Good things come to those who wait.
Well if your leg's in a cast you'll be doing a lot of waiting.
The lovely boxes that turned up on my doorstep were much appreciated while I was house-bound. Every single Japanese stamp ever created was on this box from Kat.
Kat blogs about what she eats. We were chatting how rare Yuzu is in Paris. Kat decided she must send me some yuzu jam and candies. Out of this world wonderful! Arigato Kat!!
I can't bare to toss the box or the paper bits inside...
From 365 Creative Dresses blog.Too perfect no?
Visiting French friends wanted me to immediately put on the chocolate masque from 365. Hello?
And the packing envelope is perfect to paint washes on top of. 365/Jeanie says I'm like a cat or a kid, more interested in playing with the box then what's inside. Haha
PB reader Emily formerly from New York came by. When I showed her a weird French bulb I've been carrying around in my purse for MONTHS she insisted on finding it for me! WOW
Emily returned with the bulb and her ebonyist friend who, like a surgeon, repaired and replaced the bulb.
Grand Merci Emily and P !!! Tres gentil.
From Chris and Steve in California I received a Marie-Antoinette pillow (for Bear) and great wads of American Kleenex, which is surprisingly much better than the French stuff, when you're painting watercolors. Who knew?

Brought me cherries that got the cherry painting obsession rolling.

Coco (looking like she stepped out of a Vermeer at my desk) asked what she could bring over?
As soon as I mentioned I was dreaming of Picard's little pots of lait d'amande ice cream, Coco finished my sentence. She too is addicted and also eats 2 tiny pots at one go. Coco arrived with SIX pots of almond ice cream! WOW! I never eat the griottes/cherries in kirsch inside. Coco being from Franche-Comté, where les cerises griottes are made and much prized got doubles.
My gift to myself -this haul of Monop salades YUM
I have to buy good supportive running shoes by next Wednesday or my PT/kine will whoop me upside the head. Never having worn these before, you kind advice is sought dear PBers.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for all your suggestions, stories and tips during my healing. You've been just wonderful!!!
As Kat's card says"Enjoy Life" ;))