Friday, April 28, 2023

Mado À Paris Tea with Jill Colonna & Solli

 I came to Paris a macaron person, but evolved into a madeleine person. They‘re my go-to snack when I need a quick bite.

Yesterday I took Jill Colonna and Solli_food to a fav tea ☕️ salon, Mado À Paris for afternoon tea 🫖 

Mado À Paris opened 3 years ago & I dropped in the 1st week.

Just across from Place de la Concorde At 252 rue de Rivoli

It was quiet when we arrived at 3:30, but by 4 o’clock quickly filled up. Lesson learned 👍

We got the degustation/tasting menu (35€)

Included was a choice of their signature teas in beautiful yellow tins.

Everything at Mado is a cheery lemon/citron 🍋 yellow.

I had Rooibos + chocolate and Solli and Jill got Verveine infusions ☕️

All the pillows are portraits of the owner, Catherine, who as a child made madeleine cakes with her Aunt Mado/Madeleine, a former ballet dancer, from 

A closeup of our desserts 

Jill, a madeleine expert par excellance, announced the madeleines were moist 👍 🎉👏 🍾  🤸‍♂️ 

We loved the pistachio madeleine filled with raspberry. Yum

Jill wrote the essential Paris dessert guide, Teatime in Paris 

And gave me a personal at-home leçon in Financiers

Occasionally Jill does ‘house calls’

Have you heard about Jill’s Matrimonial Cake? It was her Scottish grannie’s creation. Take a look 👍

Mado offers a wide selection of individual madeleine flavors and gateaux

The gold bar madeleine relief chocolate tablettes are fun.

Outside Solli and I pretended to serve ice cream (a life-long ambition)

While Jill dreamed of having her own cake delivery bike 🚲 
It started to drizzle again but we were feeling quite chipper after our tea at Mado À Paris. It’s easy to miss. 

Everyone runs 🏃‍♂️  to the insanely long lines at Angelina, while nearby, Mado is serene & fun👍 
I think I will have to update my tea 🫖 salon letter
I am finishing the APRIL LETTER 💌 📬 today 🤸‍♂️
Bonne Friday PBers ❤️💋❤️


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Love traveling around Paris with you. And would love to have a tour of your tiny 21sq meter and Saint-Louis.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Ahhh…a tour of my shoebox! Soon as I do a good Spring cleaning 👍

  2. Since yellow is my favorite color I like Mado already. I looks like a warm, cozy , unpretentious place for tea and delicious madeleines. Wish I could make them! Cute photo of the ice cream servers. I noticed the lid is chained so no souvenir 🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Very observant comment 😊 No we could not take the ice cream lids home

  3. Bonnie L7:37 AM

    SO fun! You three should hold a raffle; Have Tea With Jill, Solli, & Carol! You would make a bundle.

    I’m with Ga on yellow…such a happy color! Must stop by Mado à Paris next trip! ❤️

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      That’s a swell idea Bonnie 👏
      I felt like we were having almost too much fun!
      I didn’t draw or photograph as much as usual.
      I did scoop up all the bits of cake the others forgot to eat …🤔

  4. You girls have so much fun.They are dear friends and vice versa.That place is adorable.I love I want to make some:)Love the tin of course:)

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      We were giggling so much I forgot to draw ✏️ the cups ☕️

  5. Jings - next time I'm wearing large sunglasses and a headscarf, dahlink! That was fun and thank you for showing me Mado. Now going on my tea room guide for the 1st - you're right, so easy to miss in Paris. That was so much fun, Carol. I love that you're updating your tea salon map - it's wonderful! Thanks for the links - high time I made my madeleines again with the perfect hump, lol x

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      🙏 yes, Pleeze make your perfect madeleines. I will be a fly on the wall watching…and waiting 😋

  6. I'll have to remember Mado. Madeleines are my favorite, too. I love a good macaron but madeleines feel far more satisfying and filling. Oh, those desserts! They all look so good. And what a great day you had!

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      I prefer madeleines any day - not so sugary as macarons, especially if you get ‘nature’ which I always do

  7. Madeleines are my favorite tea snack too, since the days at primary school the nuns would make them and Le Panier Seattle is my best place to go to, but I will make an effort to visit Mado. Enjoy receiving your email. Thank you.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Lucky 🍀 you to grow up with madeleines Alexis ❤️

  8. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I make madelines often and they don’t usually have the bump in the middle. This week the ones I made had big bumps and I thought “gee, what happened?” After your seeing photos I am relieved! My 7 and 11 year grandnephews love them but I think they might like the chocolate madeline bars even better!

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      To bump or not to bump?
      That is the question
      Jill has the secret in her book 📕
      Or maybe on her blog?
      Consult Jill 👍

  9. Oh, Alexis, are you in Seattle? Me, too. Will have to try the madeleines at Le Panier sometime when I have the gumption to face the crowds at the market. I live a block from Temple Pastries in the CD, and wow, are their viennoiseries unbelievable *chef’s kiss*

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What fun you had!! I will be looking forward to going there on my next visit! Btw Scooping would be my nightmare of a job😆😆.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Hmm…now that you mention it - scooping could be hard work.
      Maybe for just one day then 😊👍

  11. Dear Carol, thank you for taking us on your sunny tea break! Def a destination for my next trip!

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      You would enjoy it Cindy and they are so close to many museums, so you wouldn’t have to go far 👏

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Love the Frenchie with the big umbrella ☂ and the Wrangler carryall at the end. Very Paris ❤️

  13. I love Madeleines but have never had a frosted one - next trip I'll go to Mado and try the pistache.

  14. Such a nice discovery! Thanks Carol :-) Not easy to find such an elegant tea room quite hidden in the city center of Paris.

    So funny if we would be selling ice cream...we would probably eat more than we would sell :-)


    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      😊 We can stop each other from eating all the ice cream 🍦 before we sell it?

  15. This afternoon tea looks tasty! I love afternoon tea. Mado looks like a great spot. I can buy normal madelines from the markets here but no flavoured ones. Next time I get to Paris it’s on the list! Need a yellow ton of tea too.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      You probably can add a glaze or inject the plain ones with framboise jam….maybe watching too much DOC MARTIN 🤔


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