Sunday, December 15, 2013

Astier de Villatte Paris

Bunnies don't just show up at Easter in Paris. There are plenty to doll up the boughs of your Sapin/Christmas tree right now.
White cats, yellow birds, big name it. Paris has them.
A bird feeder with a red Cardinal and a...white Cardinal?
A bronzy bear with your typical French champignons.
More bears for your tree. All of the above at Astier de Villatte on 173 rue Saint Honoré 75001.
Bon Point is famous for their invisible window displays - their tree has gone missing.
Lingerie queen Chantal Thomass' white feather tree has a few black feathers strewn hither and thither
Chocolatier Michel Cluizel hangs white chocolate snowmen on a rather bare bones tree spotted with snow. The weather in Paris by the way is quite balmy and sunny. No snow in sight so far.
Angelina appropriately has gold leaves on their tree. It's so easy to drop a few gold ducats here.
A slew of pine trees waiting to find a home. I thought it rather clever they come stuck into a chunk of log so they don't tip over.
Chef Charlotte says no. They only last for 10 days for lack of water.
A tiny tree with the lights already on it - no fuss, no muss.
Polar bears are everywhere in Paris.
Is this a polar bear rocking horse or what?
The dog sitting across from me on the train would make a nice rocking horse or something...
I forgot to show you this nice cat hair brush the other day.
George and Martha were painted while getting cat hair on an Empire settee as requested. This was a first (is it a settee?)


  1. After looking at these pictures, I will go and have my cafe creme with a croissant and daydream I am there. Have a great holiday.

  2. J'aime le lapin Carol! Joyeux Noel!

  3. You do this just to taunt me, don't you?

  4. Oh comme il est "sweet" ton lapin avec son ruban rouge~

  5. So many animal ornaments, they could easily fill a royal menagerie! Love the cat hair brush, very witty! ;-)

    The toadstool is found in many countries, not only in France. Poisonous everywhere.

    1. Red with white polka dots?
      Here they are pencil sharpeners or kids.

    2. I have plenty of those mushroom tree-ornaments too - yes, in red with polka dots - bought here, there, but certainly also in England, Switzerland and France!

  6. This year I think anything goes for Christmas decorating. But your painting is the best ever, don't know about it being a settee,!! it looks more like a piano stool for a duet.

    1. Ah yes...a piano stool for a duet of yowling kitty cats!

  7. Your photos just keep getting better & better! Like that shot at Angelina's - the sun flare....
    All of the photos are so crisp & well composed.
    Love the watercolor of the cats!

  8. Jeanne Long6:06 AM

    Love your bunny ornament in watercolor

  9. Carol B9:36 AM

    Paris windows

    1. Every one of these is a Paris window!

  10. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Je rentre tout juste de Prague où j'ai pu admirer également de magnifiques décorations de Noël...
    Je reste très admirative devant toutes celles de ces merveilleuses vitrines que tu nous dévoiles... Toutefois je craque littéralement devant ce superbe dessin avec ces deux matous qui se tiennent chaud l'un contre l'autre en se pourléchant probablement devant cette généreuse vitrine de pâtissier !
    Comment résister ?...

    Gros bisous

  11. the most Christmassy post ever.... so sweet, so beautiful, so lovely commented .... and then the drawings - Christmas spirit reigns supremely....
    hugs from Berne - Switzerland where EVERY window is beautifully decorated too, the streets are like storybooks and the people smiling and friendly!!!!

  12. Have you seen the monkey at Patrick Roger? SCARY!!!!! The strangest "holiday?" window ever!!!


    1. Yes! Perfectly Horrid IN MY HUMBLE OPINION

  13. Carol, this post and the marvelous BHV (did Bear want to join the fun in those windows?) post are a delight to see. I can tell where our own NYC lower Broadway ABC gets some of its decorative ideas.

    I like the Parisian original versions the best.

    So busy right not...wish I had time to write more. xo

  14. Your pictures help me dream of a Parisian Christmas. One day….

  15. Love that cat hairbrush. Oh -- I love all the decorations -- they're magical.

    I'll trade your balmy for our 8" of snow any day!


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