Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hergé, Tintin. Grand Palais

Yesterday the huge Hergé retrospective opened
At no less than the Grand Palais

The first image to greet you of Tintin's creator is an enormous blowup of his preparatory sketches larger than life size.
Who in the world hasn't heard of Tintin translated into a gazillion languages and loved by the world over.
But who thinks of Hergé as a serious artist worthy to be up there with the big names?
That's what this exhibit is about. It quickly becomes apparent from studying his drawings and loose sketches
Exactly how gifted Hergé was.
There weren't many situations he couldn't draw. None really.
Bruegel was an influence on his work along with other fine draftsmen.
Many contemporary artist will tell you Tintin had a big influence on them: Warhol, Lichtenstein, Fontana, Dubuffet among others.
10 rooms and two floors of examples make it easy to re-evaluate Hergé.
Models and movies tell the story in an interactive exhibit.
There's a universality to his images and a clarity. Who hasn't felt like this at one time?
Or experienced Tintin's wonderful sense of adventure?
Even dog portraits are included...
Is Hergé, Tintin? Tintin, Hergé? It must be so. Or is Tintin all of us? The kid in everyone will enjoy this terrific show at the Grand Palais, on until 15 January 2017. I will go back for another immersion. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much! 🤸🏾‍♀️🎉🥂


  1. Hergé shaped me in more ways than I can count. I also found that in an informal survey of art historians, the adventures of Tintin were an early influence for deciding by to study art!

    1. Copying his drawings is a good exercise. They are perfect. His shapes, movement, compositions and economy are astonishing.

  2. Carol, this exhibit looks like a fabulous collection to delight everyone. Herge's drawings are fabulous!

    I am thrilled to report that I found a bit of Paris in my mail box yesterday afternoon. I love, love, love the map and all the little extras you included in the envelope. While I waited for the elevator with some other building residents, and then rode up with them, I explained what treasures were in the large envelope I was carrying and urged them to check out Paris Breakfasts. I think that they will! xo

    1. Thank you Frances!
      So nice to hear. You just made my day :))

  3. Lovely post, although I didn't grow up with this comic, I can still appreciate the artwork.

  4. I grew up w/ Tintin and Milou..Bécassine..La Comtesse de Ségur..

    Your sketches and artwork are delightful..I would have gone:)

  5. I am leaving for Paris today. I do not know if we can do this. I really want to. My eight year old grandson loves
    Tintin, as do I. You have got him in your sketches.

  6. Love his talent & imagination. Received my map yesterday and love it - will be sad when you discontinue them, but understand the strain they muct be so I will treasure the next few months even more than usual.

  7. Totally adorable!
    Back to school we go!

  8. I LOVE Paris Breakfast. NEVER stop. I shall renew my Paris Maps to help support your wonderful sharing of life in Paris for us who live vicariously through your adventures. It really makes me see my own California life in a different manner.

  9. Nancy B12:26 AM


    Lo Naf'sik Lir'kod
    "We will not stop dancing!"

  10. herge... so much fun
    drawing on agenda. looking good!

  11. Bonnie L12:55 AM

    I would LOVE to see this show!

    I told some designer friends about you yesterday - saying you were an inspiration to travelers to seek such interesting places and events.

  12. I didn't grow up with Tintin but I soon had to catch up on his books when my girls were growing up here. Love his work. Took Lucie to see the Tintin museum in Paris but realised it was mainly for younger kids - this exhibition looks fabulous. Thanks for the heads up, Carol. Love your opening sketches!

    1. I thought of Lucie while I was there. Loads of interactive fun. Only crayonns and paper were missing but plenty in the gift shop!

  13. He's a favorite of mine, Carol & you picked an excellent selection.
    He is all energy and optimism; playful.
    Nice job of collecting good samples!

    1. Good analysis. Tintin was a problem solver.
      We could use him around today!!

  14. 10 rooms of Herge and Tintin! How wonderful that would be, I think we all grew up with a bit of Tintin. Paris has such fabulous and interesting exhibitions- there's always so much to see, so much to experience and learn from.


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