Friday, July 13, 2007

Party Sketcher

JAmes Beard House Events CalendarBecs said, How did you manage to land all these sweet gigs?
When you're known in the family as the "artist" it's a natural you'll end up doing caricatures at Sweet 16 Birthday parties. Better than baby sitting.
Julia Child Great Chefs Party at March Invitation
But I didn't know I was laying the groundwork for sketching chefs at fancy dos... Here's an invitation I did for a benefit party of Julia Child with Great Chefs held at restaurant March.

I proposed to FOOD ARTS MAGAZINE that I do some sketchbook pages for them at the Lyon Food Fair - also known as the Salon des Metiers de Bouche (meaning Salon of the Careers of the Mouth!) SIRA, It's an international catering, hotel and food trade exhibition held bi-annually in January.
The French take it so much further than the Fancy Food Show! With real fish mongers, crepe makers, cheese vendors - The WORKS!
I illustrated an invitation for D'Artagnan's big anniversary party at Grand Central station for Ariane Daguin. Sketching the party was part of the fun of photographing and attending these events.

After Paul Bocuse's M.O.F. party, George Duboeuf gave a bang-up chef soiree... More doodles.
Sketching at the James Beard AwardsOut of these party sketches I ended up doing a series of ads for Restaurant Associates showing the Tropica chef creating in the kitchen. I went in, taped his conversation and made it part of the ads seen inside New York Magazine too. Party sketching is a FUN career!


  1. Wow! Good for you! More amazing stories every day.

    But I still want the FULL STORY of a CERTAIN EVENT. I encourage all other commenters on this post to ALSO request The Full Story of a Certain Event.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I second Blame it Paris on her comment and.....Want FULL STORY of CERTAIN EVEN PLEASE....We can take those shoes of yours and pound them on a Paris table chanting...WE WANT STORY!! ;-)

    Cris in OR

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The certain event? Oh Laura, our carol has many many many certain events. Big bang type of events to I might add. But I want to see the "BIG TIME," cover design story.

    Carol has many cups up her sleeves, and each one of them is as good as any of her paintings.

    I am excited Carol, taht you are showing us your rich and illustrated path.

  4. There will be no BIG BANGS very soon if I have anything to say about it...

    this is too good to be true.

    are you working on a book deal?
    a movie?
    here is what i want to know...
    who is playing YOU in the movie of your life?

    "Paris Breakfast"

    Coming soon to a theater near you.


  6. My My your talents are endless. Wonderful drawings. You certainly have been around.

  7. Just noticed - I WANT THE FULL STORY OF A CERTAIN EVENT. I don't know why but I just do.

  8. These are amazing! Of course I'm not surprised, and how much fun all those parties must have been for someone with a sense of humor like you...

  9. Very fabulous figures. I had somehow missed that you do this as well. [What *don't* you do???]. Keep displaying your formidable talents!

  10. Dear Carol,
    coming back from Italy and seeing all you have spread out on your big table here, I am floored (you will through me an occasional bite of croissant down here, will you, pleease? *g*).
    Lucky those who benefit of (from?) your talents!

    "Certain event"? Hm. Shall I? Maybe a glass of iced Lambrusco wine first? (It was so good, I almost got drunk in Mantua.)

  11. Oh well, better "throw" me that croissant! Oh rats. ;-)

  12. wonderful sketches...please the full story...blessings, rebecca

  13. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Just took another look at your post for today and I just had to write again say how much I loved it. Your sketchbook work is awesome. What fun it is to be able to entertain people with this kind of art. Wish I were as talented. Thanks again for sharing these. It's very inspiring.
    Cris in OR

  14. happy bastille day to you...

    paris-loving person!


  15. dear carol, everytime i visit, your amazing gift just takes my breath away...


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