, you're so pretty ! We too rarely see you on PB !

    1. I know...I'm an undercover artist :)

  49. You looked fabulous! Loved your sense of humor, bringing macarons for your own photo shoot! Champagne and macarons are the perfect combination!

  50. Thanks for sharing all the behind the scenes all looks fabulous,
    It must have been a fab day...

  51. Absolutely awesome! Pictures don't get much better than that!

  52. Vous avez l'air d'être très distinguée et élégante, vraiment! Paris changes all of her visitors, but some more than others... Now you are ready to star in "Paris Breakfasts: The Movie".
    PS. I just did an Après Dewey post (dropping some grands mercis to you)...I'll probably do a few more posts about it...It was such a learning experience that did not end when the workshop ended...J'y continue ...

  53. Absolutely fabulous, Carol!

  54. You look WONDERFUL!
    So, when are you going to move to Paris???
    Carla seems to be very great and talented.
    xxFr Girl

  55. I love to just look at your photos.. sorry I don't get on here much..

  56. J'adore!! You look FABULOUS!

  57. Just lovely and tres chic!

  58. This is fantastic! What a fun day! Love the photos...

  59. I had noticed your lovely new photo on your blog and now it all makes sense. The photos are fabulous, and it looks as though you had a great time. Love the lipstick it looks great and red can be hard to wear but not for you. Congratulations.

  60. Anonymous3:24 AM

    But Carol, they're GORGEOUS shots! The one with the waiter's adorable, the one just below it as your russian red lips are about to burst into a smile is impish and great -- and the ones with the streets of Paris in reflection are dignified, beautiful, prettier than Audrey! How Gorgeous!!

  61. Carol, you look FANTASTIC ! and the lipstick is so right for you...i wear the Mac ruby woo for my drama days..
    and the setting is so you...well done you and the wonderful Carla & magic team !

  62. What am I most jealous of? How good you look? Paris?.. or the macarons?

  63. Loved this post looked fabulous!

  64. Carol! Tu est tres belle! What a beautiful revelation in MAC and "mac"arons. Carla and Veronique did an amazing job and obviously had such easy subjects to capture: you and Paris came alive in the shots. I am so happy for you and what looks like a dreamy day.

  65. CArol,

    You look beautiful! And what a wonderful experience to have a photo shoot with Carla! I am a fan of her work and a follower of her blog. She is so talented!

    Thanks for taking us along on your adventure!


  66. O.M.G.!! What a completely delightful post. How truly fun to work with Carla and Veronique to produce such charming and gorgeously Frenchy results!! We must now call you Carolette ;) Looks like straight out of the pages of French Vogue!! Loved the perfect setting too!! And so glad Bear got in on the action too. What fun~thanks for taking us along!!

  67. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Wow! You, Russian Red levres and Cafe Regis shot by Carla - what a bombshell combo! You look just fab and the pics are gorgeous. Loving Carla's signature 'shot-through-the-window' style too. xox

  68. love this post !
    had the pleasure of meeting Carla once briefly and can see how much fun this must have been
    un bonjour de bruxelles

  69. You look smashing, love the lipstick! Going to have to hit the MAC counter for that Russian Red!

  70. Tu blog es muy inspirador! es uno de los pocos que visito cada semana! Saludos

  71. Carol~
    You look tres belle and so youthful! Love these photos of you - esp. since you are SO not one of those "look at me" bloggers, almost never showing any photos, you have maintained an air of mystery. LOL. Carla has captured your natural beauty, pep and joi de vivre. xx

    1. 'you have maintained an air of mystery'
      It's called shy with a capitol S
      It wasn't so easy to go in front of the camera but Carla and Veronique made it a snap for me
      Plus the aid of a flute
      Thanks Anne!

  72. Everything about this post is incredible. Everything!

    I love the props, the locations, the make-up... you can actually wear the russian red. You look incredible with it.

    Carla & Co sound amazing and I will recommend them to anyone I know wants to have a day where they re-fall in love with themselves. Let's be honest, as women, we can do with loving ourselves more! We are amazing creatures, let's celebrate that fact.

    Good on you Carol. I hope this stays with you for a long time xx

    1. Boy you really nailed it Tina
      Carla makes you fall in love with yourself fresh and new
      I recommend it to any woman or man for that matter

  73. So fabulous Carol!
    Love the lipstick. My favorite shot is the first one of you through the window, the reflections, the attitude. It rocks. They all do. What a cool experience. Congrats.

  74. What a fun, fabulous thing to do. You look fun and fabulous too BTW Carol.

  75. You look fabulous! Thanks for sharing your adventure with Carla. I just started following her blog/fb etc. a few weeks ago. You're both so inspiring! x

  76. Te ves muy linda! Mi foto favorita es la primera a través de la ventana. I love you blog, pictures, bear, macarons, and Paris, thanks a lot for make my day!!!!! ;) Greetings from Colombia

  77. Carol, you look incredible! Loving the scarf and glasses :)

  78. GREAT photos!!!! YOU look FABuLOUS!!!! LOVE the setting too!!! C'est PARFAIT!

    1. Fifi, I've always been inspired by your photo hanging off a Parisian street lamp.
      You must get Carla to do you!

  79. Anonymous6:37 PM Russian Red lipstick, too? I believe I've found another fabulous blog to read. Thank you for all of the gorgeous photographs and inspiration to stoke the fires of my travel dreams.

    ~ Misha

  80. Just discovered your blog, totally delighted as I am missing Paris and now can be reminded of its' splendor everyday until we return. Your features are inspiring...Russian Red is perfectly fitting for Carol.


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