Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Lobster Sale and Trouville-sur-Mer

Last Saturday I dipped my toes in the Atlantic in Trouville-sur-mer, Normandy. And you must too soon. I know its been quiet around PB HQ, but I've been drawing and painting a slew of lobster watercolors and now they're up on Etsy. Do go take a look.

Grappling hand to claw for 5+ days. For a while I thought the lobster would escape uncaught in aquarelle...

The battle began in my room(on the beach at Le Embruns). By the way I arrived with no hotel reservation on Saturday. Did I say delightful Trouville is just 2 hiurs away fom Paris? The local tourist office was not helpful. They suggested I find accomodation in Caen or back in Paris. What? She sent me off to a place that was already 'complet', Fortunately I spotted a post lady dans le rue and asked politely if she might have a room to rent? Or even a 'placard' (closet or armoir). We both giggled and she suggested I try the hotel around the corner. Bingo! They had a room and an even better one the folllowing night. So now you know how to find a room in the height of the season PBers. Just ask a post person!

Seafood is outstanding in Trouville.

The place to go is Maisons des Poissons, housing 8 seafood stands. Just make your choice.

There is every crustation under the sun to choose from. They weight it and prepare your food on a bed of ice with accompanying wine, champagne or water. Then you are served at tables accross from the stands. I ate here four times! Not expensive really but it depends on your choices. More pictures to come.

Come summer time you see these cute old-fashioned cabanas in Paris shop windows.

But you don't imagine they still exist like in Eugene Boudin's Trouville beach paintings.

But in fact they very much do. Enchanting.

And the colors!

I couldn't resist painting them. So fun.

Beyound the beach is the boardwalk backed by simply wonderful 19th century architecture.

Many of the same houses Monet painted here

Big posters around Trouville remind you how it used to be

In many cases only the swimware has changed.the water is delightful. Come on in.

Back to the architechture mostly built in the 1830s and onwards.

Parisians and artists, writers flocked here to holiday and built such fanciful summer houses.

More back in the hills behind the beaches. Some very narrow but still wildly striped and decorated.

Looking down on the beach (la plage). The streets above are all but deserted while everyone frolics in the sand. Building sand castles is hot here. You can wander aimlessly admiring the homes

Definetely consider a 2-hour side trip to Trouville, though July/August is jam-packed. What was I waiting for? And Yes Deauville is just across the narrow bay. I will do a post soon, but its a snobbier, more posh resort in my opinion. Not as relaxed or casual. Meantime grab a lobster on Etsy. Its the season.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
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  1. Your summer post is even more enjoyable not only because I am 1500 miles from any ocean, but also since we are in the middle of a heat wave...with actual warnings NOT to spend time outside for several days till it abates. I am obedient.

    1. Sooo sorry.
      Please come to France! Temperatures are great. 60s at nite and 75-80 during sunny days.
      Yum yum

  2. I have always loved your lobsters ..when you went to Maine:) And I am just dying for either fresh lobster or a lobster roll..What a beautiful place Carol..Nancy's husband parents had a cabine in Normandy:) She still visits family there..
    Super cute the lobster holding the thing you snap the claw with the name escapes me..
    Trying to think of a couple of movies I saw that seem to have been filmed there:)
    Love the nougat cabines de plage..and yours too..
    C'est très joli ce billet.

  3. Oh and your jelly shoes:)

  4. Yes, your jellies. I saw in the thumbnail and thought what cute sandals they were and saw jellies. What a magical place I never hear of. Heaven.

    1. I have always wanted jellies Donna!
      I had to go to Trouville to find them - comfotable too whgn worn with socks!

  5. Hi----love the beach! where do you suppose one can purchase those fabulous striped tents????

    Thanks for your delightful paintings and photos; it's always such a treat to open Paris Breakfasts.

  6. Love what you did with the lobster!!!! !Hope you sell a bunch.

  7. Carol, what a treat to see the Boudin and Monet paintings come to life in your fabulous photographs and descriptions...and then to see the paintings of sea and seafood. Trouville has gone on my list of places to visit, even off-season. Who could prefer snobby Deauville?

    I can imagine that cooling sea breeze, even as we enter into another five-day span of temps in upper 90s or even low 100s. xo

    1. Oh dear,
      Paris is very temperate nights and sunny days in the mid-70s
      Come here VITE!

  8. You have captured the essence of summer so beautifully.

  9. Carol- I see you were in a lobster, cabine, house coma. I found at least 3 typing errors in this post. Very unusual for you. There's even one in a reply to a comment. I can sense your enthusiasm and quick typing.
    I have visited the area you are exposing here. Not Trouville although it is on my list. What's amazing are those huge homes right on the beach. That's surprising. I enjoy your posts always and today's excitement took it to a new level!

    1. Oh now don't fuss.
      Blogger no longer lets me correct the HTML anymore on the ipad.
      Perhaps you can help?
      A big grey square covers the entire post on my ipad when I try.
      There were many more. I'm dyslexic btw but some how I managed to fix some par hazard.
      I prefer not to go on the computer where it is possible to correct things but VERY slow.
      I'm going now to look at yr blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank for for Memory Lane: we used to walk the Trouville beach most Sundays from our weekend home in Cauvicourt, west beyond Caen.

  12. Love it. We've just returned from Maine.. Lobster lobster lobster. Jealous!!!

  13. Loved this post! We are in the process of planning a fall trip to Normandy (fingers crossed), just before Giverny closes. I doubt we'll get to spend much time on the beach, but oh those houses! and the waves! and the lobster! We'll be in Cape Cod next week, so there will be many variations of lobster on the menu.

  14. You need an apostrophe, "...its the season" should be be "it's ("it is") the season" correctly. English major, I can't help it. :-(

    1. "Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn"

  15. Another great trip. Love your pictures and your water colors. All of the colors of the tents just shouts out summer fun. Living right smack in the middle of the Midwest, we have to travel quite a distance. I can look at this post and wish I was there.

  16. Your watercolors are fabulous, Carol, and the photos, too.
    I like how you blended in some vintage art & photos, too.
    Nice job - looks like a great place to vacation.


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