Saturday, November 14, 2020

Chanel Map

My obsession continues with the latest Paris map - some of Chanel’s favorite places. 

For the border (Elaine Sciolino says a map must have a border) I was thinking camellias and her signature ribbon. 

But why not use her iconic image as a border? Please watch TV Arte’s brand new excellent documentary on Chanel’s life. Its in French but not difficult to figure out from the superb photographs (many used here btw). A worthy watch. 

What other orphan child had the moxie and gumption to, instead of  choosing an arranged marriage or work as a laundress, choose a career in fashion (with the aid of many men its true). 

The refined lingerie pleating the orphans were taught. 

Shows up later in Chanel’s delicate chiffon dance dresses making them light and easy to wear as a silk slip.

Her collier comète made of 600 diamonds was astonishingly original.

“I wanted to cover women in constellations like a shower of stars”, she said in 1932. 

Octagonal Place Vendome is where Chanel lived for 30 years at the Ritz hotel and had her jewelry boutique. 

Vendome strongly influenced the shape of her 8-sided perfume bottles, Chanel N.5 and Coco Mademoiselle.

I haven’t yet got my hands on a good biography but read the Wikipedia file on her life. Its surprisingly dense with detail including the war years. 
Why did I assume Chanel was petite? She was 5’9” and weighed 130 pounds! No matter the Lockdown, last night Paris was shining bright like a diamond in Chanel’s necklaces. Please stay safe everyone 🙏❤️💋🐻


  1. This map is so much fun with so much to look at 🤓. The border really makes it with, bien sûr, Madame Chanel to help. Although the camellia’s et al would look great too.

  2. Now I know how she decided on that shape for her bottles.

    Tout CHANEL , tout les temps

  3. Paris at night is magical...getting that way here also with Christmas starting early.Still very thin at 5 ft 9 inches and 130 weight at 5 ft 5inches.

  4. Red chiffon dance dresses are divine as is the beacon of light from the Tour de Eiffel.
    Stay safe

  5. Love it. One of your best!!!!

  6. Thank you Ann,
    Chanel is an inspiration !

  7. Your Chanel drawings are terrific! Thank you for the link to the documentary. Will watch it soon (with its subtitles in French to help comprehension.
    Bonne continuation à vous et Monsieur Ours.

  8. She was 5’9”?! and only 130 lbs?! that is quite underweight by about 15 lbs…and most 5’9” women would never be able to maintain what the “experts” say is the correct weight at 145.

  9. Chanel started taking morphine in her 30’s and took it the rest of her life!
    Wikipedia said so.

  10. Jane Ayre1:22 PM

    I really quite enjoy seeing your thumbnail sketches and the figurings out of the placement of things pages! What is that paper you do those sketches on? It looks like deli or tissue paper…?

  11. I use only Utrecht Tracing. You can still get it at blick online.

  12. I am so glad that your Chanel obsession continues. She is absolutely fascinating. Her designs are timeless. Another fascinating Parisienne with a Chanel connection is Misia Sert. Beautiful Paris Map, Carol!

  13. OOOH CAROL! THANKS FOR THIS ONE...READ WIKIPEDIA 👏...Chanel: COMPLEX MARKETING/Designer genius ! I lusted for her Chanel #5 perfume

  14. I can really recommend Chanel's Riviera -Life, Love and the Struggle for Survival on the Cote d'Azur by Anne de Courcey. I am halfway through, the war just about to begin and so 'the struggle for survival' far it's been all fun and games on the Riviera!! ;)

  15. Hmmm, Annabelle...I think I’d rather BE on the Riviera than read about it :))

  16. LynneIH2:59 AM

    I thought she was petite, too.

  17. It turns out she was 5’5”
    I don’t remember where I got the idea she was tall...

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