Thursday, February 05, 2015

February rose tea cup, Au Nom de la Rose

There's a story behind February's rose tea cup like there's a story behind every Paris letter.
I fell madly in love with... a teacup. I'd seen it on Corey’s blog, Tongue in Cheek. Corey lives in Provence with her French husband en famille. 
Corey dared me to start Parisbreakfast blog in 2006. Corey's eye for antiques and brocantes cannot be topped. I fell in love with many treasures on her blog...a rabbit tureen is one I remember vividly. We decided to meet up in Paris in 2007 and I begged, turned somersaults, you name it, for Corey to bring along the rose teacup so I could paint it. And paint it I did many times.
Naturally visits were required to flower shop chain Au Nom de la Rose. I'm still visiting, this week for souvenirs to put in your Paris letter envelopes.
Finding the right friend for still life setups with rosecup ☕️ is essential.
Are you a fan of rose 🥀 flavored teas & syrups.
                   They are pretty to paint.
That's what counts when you're painting still lives.
So many jars of Fauchon rose petal tea
Ridiculous really...
This was my best rose 🥀 tea ☕️ cup and it became February's letter with a few additions like the a personalized ribbon 🎀 
 I'm mad for rose petals.

The color variations are wonderful to paint. Always mention your purchase at Au Nom de la Rose is a gift(cadeaux). They will fill the bag with loose rose petals and a stray rose to boot.
I looked high and low for another rose teacup but never found the right one, like Cinderella's prince.
Corey surprised me with a charming rose demi-tasse cup found at Porte de Vanves
Me with tea cakes at hotel Bristol
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️ ❤️ Thank you so much! 🥀


  1. love the delicate pinks you used!

  2. Love your delicately painted tea cups, I loved all the beautiful shades of pink.

  3. She knows you well!I love them all!

  4. Simply the yummiest color fest ever! I'm not a fan of rose flavors either but who cares about flavor when there is such a feast for the eye?

    1. I don't eat roses and I don't own anything pink but it's a fun color to play with.

  5. Andy and Diane9:14 AM

    Beautiful beautiful post!

  6. Carol, your rosy tea cup is lovely, in shape and decoration. I like the way in which you've adapted its rosy arrangements in your watercolor paintings, using the original as a starting point.

    I do agree with you about the taste of roses. And about how individual petals are very akin to watercolor effects.

    Tongue in Cheek is a beautiful site to visit. Thank you for the link.


  7. Bonnie L9:59 AM

    Carol, these watercolors are so beautiful to look at. I recently re subscribed for another year of Paris Sketch Letters so I am incredibly pleased to see your February letter. Can't wait for it to arrive! Your letters always make my day!
    That glass tea pot filled with rose buds looks absolutely irresistible! I can imagine sitting in a cafe in Paris, drinking that tea, and staring mesmerized at that pot for hours...sigh!

  8. I love your post - I am still a pink/rose girl. btw, when I posted this week I thought of you and bear.

  9. Beautiful visual story and an interesting bit of history! I love rose imagery, roses, petals. I am also absolutely convinced that rose fragrance can never be adequately replicated...I prefer the fragrance of the real thing; this came up very coincidentally this morning as I had to use hotel lotion with a strong imitation rose fragrance. My dream in to be in Provence for the lavender harvest and also to shop the flea markets! Beautiful post.

  10. Giddy with excitement about the February letter that will be in my mailbox this month. It will be the perfect valentine!
    The rose tea cups are delights, and your watercolors of each are exquisite, Carol. What wonderful talent you share with your readers. Merci!

  11. Kathryn DM1:14 PM

    the glass teapot with infuser is to die for.

  12. we walked down a nearby street and were blown away by a tiny flower shop that had rose petals strewn on the sidewalk outside the entrance. We went in and were enchanted by the delicate, unusual little bouquets of roses, stylized in their vases, stems wrapped in ribbon that matched the color of the Rose. And the aroma of the roses permeated everything. That was the first shop of Au Nom de la Rose. There is a chain of them now

    1. Susie, I had the same experience. Just happened upon that sliver of a shop while in Paris some years ago. Now they are a chain. Not surprising! Sweet memory. Merci!

  13. Nina G1:17 PM

    I always go to the wonderful, BEAUTIFUL French village in Normandie: Veules les Roses. Roses are Everywhere..every house has them, the streets are full of them and then all roads lead down to the sea..magical.

  14. as I sit in my dining room, looking out at the crystal encrusted trees amid two feet of snow, your paintings enchant and transport the beholder. Incredible! Thank you for sharing your gifts

  15. Fantastic.!!! Love all the roses!!,

  16. What a charming post. Are you still selling your work on Etsy? I love these charming watercolor works.

    I have been to Au Nom de la Rose, near St. Suplice ... I used to buy the Cordon Blue Rose Petal jam in NYC and absolutely loved it.

    Karen in VA

    1. Just the Sketch letters these days Karen. US customs makes shipping a pain.

  17. Beautiful watercolors, Carol. Nice to see so many!
    I like the opening photos of the roses and all of that gorgeous sunshine! Could use some of that right about now..........

  18. Clarity Artists12:18 AM

    Awesomeness in your writing, artwork, and photography. Thank you for doing this.

  19. What a perfect Paris breakfast.
    So filled with my favorite things,
    teacups, marvelous dolls and
    scrumptious crepes~ I am speechless.

  20. Glad to see you still have the teacup, saucer and photos of the rose adventure we had. May it sweeten your days. The other teacup (Haviland) you loved of mine was one of the first antiques I ever bought, I was 13 years old, that is why I didn't want to let you keep it :)

  21. Honestly, you are a genius. You truly are, Carol. Of color, skill, and of the moment. Just magnificent.

  22. Beautiful post!

    Not sure if I missed one of your posts, but wondering if you made it to the exhibit at Musée du Luxembourg....ends Feb 8th.

  23. Corey and Carol...two fabulous women that blog! I love the teacup story.


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