Buon giorno! I know it's been quiet around Parisbreakfast but we've been busy getting the September letter done and into the post box before we take off for Italy tomorrow for a week.
Five days in Volterra, Tuscany c/o Urban Sketchers. The 5th year session was too tempting to pass up. I promise to post daily on my progress painting Tuscan hills and cypress trees.
Remember this wonderful school back pack (cartable) I spotted in the street?Wisteria asked me where she could find one. Run right over to BHV
Its waiting for you.
I was inspired by the beautiful school supplies to paint them for the September letter from Paris.
French écriture always delights. I haven't given up learning how to write.
The French kids may be loaded down with books and crayons
But they're so chic it makes you want to turn back the clock and join in.
BHV was mobbed on Sunday with parents checking their supply lists and then checking them again.
This month Michele invited me to a summer Sunday lunch. Too pretty not to share with you.
The yellow 'Bikini at 70 years' poster is plastered all over town where ever you look this summer.
Its a blastat the Joseph Galeria.
Especially the vintage photos of the first skimpy two-piecers.
Very timely with the burkini controversy going on.
Why can't women choose to wear whatever they want?
What French girls are wearing during the end of summer heat wave. Tribal prints are in.
A splash of red always works.
The best-dressed Frenchie seen on the playground yesterday.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast! If you like this post please support it by buying my Paris letters and watercolors. Or pass this on to some one you think might enjoy it.
Jill Butlerasked me if I had seen any of local graphic artistSavignac posters whilst in Trouville. I saw many and thought I'd share them with you. I often heard about Savignac froma French guy I went out with whose own artwork was influenced by him. Savignac is iconic for France by the way even now years later.
I wanted to make this Savgnac poster into a watercolor but it took me all week.
A bit more on Trouville and the wonderful seafood. Non-seafood eaters may want to leave now. I didn't go into the Casino. Don't know why, but it was right outside my window. Renovated in 1937. You don't have to win at the Casino to eat lobster in Trouville btw.
Maybe Monet would have loved the light changing on the Casino me thinks...
Les halles des poissons is quite a large building. I discovered it by chance and curiosity.
Typically Normandy-style split timbers (faux).
They open at 8am and go to 8 pm in the evening, but if you want to eat sur place get there by 6. I missed out on the famous 'Jeanette's soupe de poisson' sadly.
Its another kind of promenade like the boardwalk at the beach (la planche).
Everyone is doing it.
The choices are delectable.
If you want the other local cooked specialty like moules et frites, you must go elsewhere to a restaurant or cafe. They don't cook to order at les Halles.
The metal basket the waiter is holding will contain your choice of seafood.
After the weigh-in it comes back to you like this plate heaped on a bed of ice.
My last lunch in Trouville-sur-mer a Plateau de fruits de mer(about 18€). No melted butter for your lobster provided here, but the most divine seasoned mayonnaise. Miam!
Bringing your own bib is not a bad idea. Or wear old clothes. Bring your own baguette and drinks, water etc. Everyone does. Bread is not served FYI.
Time to tuck in. All hands on deck! Making a mess is de rigueur.
Trouville's lovely harbor. Note les Halles in the background. You can't miss it.
I hope you're tempted to take a short trip outside Paris. I can't wait to go back! Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
Last Saturday I dipped my toes in the Atlantic in Trouville-sur-mer, Normandy. And you must too soon. I know its been quiet around PB HQ, but I've been drawing and painting a slew of lobster watercolors and now they're up on Etsy. Do go take a look.
Grappling hand to claw for 5+ days. For a while I thought the lobster would escape uncaught in aquarelle...
The battle began in my room(on the beach at Le Embruns). By the way I arrived with no hotel reservation on Saturday. Did I say delightful Trouville is just 2 hiurs away fom Paris? The local tourist office was not helpful. They suggested I find accomodation in Caen or back in Paris. What? She sent me off to a place that was already 'complet', Fortunately I spotted a post lady dans le rue and asked politely if she might have a room to rent? Or even a 'placard' (closet or armoir). We both giggled and she suggested I try the hotel around the corner. Bingo! They had a room and an even better one the folllowing night. So now you know how to find a room in the height of the season PBers. Just ask a post person!
Seafood is outstanding in Trouville.
The place to go is Maisons des Poissons, housing 8 seafood stands. Just make your choice.
There is every crustation under the sun to choose from. They weight it and prepare your food on a bed of ice with accompanying wine, champagne or water. Then you are served at tables accross from the stands. I ate here four times! Not expensive really but it depends on your choices. More pictures to come.
Come summer time you see these cute old-fashioned cabanas in Paris shop windows.
But you don't imagine they still exist like in Eugene Boudin's Trouville beach paintings.
But in fact they very much do. Enchanting.
And the colors!
I couldn't resist painting them. So fun.
Beyound the beach is the boardwalk backed by simply wonderful 19th century architecture.
Many of the same houses Monet painted here
Big posters around Trouville remind you how it used to be
In many cases only the swimware has changed.the water is delightful. Come on in.
Back to the architechture mostly built in the 1830s and onwards.
Parisians and artists, writers flocked here to holiday and built such fanciful summer houses.
More back in the hills behind the beaches. Some very narrow but still wildly striped and decorated.
Looking down on the beach (la plage). The streets above are all but deserted while everyone frolics in the sand. Building sand castles is hot here. You can wander aimlessly admiring the homes
Definetely consider a 2-hour side trip to Trouville, though July/August is jam-packed. What was I waiting for? And Yes Deauville is just across the narrow bay. I will do a post soon, but its a snobbier, more posh resort in my opinion. Not as relaxed or casual. Meantime grab a lobster on Etsy. Its the season.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
If you like this post please support it by buying my Paris letters and watercolors. Or pass this on some one you think might enjoy it.
Bonjour ! I’m Carol Gillott, a former NYer living on Île Saint-Louis in a 21 meter chambre de bonne. As a Paris blogger, travel writer, watercolorist, and photographer, I share my latest escapades so you can walk around the city vicariously in my shoes. To experience even more of the Parisian life, sign up to receive my beautifully Illustrated monthly letters where I paint the Paris your dreams and mail them
to you wherever you are. You can order these letters, along with my art prints, at my Etsy shop.
Describe what you love about France in 3 words. Can we make it 5 words? Eyes, ears, nose, tastebuds + brain. Paris stimulates all my senses constantly. I’m inspired all the time – endlessly surprised and amused. New York doesn’t do it for me anymore…