Sunday, February 02, 2020

Nourrir Paris, Bibliotheque Forney

NOURRIR PARIS just ended yesterday - an indepth exhibit of how Paris feeds itself through the ages, farm to plate. 

Shown in another smaller exhibition space in Paris (free entry) the Bibliotheque Forney Hotel de Sens was built in 1475 by Archbishop Tristan de Salazar. Its many transformations include complete rubble, a laundry, St James Marmalade factory for 20 years, even a glass warehouse. Its been an arts library since 1962. Anyone can borrow books with a passport photo. I'm getting a card tomorrow. 

The Forney can be counted on for wonderful graphics exhibitions. I showed you last year the Loupot posters. Its located at 1,rue du Figuier, 75004.
After historic background on Paris farms, seeds etc. the exhibit gets going with Les Halles, the grand marche, the 'belly of Paris', covering the various trades, the architect Baltard, who build the giant shed-like halls.
Scenes of the bouillon lady dishing out bowls of steamy beef broth to the workers on film.
A child's miniature cremerie shop. Much of Parisian quotidian life is shown.
The bread lines during times of famine. Menus from the soup kitchens.
A traditional absinthe cafe.
The giant colorful French posters really grab your eye. The Forney is renown for their graphics collection.
Try to imagine Paris' streets full of these posters back in the day. Each one tries to outwit the other with humor, design and color. The tradition of superb French graphics is long.
What caught my attention at NOURRIR PARIS was the manner in which large groups eat both high-end & low eat banquet style at long tables.
Last June at Urban Sketchers France meetup in Dijon, there was a final dinner of all-Burgundy specialties. I imagined a table with local wines, cheeses, mustards. When I arrived I saw big long communal tables. No splendid Burgundian buffet. Everyone was served the same meal banquet style, like college dorm dinners. I ran out 😳 Little did I know banquet-style is how the French eat in big groups. Next time I'll be brave & join in.

The French tradition of big, convival eating ensemble continues. The annual White Dinner /diner en blanc in Paris for example. And the annual  Champagne Tasting at 3-star Pavillon Ledoyon(15€). Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast. I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 

Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.

Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!


  1. Bonelle11:44 AM

    Paris is a never ending bonanza of fabulous exhibits. I would have been all-in for that Nourrir Paris exhibit...and no entrance fee! Thank you for bringing all of Paris’ abundance to us, Carol!

    1. There is nevr an entrance fee at Forney.
      Their exhibits are among my favorites - stongly visual balanced with many historic references

  2. Lars Larsen11:45 AM

    Love seeing those old photographs of Paris, Carol. The Bouillon Lady! You can see why Bouillons still exist in Paris, a much loved tradition.

    1. Old photos of Paris and videos are something I can't pass up.
      I love them too ❤️

  3. Traditions don't fade away in France.
    They are renewed and polished and cherished.

  4. Love your aquarelle of the absinthe cafe, the great posters and the miniatures. I've been through Hotel de Sens and found it very interesting.

    1. An often overlooked treasur in Paris and a 10 minute walk from my house. I am guilty of overlooking it too often.

  5. That miniature "shop" is just beautiful and I adore the posters. What a fun event!

  6. Montréal has a White Dinner:)

    Did you watch..
    Le Bazar de La Charité..Netflix?(The Bonfire Of Destiny?
    I loved it.

    The miniatures♥

    1. There were minis in it?
      Yes I Loved Le Bazar de La Charite

  7. Oh et ton aquarelle! Parfaite.

  8. your blog is a Fav!!!
    I get to continue to visit Paris through your eyes and red glasses!

  9. Love your Forney Post. I visited last trip

  10. Jane G.10:55 AM

    The thought of eating college dorm-style (or in a prison for that matter) is an anathema to me too.
    Who knew it was preferred by the French?

  11. Lynn S.3:21 PM

    I really enjoy these pieces. History mixed with painting mix with absolutely enchanting information. Thank you for doing all that work CAROL.

    1. So nice to hear Lynn
      I enjoy putting them together. There are some old videos in the links.

  12. So interesting...I plan to be in Paris in September or October...Oh là là!!

    1. HOORAY🥂❤️🙏🏻👏👏👏👏👏
      I cant believe it


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