Last Saturday morning we set off for an overnight in Lyon (7:34 am). Voila! in 2hr5 minutes we arrived ready to conquer French cuisine!
First stop, a short walk from train station Part-Dieux - Paul Bocuse Halles. So much praliné!(sugared almonds)a Lyonnaise classic.
A spin around will show you the Lyonnaise specialties (Saucisson de Lyon (sausage), Rosette lyonnaise, Saucisson brioché) you Must eat. Plenty of free tastes and all upper crust quality.
Ever onward to our reserved lunch at Le Nord, one of Paul’s bouchons.
I had the ‘fix or formule’ (32€). An incredible froth of mushroom soup with bits of foie gras, and baked Cod. Carolyn likes to be independent and ordered a French steak. We both had tarte citron meringue for dessert. A superb lunch. Not an intimidating place. All very relaxed locals.
On to the old town/Vieux Ville. No way could we eat dinner, so we combed the tiny medieval streets studying menus for Sunday’s lunch like everyone else.
Next day this little bouchon appealed (Vieux Lyon). I’m not sure you can get a bad meal in Lyon.
My ‘fix’ lunch (21,90) was salade Lyonnaise (lettuce with bacon, croûtons and a poached egg.), classic quenelles(ground, poached pike). We shared the profiteroles with home-made vanilla ice cream😊 Carolyn had onion soupe.
Then more wandering.
Old Lyon has exquisite hidden alleyways and alcoves to explore.
Lyon is known for Guignol, its own punch and judy show. We visited the musée des Marionettes too. Don’t miss the secret garden on the top floor.
It’s 31 March and I am still working on the March letter art 💌 Last day to buy a watercolor and make a contribution to Ukraine Red Cross. For the few PB readers who misunderstood, I do not have your names or email addresses, much less access to your Paypal accounts. None of your funds were taken. Sorry if I gave that impression. The black cat skills of Cary Grant are not mine. I did once paint an oligarch’s yacht in Cannes if you want to see it.
For breakies at 1, rue Pont Neuf, just across from Samartaine.
They are absolutely ready for the Easter bunny in full regalia.
Let the ribbon tieing begin.
How is your Italian? Whatever. Everyone understands Panetonne.
Carolyn insisted on having an omelette jambon. So be it.
Everything is perfection at Cova.
And far less people having a late breakfast than at very popular lunch or teatime. There will be baby carriages. You have been warned.
I dragged Carolyn into Samartaine for the ongoing search for blue & yellow objects to paint. Cafe Plisson in the basement filled all our needs.
Over the weekend we ran to Lyon and studied menus like everyone else.
Plus all the crepe chariots. We ate wonderfully but that’s the next post.
Sunday morning I painted on my room…you know what. Thank you 👏💋❤️PBers for your Ukraine contributions by buying my watercolors. More are up on Etsy. More news tomorrow.
*This is a SCREENSHOT of the email I received from Paypal for the donations*
On Sunday, after painting blue & yellows all week, I took a break at Montmartre annual Fete de la Coquille St.Jacques festival at Abbesses. No, I did not climb up 144 metro steps. Instead I got off at Pigalle and climbed up the big hill.
Yes, I ate oysters.
And a bowl of soupe de poisson (2,50€) as always/comme d’habitude.
No, I did not have any Kouign Amann this time
Yes, when I see vanilla anything, I have to try it
Yes, the little train is still running!👏👏
So sunny 🌞 on Sunday,
So many Parisians out and about
The cafes were busy
Are Montmartre cafes cuter? Or is it the altitude that makes you think so..
This is the first time I saw a doggie carriage.
Les Primeurs (fruit & veg stands) have extra special displays in Montmartre - berry boxes stacked on bottles!?
This week I went looking for yellow and blue still life objects.
Monday was 1st day at the Pantheon for the annual l’Institut Curie fund raiser.
I came away with a pot of 4 bulbs.
What better yellow is there than the March daffodil!
Listen to the BBC tell myths and history of the daffodil.
Tuesday I finally went to l'Agrumiste 🍋 home to bergamots, citrons, pamplemousse and all manner of agrume as the French call them.
What a wonderful shop and not far from la Grande Epicerie, at 82 rue de Sevres. Their tiny lemon tartes are delish. And she grated fresh zest on top before boxing.
Plus she gave me an extra lemon after I described my project 👏
Finding blue items was more challenging. Sardine cans tend to be blue = la mer
Perfume…absolutely, especially for men.
Tins of tea! The mini Tour d’Argent tin in cobalt was a treasure find in BHV.
I’ve been painting up a storm ⛈ here.
Interesting that Vincent van Gogh was a big fan of blue and yellow 🎨 be as brave as Vincent.
I will keep on painting these. Please check in on Etsy if you want to help out dear PBers 🙏🇺🇦🌻
Bonjour ! I’m Carol Gillott, a former NYer living on Île Saint-Louis in a 21 meter chambre de bonne. As a Paris blogger, travel writer, watercolorist, and photographer, I share my latest escapades so you can walk around the city vicariously in my shoes. To experience even more of the Parisian life, sign up to receive my beautifully Illustrated monthly letters where I paint the Paris your dreams and mail them
to you wherever you are. You can order these letters, along with my art prints, at my Etsy shop.
Describe what you love about France in 3 words. Can we make it 5 words? Eyes, ears, nose, tastebuds + brain. Paris stimulates all my senses constantly. I’m inspired all the time – endlessly surprised and amused. New York doesn’t do it for me anymore…