Friday, September 30, 2016

Spectaculaire Second Empire 1852 - 1870, musee d'Orsay

On Monday there were back-to-back press previews - the Hergé at the Grand Palais
And musee d'Orsay's grand Spectaculaire Second Empire 1852 - 1870 exhibit.
The crowning piece is this três riche portrait by Ingres. In art school I was a huge fan and traipsed down to the Ingres museum in Montauban. Back in the day they let me view and handle his drawings in a storage room. Sheer heaven. Wouldn't happen today.
You feel you've stepped back into Napoleon III's time. Everything is set in a lush red velvet opulent context.
The first time I've seen this wonderfully austere family portrait by Degas of The Belleli. How geometric it is, full of triangles and rectangles. I made a doodle on the spot(see above). It took Degas almost 10 years to complete but he forgot the other leg of the little girl in the center or so it appears.
A fabulous triple portrait by Manet. The figures on the balcony seem to be looking back at us, the observers!
Lots of black paint in these. During the Second Empire the burgeoning middle class flaunted their wealth, fueling a booming portrait industry. Fantin-Latour
reaped the benefits among many others.
Hmmm...doing pet portraits does not seem the same at all...
Not to overlook Empress Eugenie by any means
Her presence is everywhere in the her full wedding regalia.
His and hers coronation crowns.
His and hers coronation seats...
Tick tock. Napoleon III revived the pomp of Versailles
Lovely Second Empire jewels to admire and some nice knockoffs in the gift shop take note.
Grand balls were organized by the court
The Opera Garnier was constantly joining in with fabulous productions
Everyone appears to be partying and picnicking.
This Manet painting of Trouville made me want to leave immediately for more lobster and sand in my shoes. Yum
Look in a Second Empire mirror and step back in time. A very complete experience from the current mess we're in. If only one could.
Time for dejeuner sur l'herbe. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast! If you like this post and want to support it, buy my Paris letters and watercolors or forward this to someone who might enjoy it. Cheers 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Papeterie map & Pets in Paris Portraits

This is an alert to lets those waiting for their Paris mail 📮 to arrive...
The September papeterie map shipped out today!
Who doesn't love Paris papeterie (stationary) shops?
You'd have to be mad not to love ❤️ them.
A yellow favorite 
In the 6th arron.
Filled with such colorful goodies.
Color themes that can break your heart ❤️ so beautiful.
Be like Marie-Antoinette and write ✍️ with a Paris plume
Or plume de ma tante. You should have the latest Paris map in your letter box shortly. Map makers are organized people as I found out the hard way.
On the other hand (one wants to say paw..) all the big dogs in Dieppe reminded me that I miss painting their portraits.
Little dogs too barked a few times.
Then a sign came to me enroute to the pool the other morning. OK I know a duck is coming out of the back of his neck but this looks alot
Like my darling Rudi...non?
And you have been sending requests.
Painting your pets in Paris has always been a delight
So why not do them again. You can order directly in my Etsy shop.
S'il vous plait include tails and paws in your reference photos. Most helpful. The more photos the better and tell me the name of your pet. It helps.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
If you like this post and want to support it, buy my Paris letters and watercolors or forward this to someone who might enjoy it. Cheers 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fantin-Latour - musee du Luxembourg

Tuesday I was thrilled to attend the preview of the new Fantin-Latour exhibit at musee du Luxembourg. A lot closer then trouping off to an F-L retrospective in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2007.
This exhibit, subtitled 'under the skin' shows all aspects and obssessions of Fantin-Latour. He did a great many self-portrait. Who else is around to pose endlessly than yourself. He seems to be intensely glowering but if you're looking up at the mirror and then down at your paper I suppose its bound to happen. He did have lots of hair to contend with.
Portraits were one of his mainstays.
His family took the honors till the public recognized his talents.
He also did monumental imaginary homages to Delacroix and Berlioz (note the background large painting).
But its his still lifes I'm mad for.
Here's an early painting.
He painted 500 still lifes.
I would have been pleased just to see them but no one asked my opinion.
Whistler encouraged him to come to London and paint still lifes and they took off.
My sketch of F-L's lovely apricots above are not so hot.
I felt like this portrait of a painter gazing forlornly at a delicate bouquet. Note empty canvas.
I'm doing better with watermelon. (Cocomera or pastaque if you're Italian or French). 
Back to flower still lifes.
Breath taking no?
This glassy water jug with roses is one of his finest.
And the piece de resistance was painted as an engagement gift to his fiancee. They did not marry until eight  years later, which speaks volumes about Fantin-Latour. Too busy painting I guess..
You'll find lovely floral patterned scarfs and floral scents in the Luxembourg museum gift shop. This is a painter worth discovering if you dont know his work. The exhibit is on until February 12, 2017.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
If you like this post and want to support it, buy my Paris letters and watercolors or forward this email it to someone who might enjoy it. Cheers