Friday, June 07, 2024

Culinary Retreat with Shannon & Wlady Grochowski

Meet Shannon Grochowski, our hostess at the culinary retreat. I will post mostly photos..the wi-fi at Abbaye de Reigny was a tad slow…

The aroma of molten Valrhona chocolat is in the air. We inhale 👃 only the best chocolate 🍫 

immersing ourselves in 🍫 chocolat. We made pink Champagne 🍾 ganache.

 Immersion in délicieux, fruity Burgundian Chablis for the wine 🍷 tasting at Cuisine Angeline.

Immersion in

The Burgundian landscape (early morning mist)

Noon - where Vlady & Shannon live 
In Milly-le-Château in the Yon Vallé, 

When not making luxury, gourmet chocolates in Butte, Montana at La Chatelaine.

Vlady & Shannon have a few lucky guests quarterly

To their lovely haven by a cool, babbling brook
Breakfast at the Abbey was at 8:00 am
The l’Abbey is 
Quite glorious (not my bedroom).
Things we ate
Shannon bakes us her elderflower cake the last night,
With homemade lemon curd & her strawberry jam inside.
Solli, Jane Hope & I were visiting “artistes” . We stayed in the annex.
I set up an ‘atelier’ painting the pink 🌸 peonies I bought at Jardins,Jardin.
We visited the town where the film Chocolat was made.
Flavigny-sur-Ozerain,renown for their famous tins of traditional bonbons 🍬
The candy museum was fun and educational.
Old medieval town of Flavigny
A classic Burgundian medieval town 
6 people riding a horse and buggy in Noyer, cote-
In Noyer, the others took a ride in a caleche, while I scouted out some Burgundy snails 🐌 
Sitting by the brook with my feet in the water.
The last evening at Shannon & Vlady’s, I put my feet in their cool brook. What a lovely 4 days 🌸
Culinary tour leaders Vlady and Shannon Grolshski
🍫Big Merci Vlady & Shannon Grolchowski ❤️
Watercolor of pink peonies
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that
capture the true Parisian experience.
 Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!
The gates of the Abbey for the last time


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Looks wonderful!

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      T’was very wonderful ❤️ Carol Gillott

  2. That looked an idyllic (and delicious) 4 days, Carol. What fabulous inspiration for your floral paintings too.

  3. Thanks again for another great post. What a fabulous setting and there seem to be no crowds. I love the last gate picture which is left ajar for your return.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Peggy no crowds since Summer is not yet upon us ❤️ Carol Gillott

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I don’t have enough time to craft a message worthy of your post today! The pictures are stunning - and I imagine your experience was equally superlative! I’m so happy for you! And grateful to you for sharing it so beautifully. 💕💕💕

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      More Burgundy to come. The days were full of delights for the tastebuds & the eyes 👁️ Carol Gillott

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I buy canelés at La Chatelaine each time we're in Bozeman. Shannon and Vlady were kind enough to advise me when i was buying my copper canelé moulds. Their chocolats et canelés are merveilleux!

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Vlady & Shannon are a wealth of cooking knowledge, plus history..oh it’s endless! Carolg

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Carol, i just love your peonies watercolour sketches! Will you be offering them for purchase? I think of them as "A Suggestion of Peonies."

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Thank you! 🌸Absolutely I will out them on etsy ❤️ Carol Gillott

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What a fabulous four days. Lynne

  8. Dee Ann10:38 AM

    What a neat experience! Thanks for sharing the food, the people, and the countryside.

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    All I can say about your 4 day experience Carol is it looks like heaven earth. The scenery, where you stayed, the food and of course the chocolate. Your photos are wonderful as always. Makes me feel like I am are there with you. I love the photo of you cooling your feet in the brook. That would be me. :) -Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      ‘Heaven on earth’ is a good description Suzanne ❤️CAROL GILLOTT

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What beautiful photos!! Loving this post!! Normajean

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Burgundy is such a beautiful place! Carol Gillott

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Carol, Your trip looks so special and lovely. Joyce

  12. Bonnie L1:35 PM

    Another fabulous adventure for you, Carol! Can’t quite make out in the photo, but I hope there was a wine glass & assortment of chocolates next to you as you soaked your tootsies in that beautiful brook!!

    I checked out Shannon & Vlady’s website…SO interesting. And their chocolate shop in MT looks devine!

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Everything about Vlady & Shannon is divine Bonnie. I would love to open oysters 🦪 the way Vlady did..❤️ pCAROL GILLOTT

  13. Sukicart2:45 PM

    Looks like a perfect time -Burgundy is enchanting.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      I’d forgotten Suki how charming it is ❤️ CAROL GILLOTT

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I wish I could be right next to you for each of your adventures. PP

  15. stonewellgardens10:52 AM

    What an absolute dream, thanks for taking me along and sharing this experience.

  16. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I got my baguette letter! It was waiting for me when I got home. 😍 I just opened it. ❤️👩‍🎨🥖 Thank you! Jane


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