Monday, September 29, 2014

Grand Palais - Mugler, The Grand Rex - J-P Gaultier

Saturday morning I could not find the Fete du Miel at the Luxembourg gardens so I grab the #1 line over to Grand Palais to see what's doing. It's easy to spot the other faux 'pap'(paparazzi) on the train with their big cameras. Me with my lill' iPad.
At the Rochas show a real pap in black head-to-toe motions me out of the way so he can get his shot. I give him the 'Gallic shrug'.
He yells out,
I want to respond back,
"YOW! IPAD MINI BUSTER!" but I don't.
Instead I add a 'burst' app called Fast Camera soon so I can shoot faster, successively.

At 12:30

I look for some looks. Nice. Anya Ziourova, Tatler Russia directrice in Balmain.

Love the two-toned air-brushed patent leather oxfords.

I'm wondering why everyone immediately crosses their ankles when asked for a shot?

Then I know why. This is Claire of cosmetic Clarins famille who bought Mugler when he sold out. Ahem.

I happen to be standing in a sort of crowd/line under a sign that says 'STANDING' and we are invited inside to watch the show!
Ta da. Effortless...OK with some shoving I'm inside standing, watching the show! I can't believe my good fortune. The looks are sleek, body-con(body conscious), austere with cutouts, metallic trim.

Just hints and references and 'une pale copie' to the wild, crazy Thierry Mugler in 90's. If you want to see how tame this show is watch the music video Mugler made for George Michael's Too Funky. FYI Mugler now designs Beyoncé's show wear.

The show lasts maybe a total of 10 minutes.

Brit designer David Koma pops his head out for 3 seconds of applause and disappears.

And then it's over and everyone is running off to the next show. They put out a guide to the times and locations but many big name: Dior, Balenciaga, Lanvin just list 'invitation' so you have no clue where they're held.

I do manage to catch a glimmer 'It Girl' of PFW(Paris Fashion Week), Giovanna Battaglia. She's tops on The Cut's best-dressed street people list. I go home to draw jam jars and then head out at 6:00 to see what's what at Jean-Paul Gaultier's grand finale tonight at 7. 

It's held at a classic old movie theatre, The Grand Rex in the 10th. There are at least 4 entrances each heavily guarded. No way are they gonna let us plebs in.

You have to be wearing or carrying your J-PG sash invitation.

Some design stars like Alber Elbaz of Lanvin doesn't need a sash to get in anywhere.

But Anna Della Russo is having a tough time till she's rescued by staff. Note her shorty black boots.

I would like to slug the guy on Suzy Menke's left who stepped on her toe. Pushy! I would like to tell Suzy to lose the scarf but I'll stick to reading her Fab columns in Vogue UK.

In case you don't know editor at large, Julia Sarr-Jamois she's a hot hot dresser, very cool and seen everywhere during PFW FYI.

They closed the doors on us plebs in the street but the show inside was Fabulous from what I read. I feel a bit like this warrior photographer at the Isabel Marant show at Palais de Tokyo. Daunted but not defeated.

Anyway I have my own flashy show waiting on my bridge. Not a bad ending to a terrific day as a faux pap right? For many more pictures on the shows, breakfast at Angelina, Givenchy's new book on AUDREY!! Puleeze head over to my INSTAGRAM.
Follow me.
Heart me.
Just show up SVP PBers!!! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Paris Fashion Week - Rochas

Yesterday I became a paparazzi

It's Fashion Week in Paris and the Rochas show was on

At Palais de Tokyo. French Girl says this is a good place to shoot.

A lost model gets directions.

Another model chills pre-show.

Ta da! The celebs show up.

Anna Della Russo of Vogue Nippon wearing I don't know who but evidently she doesn't leave the house in any outfits that total up to less than $50,000 according to the Daily Mail. During Fashion Week she changes several times a day.

With her gal pal W contributing editor, Giovanna Battaglia. Giovanna made No.1 on The Cut's top 25 best-dressed from PFW btw.

After the show they came out wearing different shoes. These hot tinseled slingback heels from the show worn with athletic socks. For more Rochas show details check The Cut.


Who R U? The photographers race to shoot somebody. No clue who she is but I tag along. Some show up dolled up with no entry ticket just hoping the photogs will shoot em.

I do recognize the discrete back of NYTimes photographer, Bill Cunningham.

