Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bear 🐻 On Board, Tea ☕️ with Lis Watkins, Nicole stitches 🧵


Yesterday I returned to Cafe Varenne for tea ☕️ with Lis Watkins. I’m working on sketches ✍️ for the next PARIS Letter. 3 guesses?
Bear 🐻 came along! 🤸‍♂️

Bear 🐻 is miraculously recovered from years of destruction by Paris’ moths.

With great Thanks 👏 to the wonderful Nicole 🧵 Her magical stitching 🪡 skills healed machine gun moth holes in Bear’s cashmere back. I cut  ✂️ the thread occasionally 👍

Bear 🐻 is now in fine fettle 🤸‍♂️& dans la rue de Paris 🇫🇷 BIG MERCI NICOLE ❤️👏👏👏
Meanwhile Lis & I exchanged sketchbook
Lis sketching ✍️
Moi sketching ✍️
I showed you Lis’ brilliant artwork 
At Carnet de Voyage a few years ago. Lis is a Londoner & master par excellence of watercolor, especially LONDON GREENS, the hardest color for all watercolorists. You can follow Lis’ adventures on Instagram & subscribe to her Sunday newsletter

Lis wasn’t familiar with rue du Bac,

So I gave her a brief delicious tour. We browsed at Jacques Genin & Les Gateaux et le Pain
We indulged at Chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin
2 pamplemousse/grapefruit madeleines
We shared his brand new milk chocolate 🍫 (to die for) popsicle, flavored Mango, Passion Fruit + Caramel YUM!
Lis had not visited La Grande Épicerie - an absolute must-do stop.
We stopped at Le Bon Marché’s perfume department for a few divine sniffs 👃 
Lis knows I collect perfume cards to put in your Paris envelopes 💌 & helped out big time 👍
Browsing doodles made post-tour ✍️
Rue du Bac Paris letter
Want to walk in our shoes 👟 on rue du Bac your next trip? 
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading❤️
       BEAR🐻sends you bear hugs Nicole 


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Haha this is awesome! I had so much fun meeting bear and he responded very well to his surgery. I am pleased with his rapid recovery and feel some time to recuperate in Canada is in order!! Dr. Nicole 😘🐻

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Bear’s bag 🧳 is packed & ready to go Nicole
      I had to put him in restraints!
      He requires more recovery time imo👍

  2. Nice bear repairs Nicole! And great sketches and photos Carol and Lis, I was distracted in one of the photos of a rather good looking cup of tea - strong enough and with milk - that I find hard to get when in France/Europe. But you did say Lis was from England so she must know how to get a strong cup of tea to go with all those tasty Paris desserts!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Hmm..interesting Kirra.
      Lis had English Breakfast tea at Cafe Varenne.
      Make a note 📝 for next trip
      36, Rue du Bac 75007

    2. Noted! Thanks :)

  3. Stacia8:53 AM

    I love the farewell photo in the train station. Glad to hear/see Bear is recovered. I also have a little travel companion—my Winnie-the Pooh that was gifted to me in the hospital when I was born. Amazingly, there have been no moth or dog injuries so far (it’s been 53 years!).

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      You took is very good care ❤️ of Winnie The Pooh 🧸

  4. So happy precious Bear has been rejuvenated through the wonders of surgery..:) Fun times Carol!

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Yes there are other kinds of surgery besides lips & cheeks 🥰

  5. Delightful post all the way around. Your twinning in stripes with Bear is a great idea!

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Stripes KIWI, are how we fell in love ❤️
      À coup de foudre

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Always enjoy your fun, interesting guests/dining experiences/wanderings/and art, art, art!

  7. Bonnie L10:53 AM

    Lovely table at Café Varenne, by the window. I would have been tempted to plant myself there for the day! You are a fabulous tour guide, C. Rue du Bac is full of irresistible treats.

    Glad Bear is on the mend. He is such a treasure. Hooray for Nicole’s sewing skills! Enjoy your trip to Nantes…and Happy Birthday tomorrow! 🥳

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Rue du Bac is a street full of danger & delights

  8. Dorrance10:56 AM

    I have one of you watercolors of Café Varenne. It reminds me of happy times spent there. I can’t fathom why you don’t care to be photographed. You look lovely.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Check is in the mail 📮

  9. Anonymous11:28 AM

    So happy to see Bear repaired beautifully by Nicole and photo of you and Lis sketching at Cafe Varenne. You look wonderful Carol by the way. That milk chocolate dipped mango, passion fruit popsicle with caramel has my name written all over it. Yum! -Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Thank you Suzanne 🙏
      I’m popping a popsicle in the post 📮 to you today.
      Flattery will get you everywhere ❤️

  10. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I love rue du Bac and know it well. I had a wonderful friend who lived there when I was living in Paris in the 70’s while I was studying mime with Etienne Decroux. A magical time.

  11. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I love that Bear got fixed. He is dapper after all. The pastries look wonderful. I like you with your glasses on. They are part of your personality. Not everyone can wear red. Lynne

  12. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Oh my! Lis'green leaves painting look as though it is in 3 D! The leaf in the front fairly lifts off the paper!
    Where in Paris is La Grande Epicerie? I see posts about it but never un address!

  13. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Happy to see Bear looking so well

  14. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Bonne Anniversaire 🎂 Richard

  15. Love this post! Your link led me to Lis's website, but I found nothing about subscribing to a newsletter. Can you help please? Thank you!

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      I will check & get back Mary .Lou

    2. Anonymous2:32 AM

      Hello, Lis here. It was great to spend an afternoon with Carol in Paris. This is the link to sign up to my email newsletter -

  16. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oh Carol, I LOVE this post so much and especially after our recent precious visit to the 7th, my old nabe. Your energy is remarkable as is your artistry. I’m not quite home in New Mexico yet as I needed hospitalization when I got to the states here in Mass. Complications of asthma and MY relentless pace with Paris, stairs, Vienna, walking and massive airport jaunts. I have saved your most recent Paris Letter that you hand delivered. I’ll open it today. Groses bises!

  17. Anonymous8:09 AM

    So happy to hear Bear has recovered from his surgery, and is out and about! Love love this post!! Patty, Minneapolis

  18. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I will be taking my granddaughter to Cafe Varenne when we go to Paris on the 12.
    Maybe we can meet for tea? Yes?

    1. Anonymous1:35 AM

      Can you email me please

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Happy Bear Day! Been missing him 😍


Love hearing from you