Monday, June 03, 2024

Jardins, Jardin - Bois de Bologne, Chanel l’Iris


For 4 days, May 30 - June 2, the Bois de Boulogne became an olfactory experience. Usually it’s held at Tuileries but because of the Olympics 

Large lavender colored iris in a garden
Plus total immersion in Chanel’s purple irises in bloom at Jardins, Jardin

Iris poster by watercolorist Aurore de la Moriniere
Stunning artwork by Aurore de la Morinerie.for Jardins, Jardin.

Long line of people waiting to enter Chanel exhibition
There was a long line waiting to enter the Chanel perfume exhibit.
Memories of Van Gogh Iris in Arles

Black Chanel rubber rain boot with mud
The exhibit guides get to wear these fab Chanel rubber boots and simple rain-proof hoodies. *Note the mud/la boue caked on her boots.
Line drawing of an iris
I sketched the wet, droopy iris while waiting

Chanel tour leader showing the group Iris roots
The tours are led by botanic experts. Just 10 people at a time. So much beauty from this ugly, knobby root.
Chanel perfume testing
We sniffed & sniffed 👃 multiple paper touches of Chanel No.5, Comité & Pausa. Everyone’s senses were flying.

Doesn’t it remind you a little of Georges de la Tour painting of The Card Sharp.

The Chanel bottles everywhere were lovely…

Meanwhile outside, in the mud the French wait patiently.

Along with inhaling wafts of glorious Chanel No.5, try on summer straw hats 👒 at Jardins, Jardin.

All the chairs at the event were provided by Edmond & Fils.
They provide all the chairs in Paris parks.

Kids particularly, were having a ball, climbing up rope bridges,

Or playing with water in the fountains. 

Or just experiencing nature. I’m convinced all the fêtes in Paris are to provide families with activities for children. Paris is a very child conscious city 🤔

A tired person sits on the edge of a demo bubbling bath & relaxes 😊
Teenagers relaxing…
Loved ❤️ this cosy outdoor bookcase full of plants 🪴 🪴
And this fabulous arrangement of lilies.
Everyone was relaxed 😎 testing out the garden furniture.
I even found a robin in my eternal search 🔍 
The blue striped shirt 👔 was present of course.
You had to buy some peonies 🌸 just like last year at Jardins, Jardins. This is my 5th year & Jardin’s 20th. 
Bon Anniversaire 🎂 JJ 
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much! 
I must pack for Burgundy chocolate 🍫 retreat at Shannon Grochowski’s & the 2:33 train to Auxerre ! 😳
The Abbey in Burgundy


  1. Of course Iwould like that:) Lol beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder re the Iris roots:) hats look fun wish I sported them well. Wonder what Iris de Chanel smells like..

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Are you a journalist? I didn't know. Journalism is a great way to be everywhere.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Mais oui! Blogeure-journaliste

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      C'est superbe! Bon chance et bonne journée.

  3. My irises are in full bloom now. Waiting for my Carolina lilies which are bright pink.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Mine (from a neighbor several years ago) didn't appear this year. Sad. I wonder why?

    2. Stacia4:00 PM

      I believe some varieties of Iris only blossom every other year.

  4. I regret not having Iris in my garden. They really are so pretty. I love hats. It is a rare one that I can wear. Just returned from Paris and we were fortunate with the weather, just a brief shower here and there. Have fun in Burgundy.🗼❤️

  5. This looks like loads of fun. Love the library and all those glorious iris!

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    You are so lucky to live in Paris and so lucky to go to all those wonderful events that they constantly seem to have:)

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The photo you sent of the baguette envelope about to be mailed looks wonderful. Thanks!

  8. Dee Ann11:02 AM

    Fab! Have fun with Shannon.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Your Texas Bandanna arrived just in time for Burgundy DeeAnn❤️ Carol Gillott

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I adore your blog and it has given me great inspiration on my trips to Paris! Sharon

  10. Bonnie L12:44 PM

    That photo of the petite fille smelling the flowers is precious! ❤️ Jardins, Jardin looks like a wonderful time, lines of people not surprising. I would have been in the line waiting to buy one of those gorgeous hats. Chanel mud boots are a hoot!

    Have a grand time in Burgundy! 🚂

  11. Dorrance12:52 PM

    What a lovely fête! And your beautiful Paris Parks Map is color coordinated with all of the flowers at the fête. Our iris are blooming in VT…isn’t spring grand?!

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      What color are your iris? I love the deep purple with touches of yellow.

  12. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I don't understand why you got to cut in line while others waited outside.

    1. Anonymous10:19 PM

      I was attending as presse.

  13. Sukicart6:24 PM

    So beautiful but the chocolate retreat sounds intriguing.

  14. Anonymous12:11 AM

    What a great sensory experience! Enjoyed your post very much!

  15. Love seeing all the flowers!

  16. Rue Cler Paris11:01 PM

    The advertising poster itself is stunning. Do you know if it is available for purchase.?

  17. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Nice call with the Georges de la Tour!


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