Sunday, May 25, 2014

Les Invitees

Sometimes bad things happen to good people and they turn out not to be so bad after all.
I was coming down the stairs, all 115 of them. I decided not to take the elevator since I need more exercise and it was beginning to show...ahem. On the way down I noticed a nice standing fan in the hallway...hmmm
Still dreaming of fans I forgot to notice the last two steps, plus with a touch of vertigo I let go and went boom. Sprained my ankle fractured my fibula I did whilst dreaming of cool summer nites...hmmm
The next day Lois B and I planned a jaunt to paint in a Paris park, now out of the question. 
My treasures from Lois and Picard - frozen peas to put on my swollen ankle broken leg and quiche Lorraine to eat. Perfect!
The next day I'd planned to meet up with divine Mme Z. who prefers to remain nameless. We'd planned to go to a museum etc. instead it was tea at chez yours truly. YUM
I'm allowed to show her practical Timex watch. I instantly fell in love.
We're both calligraphy nuts so she saved her napkin.
Major Miam !
My sister is in town and had no idea I was incapacitated. She brought me what I'll wildly guess is a Camellia plant? You tell me, expert PB plant people. Isn't it funny I had to buy so-called 'flowerpot' insurance for my studio here.
We had petit fours with tea. Of course my sister and her husband don't eat sweets.
Guess who was left with the responsibility of cleaning up the plate. Tomorrow Susan Hochbaum, author of the fabulous Pastry Paris book is coming to tea. I asked her to bring a diet cookie please and then thought who am I kidding?!


  1. It is a begonia and it looks so yummy with its brilliant red.
    Take care of your ankle and spoil yourselves

    1. Thank you Roseanna!
      A much to learn

    2. And you can practice painting flowers at chez toi.

  2. Hope you are walking all about Paris again very soon. At least your friends bring you great food and I am pretty sure it is a camellia plant.

  3. Sorry to hear about your mishap. Hope you are soon whizzing about the city again, how nice your friends brought you lunch. & as Rosanna said the plant is a Begonia.

  4. Ditto on the begonia from what I can see.
    You are blessed with such fantastic company Carol!
    You're so much must still be sprained and all..Take care of that...
    All the food looks miam..
    I like the Timex too:)

  5. glad it wasn't worse. But wow being spoilt like that is pretty cool. Don't even need a fan for that. :))
    You need to get yourself a fan. No more day dreaming on stairs. Been there done that too. Not fun. Hope you're getting out and about soon. Really like your journal page too.

    1. That's it!
      I already have a fan so I was being greedy and maybe got punished for it ;(
      But can one ever haventoo many fans I ask you?
      I think not.

  6. Yes, a begonia and goodies from friends will definitely help the healing on your ankle. So sorry and hope it is healing well.

    1. Heavens!
      what does one do with a Begonia :(
      It looks wiltie already...

    2. Begonia are rather docile plants, they love a few hours of sunshine, but hate wet feet. Enjoy! :-)

  7. Sorry to hear about the ankle, I hope that the recovery is quick. Funny that you have to take out flower pot insurance, but the steps are an accident waiting to happen.
    The flowers look great & so does the chicken :)
    Get better!

  8. So sorry to hear about your ankle,Carol,and wishing you a quick recovery!
    At least you have dear friends,your sis and her hubby,and delicious yummies (miam is right!) to keep your spirits up while you heal.That little pink pig stole my imagination!

  9. Now I feel the one degree of separation as I had class with Lois in Bridghampton. Heal well and know that there is a room in the Hamptons with your name on it if you wish to visit.

    1. And I thought that photo looked familiar ;)

    2. Thanks for the post link!
      Lois' flower class looks terrific!

  10. Mme Z.1:17 AM

    Priceless post, making lemonade after given lemons

    How great...chicken looked delissh.

  11. So sweet of you...To mention me in your post!

  12. Oh, I am so sorry about your accident! Get well soon!
    Your images would never give away that they came about because you are housebound, a joy to look at.

  13. Begonia are rather docile plants, they love a few hours of sunshine, but hate wet feet. Enjoy! :-)

    1. You make them sound like kittens!


  14. Ahh Carol, The Fan on the Staircase turned out to be a catalyst for a completely fabulous series of visits chez vous from Fans bearing delicious treats.

    Those strawberries obviously make lovely muses. Perhaps the begonias will, too.

    I do hope your ankle's mending continues at a pace that is not too annoying to you. I guess you'll have lots of painting opportunities. Views from your window with that northern light?

    Thank you also with your message. I do agree with you. xo

  15. Oops. Meant "for" your message. xo

  16. You are in such good spirits,
    I hope you are not in pain. I fell in love with the pink
    piggy. Not Marzipan? Reminds me of Christmas pigs.
    And the strawberry page is scrumptious. Feel better
    and keep your footies up.

  17. You are holding court! Fabulous, wish I was still there, but sorry that you are hurt. Walking down stairs isn't very good exercise, only up. Down is just dangerous. Please don't do it. LOVE the serviette! So many great patterns---you know Caspari on rue Jacob, I think?

  18. Bonjour chère amie,
    De douces compensations pour oublier cette mauvaise entorse.
    Fais bien attention à ne pas poser le pied trop rapidement... repos +++
    Gros bisous ❦

  19. I have missed the last two of my steps and I could not believe how painful, so much sympathy from me.

    Your begonia plant is gorgeous and the chicken looks pretty yummy too.


  20. Carole, I'm so sorry about your fall and hoping for a quick recovery for your ankle!

  21. Bonjour Carol, Will you have time to go to new Nina's tea salon near Place Vendome and check out the salon. The Marie Antoinette tea has roses from Versailles in it. I think they will allow photos too! Do they serve a full tea or just tea and cakey? If you have time think about going. Merci

  22. So sorry to hear about your tumble/slide/chute, Carol! I hope le petit cochon, if he is still around, will be good company. I look forward to your next post — I love the Pastry Paris book. Repose-toi bien!

  23. If you're going to fall, let it be in Paris! I hope you mend quickly!

  24. Oh, Carol -- I'm sorry about your ankle -- and especially sorry that you probably had to hobble up all 151 steps again with it in pain. Sounds like it boggled a few plans but not the good company you have enjoyed. But lovely to be able to hold court, entertain and be coddled by good friends. I hope it all heals soon enough.

    1. no no I have an elevator
      and only 115 steps but I did not climb back up.
      I took the encenseur bien sur Cherie!!
      Boy that would have been bad!! WOW

  25. I sprained mine once, simple turn of the foot. I hope the pain is going away. Your sprained ankle: a major social event in Paris! Glad you are being well cared for...

  26. We must have tea together one of these days, Carol! xx

  27. The Pastry Paris book is wonderful! My husband gave it to me for Christmas. As for those steps.....I sympathize. My last apartment rental on Rue Bonaparte was on a lofty etage; the steps were winding, and narrow. Over 10 days I did not tumble, but my heavy suitcase ultimately did.... at 5:30 a.m. as I was heading down to meet the taxi to the airport. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Carol!


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