Check out The Parisian Woman's Guide to StyleA nice neutral color like BLACK makes life easy for les New Yorkaises, since there isn't much else hanging in our closets.

A digital camera will make a HUGE difference this trip. The orange tablets - Oddibil 250 are just charcoal, good for when you've had too much l'escargot. I buy them there. Of course I'm bringing my paintbox and a Molskine or two, for quickie doodles in the café.
The 2 little guides on chocolate and cafés I got from www.amazon.fr Nice and light. The rough drawing and key is a map of where I'll be staying. A friend, M. has kindly offered me her son's pied-a-terre in the 6th. YAHOO! So I'm all set to go off this afternoon for more café adventures. I may not post for a while so be patient with me while I'm having a ball!
Toute a l'heur :)