Friday, August 11, 2023

Where is Brugnon?


Everyone knows August/Aout in Paris is very quiet/tranquille/basically dead. But seeing a guy lying down on the pavement on rue de Rivoli (in the Marais) chatting on the phone!? This is a first 🙄

Meanwhile my latest obsession/enthrallment is les pêche Brugnon nectarine.

Preferably with yellow/jaune chair/flesh rather then chair blanche/white

Preferably from Provence, France 🇫🇷 not Spain 🇪🇸 

I’ve always assumed Brugnon was some beautiful town in Provence. Wouldn’t you?

And why not? It certainly sounds Provençal.

Cavaillon, Luberon, Villiars, Roussillon, 


In fact the term ‘brugnon’ 
is used when the nucleus/seed adheres to the flesh, while the term nectarine is used when the nucleus/seed is free. A tad confusing to say the least. Look closely. These fruits are from Roussillon,

My favorite ❤️ Provençal town…I dream of returning 😌

Yesterday I bought French Brugnons in the marché Bastille

You can find them in les Primeurs markets open everyday in Paris. 

But pricier and often from Spain 🙁

Did I say peaches originally came from China? 
They were imported into Europe in the 19th century.

Did I say nectarine 🍑 brugnon are absolutely, knock-your-socks-off delicious? Sweeter than any ice cream!

A good thing since Berthillon & quite a few other glaciers a
re closed for summer vacance.

Studio Maison Ciero is not an ice cream shop but flower shop, closed up tight till end of August. What a peachy window 🍑

Patisserie Christophe Michalak
is open! Big surprise. His ‘Pêche Mignon’ look adorable and tempting. But at 7,90€ each, I’ll stick with the real thing 🍑 The season for nectarines brugnon is July - September. 
If you’re in Paris be sure to buy some 🍑 It’s the saving grace of August in Paris.
                       🙏 🌴 Praying for all Hawaiians 🌴 🙏


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    What is the problem with the spanish nectarines?
    Are they less sweet?
    More expensive?
    Please explain.

    1. Anonymous4:26 AM

      There is a national preference for anything FRENCH.
      Plus they do have to travel further.
      I remember early days, almost buying Spanish strawberries in a supermarché and being stopped and told by a worker,
      “Non, non buy these strawberries 🍓 from France. They are much better!”
      “When in Rome…” 🤷‍♀️

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Plus Spain is probably ‘the fruit basket’ for all Europe, so production is huge & industrial vs. small French producteurs. It makes a difference.

  2. So, "brugnon" is the equivalent of what we call a "clingstone peach" -- very interesting!

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Very interesting 👍 I didn’t think of that 🤔
      Clingstone does not sound like a town so much…except maybe in the West?
      He was ‘Fresh outta Clingstone’ 🤠

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Great post. You are hilarious! 🤠 Clingstone ... Arizona, maybe!?

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    It's a trivial love, i know, but i do love your petit oiseau jaune! / Very strange behaviour in your photo opener. Maybe your fellow is taking a photo himself, and that's the only way to get the angle he wants. Otherwise, i can't think why a person would lie on his back la rue de Rivoli. Always something interesting in Paris! [ PS : Do you bake? Two yellow-fleshed nectarines will give you a little cake : ]

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Just to be accurate -
      It was lower rue de Rivoli in the Marais = much more casual/décontracté there, then upper rue de Rivoli near the Louvre & Tuileries

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Nice! That recipe looks like an Italian crostata

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      YELLOW BIRD was an active participant on PB and then he damaged a leg (maybe in transit from NYC to Paris). I habe never seen another like him. Irreplaceable.

    4. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Oh, Carol! Your Yellow Bird blog post is thoroughly fun. I haven't noticed YB's limp; i'll bet he's still a bright star/etoile on the runways of Paris Milan and New York where the Girls in Pastels sign heavily when YB struts his stuff.

    5. Anonymous7:26 PM

      ☺️ Oh bright star YELLOW BIRD 🐥

  4. I do love nectarines. Your water color of Provence is so nice. It captures all the elements that I think of when remembering my one brief trip. I do hope you will return.🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I plan to in September 🤸🏾‍♀️

  5. Bonnie L7:28 AM

    Yuk! I wouldn’t think of letting anything other than the soles of my shoes touch a Paris sidewalk. Was he having a health issue? Feeling faint??

    I love your obsessions with fresh fruit…whatever is seasonal! One of those things to love about France. Healthy you!

    Your Provence watercolor is beautiful! ❤️ I’m off to visit your Etsy!

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Living in France you become seasonally attuned.
      There is No other choice.

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Great Post !very fruity 🍑 Anniie

  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Ok, the guy on the sidewalk is hilarious, ankles crossed, hand in pocket hahahaha. I am guessing he was just in need of a little attention. As for peaches or nectarines having pits that don’t easily come out, I find it messy and inconvenient 😆😆😆. I like clean smooth slices. Just personal preference 😀. Carolyn

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      He was talking on his phone as if no one else was there.

      Believe me the outstanding taste is worth the trouble of the pit. You simply don’t notice. I wonder if the anatomy effects the flavor? The pit on its own is poisonous 🤔

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      According to The Kitchn:
      “Freestone peaches are easy to remove from the pit and are ideal for eating out of hand, while clingstones have a harder-to-remove pit but a slightly sweeter taste”

  8. I love your baguette girl too in Provenece.I ADORE PROVENCE lol:) :)

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Merci Monique ❤️

  9. sukicart1:01 PM

    I'll never forget the taste of some white peaches I had in Provence - nothing since has come close to comparing with the sweetness. I love the look on the face of that woman as she walks by the fella on the ground. His expression shows several different emotions.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Yes to eating produce in Provence 👍
      Yes, that woman took it as a personal affront.
      The guy was completely indifferent.

  10. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I loved this one. The fruit looks like real fruit compared to the fruit in stores here that are waxed over Lynne

  11. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Carol, tu me confonds lorsque tu utilises de manière interchangeable nectarine et bourgeon. Aux États-Unis (où je réside actuellement), le terme « bourgeon » n’est pas utilisé. En France, il existe deux termes pour désigner ces fruits : « nectarine » est réservé aux pêches à peau lisse et à noyau libre, qui ne colle pas à la chair. Lorsque le noyau adhère à la chair, on parle de « brugnon » qui pourrait être un « fruit de début de saison ». Dans les pays anglophones, toutes les pêches à peau lisse sont appelées « nectarines ».
    Les nectarines (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) sont un type de pêche. Ils se distinguent par une mutation génétique qui leur donne une peau lisse plutôt que la peau duveteuse caractéristique des pêches. Sinon, ils sont presque identiques d’un point de vue génétique. Les nectarines de début de saison sont adhérentes. Plus tard dans la saison, ils deviennent de la pierre de taille.


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