Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Birds of Paris

It's so easy to fall for the wrong guy isn't it? Who knew there could be so much heart break over a chicken timer?
Sunflower still life
When I let my secret passion out of the bag, PBer 'Switchboard' of Baltimore felt obliged to help me out. She insisted on sending Monsieur Chicken no matter what.
I received updates,
"the chicken has flown the coop".
Unfortunately M. Chicken did not work/ne march pas upon arrival. We won't go into the gory details. Switchboard was beside herself with grief. "I'm a little worried about the chicken" she wrote.
My First macaron
Low and behold another smaller chicken was sent et VOILA!
This one works perfectly.
I seem to have a thing for birds along with paintboxes and bears. Sadly I left quite a few behind when I made the big move to Paris.
But Yellow Bird, has always been 'Top Dog' among les oiseaux so he made the grade even though he now has a broken left foot.
This classy guy has had many a fine petit dejeuner etc.
Petit Dejeuner at Mme. Corinne
Framboise macaron
He's quite fond of macarons too even though his origins are questionable.
On Sunday I happened to pop into Saveurs d'Alsace and there in the window a blue bird caught my eye.
The other birds are not best pleased and raising a squawk, but what's a girl to do?
Today is the 1st day of the SOLDES/Summer sales in Paris. Everyone is out with their giant shopping bags knocking people over. Ho hum. Must go feed the birds.


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I love your post...I try to get to Paris every year. I was just there in May. Can you please give me the address of Saveurs d'Alsace?
    Thank you.

    1. Just click on the red link. Tons of info there AJ
      81, bd de Grenelle 75015

  2. What a pretty tea service... :-)


  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I believe those are quickie chickies :)

  4. Switchboard3:14 PM

    I was so surprised to see the two chickens as the “stars” of the blog today!
    It is nice to see them both in such lovely settings, among your watercolors,and other pretty things.
    They look like twins, and seem to be happy in their new home!
    They should be!
    They are in Paris, now

  5. Ah, les soldes. Was really hoping to get up to Paris this week to check out the Marni sale and Bon Marché, and of course, see you. Malheureusement, work is keeping me at my desk. If you happen to be passing Marni on Avenue Montaigne, wld be v interested in what's in their window. ;)

  6. I have a chicken timer too..will include one day..
    I see you added more goodies to your Vente:) They are gorgeous!
    I think I may be forgetting..Have you been to the Alsace region?I know you have been to the Epicerie..but Alasace?
    I think that could be even another book:)
    Delightful aquarelles..and the new bluebird of happiness..
    Were the things you had in NY put in storage?


  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    By the way, I see the chicken egg timer and I wondered if you know about the Beep egg timer that sings?
    The best one is 'Killing Me Softly...'

  8. Funny... he really doesn't look the type to break your heart!

  9. I love the arrangements with Yellow Bird :)

  10. That framboise macaron watercolour is soooo adorable!!!

    Hope you are doing well. :)

    x Milsters


  11. you're so funny and clever! Lovely Aquarelles!

  12. How come when you paint a macaron it looks like a macaron and when I do it looks like a pink blog? Oh yeah -- that's what you do for a living!

    Lovely paintings and such cheery birds and bits! I love posts like this -- they make me smile!

  13. I was browsing through your wc's last night, Carol--they're all delightful. couldn't make up my mind...finally did.

  14. A very interesting paper, the spirit continues to blogging :)


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