Saturday, November 26, 2016

Exposition Leonardo en France, Italian Embassy, Il gelato del Marchese

Thank you for the Thanksgiving greetings PBers! I celebrated a week early at the Italian Embassy
A special event closing of the 'Leonardo in France' exposition.
What a grand celebration! Catered by the divine Il Gelato del Marchese, 3 rue des Quatre Vents, 75006
No turkey. Just foie gras gelato plus foie gras. Every course except the Parmigiano had gelato.
Mini cornettos of ricotta gelato with bottarga.
Il Gelato brought along their adorable chariot. The guests (mostly Italians) were swarming like bees. Some came up from Italy for the event. The gold stiletto heels - to die for!
Three kinds of pistache gelato, one Iranian, one from Sicily.
Solli came along to help taste the flavors. She had mandarino, cafe and chcocolate.
Gorgeous cream puffs too, though no pumpkin pie.
Beautiful bouquets.
The Italian embassy is housed in the stunning hotel particular,  Hôtel de Boisgelin (also known as Hotel de la Rochefoucauld-Doudeauville) at 47, rue de Varenne in the 7th.
We felt like princesses let loose in a palace.
The grand Carrara staircase.
Just glorious
Not your average thanksgiving dinner bien sur.
The Da Vincis were displayed in a room lined with Sicilian mirrors.
The exhibit celebrates the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's arrival in France at the request of king Francis the 1st. Most of the paintings were copies by Da vinci's students, Francesco Melzi and Gian Giacomo Capriotti.

The piece de resistance, the drawing of the head of a woman known as La Scapigliata, lent by The National Gallery in Parma. Breathtakingly beautiful.
There were maps of Da Vinci's trip into France and the Amboise chateau in the Loire valley where he created many technical drawings and machines.
Paris letters
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters 💌that capture the true Parisian 
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much! 


  1. The opulence..the art..the cream puffs..and that double floral ring..and your always.

  2. C'est formidable, Carol. What an incredible opulence on display in the interiors and the snacks. As you say, a very unusual Thanksgiving. Thank you for taking your camera along and sharing the treats with us. xo

  3. A gorgeous repast for the eyes!

  4. A spectacular Thanksgiving indeed.
    What a wonderful experience! A palace.

    1. It was indeed a spectacular experience. I just wish I hadn't eaten all of those 3 scoops of pistachio ice cream.

  5. Marilyn S1:42 AM

    Looking at your post today, it looks like you had a fantastic outing at the Italian Embassy.

  6. Miranda1:46 AM

    'Food, Glorious food!'
    Glorious art too.
    Oh glorious everything!

  7. Unbelievably gorgeous. I would need a new wardrobe for that one! And I love your sketch of Leo's drawing. You nailed it! What an elegant time!

    1. Jeanie I sooo need a new wardrope for these gala affairs I have been mistakenly invited to.
      Or I could transform into a fly on the wall and just observe and maybe sketch..

  8. So beautiful ... so quintessentially ... Paris! I apologize but I can't resist correcting your comment of 'exquisite' to 'eggs-quisite'!

  9. OOOH - so sorry I missed you last Thursday. I was so looking forward to coming and an urgent problem came up with my daughter ... times that a Mum has to forego such sumptuous ice cream. That parmesan ice cream was on that list! I adore Il Gelato dei Marchese's savoury gelato; really to die for. And love the surroundings of the Embassy - you've captured it so well!

  10. Aurélié2:15 PM

    You, lucky one! It seems you had a divine evening. Celebrating life this way is great! I hope you met interesting and funny people there.

  11. Karen K2:22 PM

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful — and you’ve given me a great idea for what to serve next year at TG: foie gras. Merci infinement!

  12. Melissa2:26 PM

    I enjoy your posts so much!
    Sharing your work and experiences give me a taste of a world I may never know or experience! Thank you.

  13. What a glorious Thanksgiving - it all looks so gorgeous! Gelato is at the top of my list and some of those flavors sound so delicious. I would definitely overeaten, but it would have been heavenly. You had much to be thankful for that day.

  14. Vickie N10:52 PM

    Wonderful article and perfect photos, Carol!

  15. Eating Italian ice-creams and cream puffs in the formidable building, surrounded by Leonardo 's painting - if it happened to me, I would suspect if I was in the dream!

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  17. Boy, that is a great one, Carol. The opening watercolor, the first photo, and then one killer photo after another - fabulous.

  18. Ricotta gelato with BOTTARGA??!!?? How delicious is that? Sweet and salty - yum. Did you have a taste?

  19. Oh, my heart be still. This post reminds me that I failed to visit Il Gelato del Marchese on our recent trip to Paris. I knew of this place via the business card you included in the map of Paris ice cream shops. How could we have forgotten to go there, when it was just around the corner from our hotel!

    On a happier note, I received your special perfume map and letter bundle, purchased as part of a gift for my soon-to-be 90 years old mother-in-law. It's beautiful, and I know she will love it. Thank you!

    Christine G


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