Friday, January 06, 2023

Draw me a sheep…Le Petit Prince


The January letter will be in le poste by the time you read this 📬

The author of Le Petit Prince, Antoine de St. Exupery said, “I am from my childhood. “ Who can not relate to that?

The MAD commemorative exhibit (75th anniversary) was ‘last year’ 
Which I’m not ready to say…it still feels like 2022 to me) but never mind.
It was nice to see Saint-Exupery used exactly the same Winsor Newton paintbox I use. 
OK, one of many paintboxes…but the Winsor Newton is the one I use the most (lower right) even if the color selection is a tad different…
Did you read the Petit Prince? Many times? If not, you can listen to Kenneth Branagh read it very nicely on youtube in English (animated). Or listen in French
There is a Petit Prince shop at 8, rue Grégoire de Tours, 75006 for total immersion if you missed last year’s exhibit. 
They’re window is impossible to pass by…
I wanted so many things but walked out with just a few post cards. 
Heavy flirtation with the little sheep toy
Remember the Petit Prince asks the aviator, “Draw me a sheep” and the
aviator draws a box with 3 holes in it. The little prince doesn't question the drawing of the box. Instead, he uses his imagination to believe that the sheep is inside the box suggesting that his mind is able to think creatively unlike majority of the grown-ups. When the author draws him the box and explains that there is a sheep inside, the little prince doesn't judge the drawing like how he did with the previous drawings. Instead he responds with, "That is exactly the way I wanted it!..." There are thousands of analysis of every line of PP if you want to pursue that route.
Still I was obsessed with the adorable sheep and went looking for a Galette des Rois féve. 
I found it on EBay and resisted. Too much trouble.
And my féve collection 😳 is already overgrown
One thing leads to another. I ran out to Picard and bought the small-sized Galette des rois individualles = you get TWO féve 🎈 instead if just one féve with the larger galettes (but no crown 👑).
A nice picture of Saint-Exupery, en famille, from the exhibit. He is on the right.
I would have killed for this commemorative stamped envelope from the exhibit...
A quote from the book you will see repeated everywhere. 
On voit bien qu’avec le coeur ♥️ L’essential est invisible pour les yeux.” 
“Only with the heart ❤️ you can see well; the essential is invisible to the eyes.
I don’t know why I didn’t include the adorable sheep in the final Eiffel Tower New Years letter💌 😳 An oversight dear PBers. Please forgive 🙏 It’s on Etsy if you would like a Petit Prince letter of your own or a gift for someone else. Bonne Friday. A late  Bonne Année to all🥂🎉  
Please take care Northern Californians xoxo 💋 ❤️ 🐻 


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    A fav! Still have my original paperback from the 60s! And, gifted many copies. In Paris 2014? I saw a large Petit Prince banner on a corner building in the 5th. Had to go in. Was a lux currency exchange, guardsman at door! Did find case with a gold PP coin!

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      I wonder of it was the musee le Monnaie de Paris? They will surely have many PP coins in their gift shop. PP is all over the place - a French icon up there with Edith Piaf and BB etc.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Hmm - was not a museum. Walked by bldg again on 2019 visit but did not go in. (No PP banner!). Next visit will find the LPP shop - per your post! Merci!

  2. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Bonne année, Carol! What a lovely image of le Petit Prince, looking forward into a future illuminated by stars. And I’m especially enjoying the canelé fève - a personal pastry favorite!🎉🍾🌸

    1. Anonymous11:44 PM

      Thank you! I never noticed there was a canelè fève! And I just realized I’ve been putting the wrong accent on FÈVE !😵‍💫

    2. Anonymous11:48 PM

      I will keep an eye 👁 out for all future PP banners and report back 👍

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    hello, and to say, i loved this particular mail---love the artsy exhibits you check out. keep doing more of them. love the petite prince and use that quote in my stamp art as a rubber stamp; thanks for the journey.

  4. I love your posts! Always a little trip to France!

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I always learn so much from you. What a great way to start Friday. Merci!

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I also have my copy from the ‘60s in French. We read and translated in French class. My French is very poor these days. But enough to be friendly to people and shop owners when traveling!

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      That’s all you need really don’t you think? Politesse is everything here ❤️

  7. I would have loved that exhibit! After all, when you adore sheep, what's not to love? And the palette photo... yummy. I love pix of art supplies!

    1. Anonymous11:30 PM

      I know…art supply pictures are orgazmic 🎨

  8. Diane Plauche8:44 AM

    This absolutely FABULOUS 🐑 🥰

  9. A shop in St-Rémy featured a plethora of le Petit Prince items..I loved them all.My fave quote..:)

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      We saw a PP shop in Lyon. I think they are everywhere Monique

  10. Anonymous8:54 AM

    We should all reread “PP” at least once a year. Wise words to live by. Thanks for sharing this fabulous experience. What’s the best online source for finding the current exhibitions in Paris?

    1. Anonymous11:23 PM

      I agree with reading or listening to PP once a year 👍 I get my expo info from posters in the Metro. Sortir à Paris is another good source.

  11. Bonnie L8:57 AM

    I adore your January letter! The Little Prince has always been a favorite. Your watercolor with the Eiffel Tower in the distance is genius. Bonne année à toi, Carol!

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Ahh…thank you Bonnie for talking me through the idea 💡 The next morning I woke up and thought PAPER HATS ! Paper hats make everything more fun

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I loved this Carol. It inspires me to re-read The Little Prince and your New Years Paris Letter celebrating Paris and The Little Prince is lovely. The 75th anniversary Little Prince exhibit would have been wonderful to see and thank you for sharing it with us via your wonderful photos. Happy 2023! -Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      You’re welcome Suzanne. The exhibit mainly focused on the fact that the book was written while he was in New York. Most French don’t know that -it was very manuscript oriented.

  13. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I love this month’s letter so I got one. Thank you. I love your Feve collection by the way. Lynne

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Thank you Lynne ❤️ Much appreciated 👏

  14. You have an amazing collection of feves. Love the balloons.

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      The balloons are from Picard frozen foods. Surprisingly witty feves 🎈

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    This post reminds me to be creative. anabel

  16. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Thank you for posting this. Saint Ex is one of my favorite authors. Have read Vol de Nuit, Terre des Homes and Pilote de Guerre in French and English least twice and Courier Sud once. I keep this PP quote on my desk:
    Il fait partie des êtres larges qui acceptent de couvrir de larges horizons de leur feuillage. Être homme, c’est précisément être responsable. C'est connaître la honte en face d’une misère qui ne semblait pas dépendre de soi. C’est être fier d’une victoire que les camarades ont remportée. C’est sentir, en posant sa pierre, que l’on contribue à bâtir le monde. Franklin

  17. Love this letter! When I was on holiday in Japan once I found by accident an amazing Petit Prince museum in Hakone. Went a bit wild in the gift shop!


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