Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Yesterday I was FMing with a terrific food blogger, Roboppy and she said she didn't much like going to food shows...
We had a little bit of a disagreement about how useful they are so I thought I'd take you back to the 2008 Salon du Chocolat in Paris..
I find them very educational in fact...
You learn all sorts of essential information....
And in Paris there are slew of informing books to browse and buy...
I have to wonder why my parents didn't take me to something like this..?
What an opportunity to practice my art skills painting a chocolate mask like this one - do you then eat it while wearing it...? Hmmm
Look at this Paris gown made entirely of chocolate!
Did you know that all pastry chefs have to make elaborate sculptures in chocolate in order to graduate?
Oh well back to the chocolate...
I hope you had some breakfast before stopping by PB...
A good breakfast is essential before tackling a chocolate show...
Otherwise you might loose it very quickly. Remember the lesson about the marshmallow?
Restraint is a good thing to bring along to a chocolate show...yes sir ree...
And there is more than just chocolate at the Paris Salon...
In fact if they changed the name to salon du MACARONS they wouldn't be half wrong...
Sadaharu was there and Christoph Roussell too...
Oh enough of dragging you around the chocolate show...
Did you like it or hate it?

Monday, June 29, 2009

NY Fancy Food Show

Here's a beautiful newly designed chocolate bar from Valrhona for all of you for helping me find an apartment in Paris in October!!!
And even more Valrhona chocolate bars for you.
I went to the annual NASFT FANCY FOOD Show at the Javits yesterday to do research for you all.
Life can be tough as a food-bloggeur-journalist. I am forced to try and taste many hot chocolates like this multi-prize winner, CHUAO...
And CHOC-O-LAT, you stir a block of chocolate in your hot milk for 1 minute et voila! Miam
I am praying that the US Customs lets this French hot chocolat, Castelanne, into the US s.v.p. Green card coming up!!!
Pralus, a wonderful French chocolatier was at the show
No wonder French women are thin. Their tasting samples. Are you supposed to enhale?...ahem
Meanwhile over at Ciao Bella, happiness was...
Any and every flavor you wanted.
There were cheeses galore to taste from around the world too...
And salt of course - this fleur de sel Guerande from Brittany...
You're always on the lookout for new trends and tastes.
Bacon salt with no bacon!
Norwegian water in a cardboard box = green water!
Tons of gluten-free and organic products were present. Here is a tea that goes beyond organic - it's biodynamic!!
Remember good old fashioned animal crackers?
Have the animals become couch potatoes?
And finally Eiffel Tower fromage! adorable...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wanted: Sm.Paris Stud.2 Wks Oct *PRIZE OFFERED*

We need to go to Paris again...
Teddy, Yellow Bird and moi in October...
We don't care what arrondissement we stay in. In fact we like to discover new areas to report back to you.
We're going for 2 weeks in mid-October so we can research the SALON DU CHOCOLAT...
And do more serious research on macarons for you.
But we're having a hard time finding a suitable place to stay....
We've looked and looked. So we (really just moi) thought we'd ask for your assistance. You were so terrific last time helping me find something, but that apartment is booked :(
Oh and there is a prize if you succeed!
More on that later...
A desk (you'd be surprised at how many Paris apartments do not have desks!!)
Internet access is essential so I can keep you well-informed of my Paris comings and goings
A Microwave would be awfully nice to heat my hot chocolate in the morning...
Small is preferred to large.

Not too many stairs puhleeeze
Internet connection bien sur encore...
We want to bring you back lots more good stories about Paris...
And the prize if you help me find something suitable?
A box of Ladurée macarons, or...
An 9" x 12" watercolor of Ladurée macarons -
definitely a longer shelflife on this one...
Please contact me if you know of a specific place that would suit one person. No web sites please. I've already weeded through too many of those :(

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Please take a moment to check out Annechovie.

Artist Anne Harwell posted an interview yesterday on yours truly...ahem.
One question she asked was:
If you could have only 1 last meal, what would you want on the menu?
Burnt marshmallows,
coffee ice cream milk shake,
a bacon sandwich
and an apple.
But I forgot to mention tarte citron!

Please visit Annechovie. Her artwork is terrific!


When you see this sign do you start to salivate in anticipation..? 

Winston is tempted at Ladurée,
9" x 12"
Le leche-vitrine means literally in to lick the windows and it now seems all too appropriate to me. Tentation means temptation - what a good name for this dessert...

I thought I'd provide you with a little torture this morning...
I hope you brought your bib... At the same time it's a chance to comparison shop for Canneles... You can never say that the French do not show you the prices...

In fact they display them with great style and ingenuity.
Why is it when a French pastry shop opens in New York they never show you the prices? Never a price list or a big board like in France?
I don't get it - is it because if you have to ask, you shouldn't think of buying?
It makes me that mad :(
Oh well back to dreaming...
Even a pastry shop can put up a sign that their window is in the process of redecorating or réalization!
Only in Paris.