Post-show I spot US Vogue Grace Coddington in what looks black PJs. No doubt very comfortable with all the shows she clocks in per day. And no, Anna Wintour was not there but enough other biggies to warrant this is an important show. Getting tickets is not easy. And very slim chances for your everyday blogger. OK I have a snowball's chance of getting in. You write  PR months in advance and then pray. I'll try next time round but don't hold your breath.

Suzy Menkes whizzed by. I need some kind of speed/burst app for my lill ipad to get these.

Ex-fashion editor of the NYTimes, Cathy Horyn gets ready to take a swig of Evian post-show.

Vogue's Hamish Bowles is onboard (and holding a Diptyque notebook by the way - I saw those at Maison Objet).

I loved some of the shapes of the clothes.I have never seen so much style in one hour as I did watching the Rochas show arrivals. Great fun and terrifically inspiring. Perhaps even better than going inside?!

Every now and then a splash of red to liven up all the neutrals, solid blacks and navies.

Nefertiti tout en rouge makes an exit.

The hairdo of the hour is this tiny bun at the nape of the neck by this Russian stunner, Olga Karput with what appears to be not a stitch of makeup on. You tell me.

More librarian buns.Note very few of the so call de rigeur scarves are worn by this haute-stylish gang.

I'm calling this the "Charlotte Bronte/Jane Eyre" look. The stylists can call it what they want but the sleek, austere head is evident. I somewhat butchered a fabulous Tim Walker photo but this is how I feel. Exhilarated and a tad pooped, but SO much fun. Stay tuned PBers for more.
PS I had to cut out a lot of photos to publish this post sadly. More pics on Flickr!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jours des Patrimoine, Jacques Genin, Street Food Temple, Jam

It was rainy and overcast Sunday in Paris.

But that didn't stop Parisians turning out early for the weekend of Jours des Patrimoines.

I went to nearby Hotel de Ville thanks to Jeannie's suggestion. She went last year and said it was terrific.

The entry line moved fast. Plus a jazzy Dixie land band serenaded us in the drizzle.

Hotel de Ville was a good choice to explore.

Very grand and you could visit all three floors.

You could also lounge and relax in the very fine tapestry chairs.

Or chat with the artisans who repair those chairs.

And check out all the innards.

Or chat with the ateliers caring for the parquet floors.

And the carers of the multitude of chandeliers.

Post visit to Hotel de Ville I headed up rue de turenne to the big Street Food fair...

The fair just happened to be a turnoff near patisserie Jacques Genin so. Impossible not to go in for a quick browse right? And finally after browsing for a good 4 years i decided it was time to taste his famed tarte au citron. No desserts were on display but what the heck. Two French guys were in front of me, trying to decide what they wanted, which was taking HOURS so I nodded to the vendeuse and asked if they had the tarte citron? She nodded yes they did and ran off to get me one (from I don't know where they are are hidden). When you get a dessert at Genin you also get to pick out a FREE chocolate of your choice! Yahoo.

Outside I stopped for one bite. 
I had to put my spoon down (never leave the house in Paris without a spoon by the way). Sheer astonishment. Not only was Genin's citron tarte the best I've tasted in Paris, it's up there in the Pantheon of best tastes in Paris. I kid you not. 

I even ate the crust - a record. It seemed criminal not to eat the tarte intact as it was meant to be eaten. This is an absolute Must-Do in Paris PBers!

On to the Street Food Temple with a somewhat dampened appetite.

My appetite was dampened further when I saw the LONG lines to purchase jetons to buy the food. Huh?

Even longer lines of jeton-holders waiting to buy food which was cooked to order I guess.

I was not the least bit enticed to get on the lines I gotta admit.

The interior of the Carreau du Temple IS spectacular and reminded me of the Victorian pavillion for  salon du chats.

Outside the halle you did not have to get on any lines to buy Real food straight from producteurs of the Ile de France.

At the annual Fall Manger Local held in the same space.

I bought champignon de Paris from the same mushroom lady as last year.

I made a big study of the jam people at Manger Local, since October's Paris Sketch Letter is going to be jam-oriented. Uh oh...

Have you ever tasted confiture abricot-Brugnon? You have not lived PBers. On the label it says the jam will keep until 23/07/2017. What a joke. Are they kidding?