Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ducks in Paris

I was missing one of my ducks in a row for my visa appointment Tuesday. Also I used paperclips to hold together my 3 passport photos (a big no-no) thereby creating a ding that would make them useless. Another re-do.

But when you weigh things up Paris is worth all the fuss and bother isn't it?

In New York I never saw a pair of ducks while enroute to the pool at 7:45 am.

I never crossed bridges daily many times over and such beautiful bridges at that.

There are 36 public pools in Paris and I've dipped into at least 12 of them.

In New York I couldn't read about the best lemon tart at 5:30 in the morning..

Then rush over post-pool to taste MOF Arnaud Larher's winning tartelette at 93, rue de Seine 75007

For breakfast! Miam/YUM!!

At Larher they didn't know why there'd been such a run on their lemon tarts recently till I showed them the story. Aren't these fun and witty? Easter Sunday (chocolate) eggs with faux toast points or is it soldiers..?

I've been passing this hairdresser on the way to the pool most days meaning to get a much-needed haircut.
Admiring this Frenchie cut. Post-depressing visa appointment I waltzed  in and Monsieur Claude
Did his best to make me look like the 20-something in the window/vitrine. Please note I've slept on it here.
Only in Paris can you grab a shot of a red ballerina shoe at a stop light. And later notice she's got stars tattooed on her foot.
Yesterday Jeff (who draws everyday when he's in Paris) came by to draw the view out my window. He said I should be drawing it too.

This morning I gave it a whirl, the first of many future efforts I hope.

Why not go the 'full monty' and do a watercolor?
I've yet to draw/paint the Eiffel Tower.
Maybe a future sketch letter to-be?
The Monthly Sketch letters make it possible for me to stay in Paris (along with the visa office...ahem :)


  1. hope your visa gets approved I've loved watching your daily sightings there :)

  2. Merci for a perfect morning outing, loved spending time with you, even if only vicariously! The best lemon tart in Paris for breakfast, could there be anything better?

    Good luck with the visa office. Make sure you line up all of your ducks correctly, next time!

  3. Carol, I really appreciated your offer to let me draw from your window and of course for the nice lunch you made for us. I am also pleased that you were inspired to draw your wonderful rooftops. (your drawing is so much better than mine!)

  4. You really do seem to be delighting in and making the most of Paris!
    Happy aaster.
    PS you look tres chic with the new 'do'

  5. Love the post. The yellow rubber ducks, your drawings... happy Easter from London:-)

  6. Love your new hairdo.

  7. HI the haircut...and the pictures , especially the bridges...

    you have got to be kidding me about the paperclips...mon dieu.

  8. You always look great:)
    How fun to have a painting buddy pop do have a great view..who would have known about the no paper clips?
    Love the art work as always..

    I have ducks on my street sometimes...So cute how they waddle along..

  9. So much beauty! Comment belle vous êtes!!

  10. The French Visa office is funny. There are so many details that it always seems necessary to visit more than once. I believe that it is a way to ensure that you deserve to stay in Paris! Your hair looks lovely. I am thinking of getting mine cut short for summer.

  11. So Paris has Lemon Tart Week? I will be making future plans. :)


  12. I love the color & humor of the opening shot. And the real ducks on the river wall.
    Your bridge and river views are always lovely to look at, and your sketch out your window makes me wish I was there!
    Great haircut, too :)

  13. ... I love my posts from Paris ... they are just delightful .. so glad you are doing well with them.

    Karen in VA

  14. and where else are there good bakeries on every corner and yummy baguettes everywhere? not in New York, bien sur!

  15. Lemon tart for breakfast - almost as good as oysters.

  16. Barbara1:25 PM

    Thank you! I am a Paris lover too!
    You have a discerning eye and creative approach. Much appreciated.

  17. Lynne C1:26 PM

    I am enjoying the areas in the backgrounds..the bridge is the tart...your hair looks very nice but you need to get a close up of how the back is styled..your view is fab...

  18. Brunie1:34 PM

    it's hard to compare NYC to Paris, they are both wonderful in
    different ways....I love NYC but Paris, I adore. It's more intimate and embraceable.....
    ....impossible to do with New York....

    1. The book, Paris vs. NEw York does it best.
      This is just my POV
      Thanks! ;))

  19. Carol, having a superior lemon tart for breakfast sounds absolutely grand. I loved those funny little soft boiled eggs with soldiers, too. (Admit I haven't yet taken any choc photos, but there's still some time left before Sunday. NYC has again turned cold so crossing my fingers that the weather will be good for The Parade.)

    I do love the view from your window, and think it must look wonderfully different during morning, afternoon and early evening.

    May I applaud your ability to get up and get going so early in the morning! I think of myself as a morning person, but my strange work schedule seems to have sort of reset my inner clock.

    The new coiffeur is a terrific style for you!


  20. Love your rooftop watercolor... Hair cuts can be scary, your instincts were correct... Beautifully done. I've seen mallards along the east river. Always amazes.

  21. Love your neighborhood painting.Really good. Congrats . Sorry about the visa hassle, but your new passport photos will be a smash. The haircut is great____very chic.

  22. Michelle L3:22 AM

    Love your new haircut by the way. super chic. And your day at the prefecture. Of course you were missing a piece of paper. That's what they told me every time I went for 2.5 years. They seek out what you don't have on purpose to make you go away hahah. But you'll get there. Well done

  23. One step forward, 2 steps back: while the shop owners finally seem to realize how vital it is to provide you unencumbered access, apparently the government hasn't yet caught on! They are endangering the economic recovery if they don't grant your visa extension!!! Why would anyone go to Paris if they had not been reading Paris Breakfasts?
    Work with me here.

    1. Darling PBers,
      They make it difficult for EVERYONE here!
      No favorites for blogs or otherwise.
      Equalite pour tous !!

  24. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Carol, how does it go......" Stay Calm, and Carry On "? Sorry you will be making another trip to the Visa offices, but know it will all happen for you, and SOON. Anyone who paints, in both words and pictures, the pleasures and delights of Paris as you do should receive an automatic star on all official papers!!!!!!!Thank you for sharing your city with all of us! Leslie

  25. You look stunning Carol and your new haircut is fab! Cross my fingers for your VISA :-)

  26. darling haircut~ Paris suits you so well; and you make it sound more inviting all the time~ loved the MM tour

  27. Carolyn4:41 AM

    Love your new haircut!!!! And... your watercolor and drawings are fabulous. I miss your daily watercolors :(

  28. What a splendid view you have! Oh, yes -- I would paint that a lot! Your watercolors always make my heart sing!

    The haircut rocks!


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