Saturday, May 27, 2023

Toulouse, Brick City

How many of you have been to Toulouse? Raise your hands 🙌 I forgot to mention I was running 🏃‍♂️ to Toulouse on Thursday.

Every year Urban Sketchers France picks a city to meetup in - Voila Toulouse!
The 5+hr train trip (a change at Bordeaux) was elevated by a Bengal & Pomeranian encounter across the aisle. ‘Strangers on a train’

Enfin Toulouse ! 

The colors of Toulouse knock you sideways 

People call it ‘The Pink or Rose 🥀 City’

Really it’s ‘The Brick/briques 🧱City’ 

Famous for its use of chromatic brickwork 🧱 stone & plaster effects.

To warm up, I started off laying down loose washes of brick 🧱 co

The Toulouse Office de Patrimoine generously gave us a bag of walking guides & maps 🗺️ 

There are 900 (!) Urban Sketchers visiting Toulouse, 

Taking classes, doing city sketchwalks etc.

Unfortunately, too much train sitting 🚊 plus the 
 stress of trip preparation & getting out the Strawberry 🍓 Paris letter  💌 brought on a mild case of sciatica 😱 

I spent a lot of time in my room (cell) simply painting.

Upon arrival I hated my hotel, Budget Ibis 😱 The rooms/cells are bare bones and all the same, so no chance of upgrade 😱
Plus I prepaid (never again) so no chance of canceling & going elsewhere😱 Leçon learned the hard way 😱

Why they say travel is such an adventure I guess 🤔

One mustn’t grumble to be in such a beautiful city

I went to the famous Marché Victor Hugo, the largest covered marché in France, but it closes at 13:30/1:30 
*Another lesson learned 😱 the hours of the local marché. Upstairs is a bunch of restaurants serving market produce after closing. I had a nice salade Gasconne (foie gras, magret, gésiers de dinde, confitures d’oignons) & a faux filet (18€). I ate leftover filet for breakfast 🍳 this morning 😂

I did not try Toulouse’s famous violette candies

I did have the best ever strawberry ice cream 🍓 milkshake. The French woman sitting next to me, immediately went inside and ordered the same thing 😄

At SLD Cafe, 

         Place de la Trinité yesterday

Do you have any Toulouse Must-Do tips PBers?
I’ll hit the Saturday Vide Grenier this morning, then back to painting. 
Please share Parisbreakfast with a friend.

And take a look in my Etsy shop for Paris gifts 🎁 
An Eiffel tower letter for Father’s Day peut-etre ?


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Carole I always wanted to go to Toulouse as my candied violets come from there . Famous for the violets ! xx

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      I better taste them hadnt I in that case 👍

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Too loose??

    Who you calling too loose, shoe shoe?? Mike

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I will be going in June and will vusit the city of Albi. The Toulouse Lautrec museum is a must near the Sainte Cecile Cathedral.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      I planned to go today, yesterday, thusday.
      Sadly it is not happening
      I was there years ago when it was in his château - wonderful then & no doubt wonderful now 👏

  4. I have been to Toulouse but as part of a whirl wind tour and all I remember is the large square in town and that it is known for the manufacturing of airplanes. Sorry about your sciatica, not so great room but you have turned out some super water colors. The last one is dreamy. Food doesn’t look too bad, especially that Miss Perlette🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Thanks Ga ❤️ in the end painting in my room has been a trip! 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

  5. Bonnie L7:42 AM

    Fab photo of the kitty & dog checking each other out! Brave owners traveling with their pets…suppose they are used to it.

    Enjoy your adventure in Toulouse. Urban Sketchers has a very full schedule. Hope you get a chance for another strawberry milk shake. ❤️

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I will be looking for milkshakes in Paris 👍

  6. Hope you feel better! Sciatica isn't fun🙏

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Thanks. Today was much better. I bought some kind of heat belt thing you wear for 16 hours but haven’t gotten around to putting it on yet…procrastinating ☺️

  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Really enjoyed this post. Wonderful photos Carol. As always thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I’m so happy to hear that Suzanne. It’s been a while since I took a trip to a new place. You get rusty

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Now I must go too! Such lovely warm colors! I hope a trip to the pool eases your back!

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Yes I love too the shades of earth colors
      Thanks I am better today & I will be more regular going to the pool 🏊

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I do remember eating some very delicious chocolates in Toulouse.
    Did you ever read A Goose in Toulouse? AWC Catering

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      I did not read it…but I did eat it today in Toulouse at Le Magret

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Adding Toulouse to my must-see list!

  11. So glad you're feeling better so you can get out and enjoy the city. Love your skyline watercolor! All the city colors are lovely 🤍


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