Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Picasso and Francoise Gilot

 Silhouettes were following me yesterday.
I fell into the Picasso and Francoise Gilot:Paris - Vallauris, 1943-1953 exhibit at Gagosian Gallery 980 Madison Ave.
 A big collection of gorgeous old photos, paintings, drawings, prints by both Picasso and Gilot.
 Gilot was just 21 when she met Picasso
 What a beauty as well as an accomplished artist.
Gilot on Charlie Rose.
 It's easy to see how she captivated Picasso.
 Her balanced, classic features are perfection.
 Perfect to distort as well.
 Many, many multiple portraits of Gilot in the show.
 Two big floors of artwork.
 Some of the photos of Gilot by Edwin Quinn are so arresting. Quinn lived and worked as a photographer from the 1950s, on the Côte d'Azur, during the "golden fifties" the playground of the celebrities from the world of show biz, art and business.

 Don't you love to see artists at work? Read Gillot's Life with Picasso for her view of it all.

 I was on the upper East Side to see a preview of Elsworth Kelly early plant drawings at the Met. These are like silhouettes as well - positive/negative beautiful shapes.

 It's easy to see how these early 60's drawings led to his later more abstract shapes.
 Kelly is a master shape-maker.
If you love drawings don't miss this. It opens today.
 Back to the Picasso-Gilot exhibit. Many of the paintings-drawings are of children, my current obsession probably thanks to Bringing Up Bebe, I am now painting up les bebes.
I loved this drawing Francoise Gilot's made of her son, Claude sleeping curled up on a table. I felt bold enough to show you my drawing of Lillie.
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ 


  1. I love Lillie!

    Beautiful paintings and drawings and photographs!

  2. Loving seeing this post on art, thank you. Yes, love seeing artists at work and have enjoyed your posts on your art process as well as Dewey's. She was beautiful and must have had a strong character to have been with Picasso. La petite Lillie est mignon...
    Mais... où sont les macarons?

  3. Those eyebrows! I know girls who go to the salon just to have eyebrows like that. And a real nose with character.
    Thanks for the glimpse into this show, are you going to move to France full time??

  4. I do love seeing artists at work..She reminds me of my mom's beautiful features:) Same hair also:)

    You do so many interesting things!

  5. Chez Lindy3:52 PM

    Really thoughtful and artful photo montage - and so French.

  6. I agree, great photo essay on Picasso and Gilot.
    I love the vintage look and the atmosphere of the
    Côte d'Azur.
    I like your bebe watercolor! I think Druckerman's book did transform you!

  7. I agree - that drawing of Claude iq really good! Françoise Gilot has had (still alive I believe) a rich life, even after leaving Picasso. Wonder what her artist career may have been if she never met Pablo?

    1. Interesting to see the 'contour' drawings of both Gilot and Elsworth Kelly

  8. Gilot at 21 Picasso must have been mesmerized by her beauty, and she by him! Love this post.
    Carla x

  9. Oh what a wonderful post. Love it all. She was lovely. Is that your painting of Lillie? I really it.

  10. oops.. I said I really LOVE it.. where did that one word go?

  11. Elwyn S.1:59 AM

    thank you for a
    lovely start to my day. I particularly enjoy your exhibition reviews
    as per today's, I find them most stimulating. More please.

  12. It is a pity Françoise Gilot is not well-known in France - where can we see her artworks in Paris ?

    1. Francoise Gilot lives in New York but she MUST have a Paris galerie
      CV: 2009 November Musee National de L’Orangerie, Paris
      In France I am oftened asked if I am related...I wish.

  13. Your painting of Lillie is precious!

  14. What a fascinating look at Gilot, Carol. What photos! And a great name too - even with a couple of missing letters.

  15. I watched a May 27 interview with Gilot on the Charlie Rose Show...she was fantastic.
    You can watch it here:

  16. You are about to be inundated with bebes! (Automatic spellcheck insists on making that "bees" but I over-rode that, TG!

  17. I have always been obsessed with Picasso and his wifes/muses etc. My ever favourite exhibition of Picasso was in Paris at the `Grand Palace. I will never forget it. It was breathtaking.

    I so love these posts when you take us on a ride inside Carol's mind...

    Great drawing of Lillie!!

  18. Lillie is adorable! Fantastic painting:))
    HOpe you are doing well and loved this post on Picasso and Gilot!

  19. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Such an interesting post with the great photos of Francoise Gilot and Picasso and her pictures. Was riveted because I'm currently reading her book, "Life with Picasso" published first by Virago in 1990, but since reissued. Fascinating account of her 10 years with Picasso, his attitudes to life and work and her struggles as a woman and an artist in a difficult relationship. Wish the exhibition was on here in Paris. Best wishes, Pamela

    1. Thanks for the heads up Pamela.
      I added "Life with Picasso" to the post.


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