AU CHAI DE L'ABBAYE, original watercolor, 9" x 11" BONJOUR! It's breakfast today or petit dejeuner (petit dej') Stop drooling and put away your bibs!
AU CHAI DE L'ABBAYE is like a lot of nice typical Parisian "local" cafs.
And it was around the corner from my hotel on 26, rue de Buci 75006
I like to show prices - makes it less intimidating don't you think?
No sticker shock - you know what you're in for.
I tend to go for the petit dejeuner complet in the name of research for you pajama-dressed readers.
My pal here (I DID NOT EAT ALL OF THIS!) went for the "Frenchier" breakfast of
hot drink + croissant.
Here is AU CHAI DE L'ABBAYE's chocolat chaud / hot chocolate.
It looks pretty, non?
But it's nothing to write home about and not going to make it into any TOP 10 list.
Just your average supermarket powdered hot chockie drink.
Still looks count for something...
Help me out here.
I think this may be a croissant that is not made with pur beurre...
I always get mixed up :(
If the arms are stretched out = it's got margerine?
If the croissant is crescent shaped = it's pur beurre?
Or is it the other way around?
There are government rules on croissants...
I get the feeling that most neighborhood locals sit at the bar for p.d.
They chat with the barman and share newspapers etc.
I always feel shy and sit at a table :(See the smartly dressed woman in the hat sitting at the bar?
Again too shy to get a better photo :(
The END.
I love to show the "demise" of a petit dejeuner.
This is what I'd really like to paint!
I did go on to have 2 more petit dejeuners that morning.
All in the name of research :)
Do you have a favorite "local" Paris cafe?
Tell me about it and I'll visit next time!
The WINNER of the croissant mystery IS KRIS!