Thursday, May 14, 2009

Paris Signs

The 1st sign that greeted me upon arrival in the Metro from Galeries Lafayette - a stop in your tracks poster.

Paris street sign Where else do they have such beautiful street signs? My refrigerator is cluttered with these in miniature.

Restaurant ardoise Freshly made ardoise signs everyday like the baguettes they announce.

Window sign hand-written Many hand-made etiquette signs everywhere - I love the personal touch...

Figaro When you see this sign in any traiteur's window, stop and buy the item - it's a signal that Le Figero deems them worthy of their best/Notre classement des meilleurs lists, whether it be tartelettes au citron, eclairs, baguettes, crepes etc. This shop has the 2nd best "jambon-beurre" in Paris. STOP and eat! They must be obeyed.

Handwriting on a shop window More Parisien scrawled handwriting and a no doggies allowed sign.I relate to scrawly writing instantly.

Sale sign Another sign to be obeyed. When a sale is announced you must buy. The sales help always wear special "SOLDE" T-shirts.

Hanging metal shop sign A beautiful old fashioned jewelry sign caught my eye.

Metro station sign The Belle Epoch Metro signs =miam!

Metro sign inside stationWho here hasn't gazed at this Paris sign in confusion?Where am I and where do I want to go? HELP!
Chalk board ardoise I always stop to read hand-written menu/ardoise .

A sign I run past. Not why I came to Paris.

A tiny billboard I swoon for - Fauchon, #11 on Le Figaro's best tarte au citron.

More miniature signs = irresistible

No sign necessary on these hot dog-shaped/eclairesque macarons at Angelina.

 Why are Paris souvenir shops not so tacky even when they are very tacky. Yummy

You'll never see NYC's Empire State building in posters the way Parisiens liberally use their best icon.
Paris That beacon of light.
Says it all. What's not to love?


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    wow the last picture of the Eiffel Tower lit up is amazing! I have never seen it like that! But then again I've never been to Paris either^^

    Ahhh I have been craving macarons lately. A hot dog shaped macaron sounds quite filling and delightful.

  2. Sounds like you've arrived....hope you stayed dry yesterday afternoon. I (stupidly) left the apartment when it was sunny and still 70 degrees with not an umbrella, sweater or coat in sight. Boy, was I in for a drenched to the about a wet rat...

  3. Edible or inedible - it's all delectable..
    I LOVE Paris signs too..

  4. loved the photo of those long-ish macarons! and that photo of the eiffel tower all sparkly!

  5. KAT, for me the sparkling Eiffel tower is just like Champagne bubbles...

  6. Maltese Cat2:50 AM

    Carol, enjoy your time in Paris. I am envious. Enjoy the macaroons,
    citron tarts and all the city has to offer. My husband is getting
    hungry looking at your blog and I am just disappointed that I am not

  7. Asuncion3:47 AM

    My fridge has also these "rues de Paris"(Bd St.Germain and Place St.Michel...All around mon quartier,u know,I want it to feel it like my Parisian home ;D).
    About your answer to my comment to the Flashy pic.,I think that what people call the"french"touch is more about the"Parisian"one:you know that "aux Provinces"way of life/dress/think has,in general terms,not much more to do with the Paris way(except,maybe,the south-east,but only a bit)
    And,of course,this idea is an idealism of the Paris esence,not everyone in Paris or France is doing that way ;D
    I agree with u in hating bieng a part of the crowd and prefer to follow a personal and untimeless style,that thing that allows anyone think of yourself when he watch a thing (clothes,furniture,music),saying,f.e.,"that´s so Carol"...And it allows u to wear,listen,do,mix everything,without matter if the dress has 10 years old,the manchettes comes from your Grand-grandmother and the sandals were bought on 2000 in Paris.
    Today that´s difficult because there´s a need about constant new things and about feeling a part of that new thing that´s happening (and this way of thinking which doesn´t value the individual,the person,turns us sheeps even parisian sheeps;D)

    And after this deep philosophical"speech" your day can only improve ;D

  8. Ahhh....Angelina. Such a sublime place.
    Taking my sister there for the first time when she comes for a visit later this month. Can't wait for that first sip of pudding-like, rich chocolat chaud.

  9. Oooh~la~la...sign me up, I want to go now!

  10. Oh so many lovely sights...I can taste that jambon et buerre...why can no one make a sandwiche like the french - of course, I never eat buerre unless I am in france, maybe that's why :-) And I love that you still love to see madame la tour all lit up...such a thrill! Keep em coming :-) Diane

  11. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Merci ~ merci!! Thank you for these gorgeous photos ~ they feed my spirit. You are such a joy! May this be your lovliest trip yet to beautiful Paris!
    Bonne Journee~

  12. The hot dog shaped macarons are interesting. Finally, a well sized macaron that I wouldnt mind sharing. Usually I don't

  13. Sounds like you're having fun, Carol. Are you going to wrap your scarf the way the woman in red did, around her head? Love it! Beautiful images.

  14. What signs!!! How can we be so nuts over these.. As delicious as the Tartes, Ms Agog.... absolutely scrumptious. And mini signs on the goodies....these parisians.... Yummmmm. Love the Bijoux Signage.. and and and all of it. ;-)))
    Ahhhhhh. sigh.

  15. Great photos, great theme for today. How often does Le Figaro publish this list of "bests"? Is the entire list availabe on the internet?

    Wish I were there!

  16. Reading your blog this morning, I feel like jumping around the house singing....I'm going to Paris, I'm going to Paris, I'm going to Paris. I can't wait for September.

    Thank you

  17. Great photos! You make Paris look great!

  18. If you want some fantastic chocolates go to Jacques Genin, 133, rue de Turenne (3rd), TĂ©l: 01 45 77 29 01
    He just opened this beautiful shop, go upstairs to see them making the chocolate jewels. I think he is one of best in Paris. Let us know what you think.

  19. visite my blog. thank you.

  20. Ha! I went to Jacque Genin today!
    Because he is #2 on Le Figaro's list for the best Tarte Citron.
    His very nice boutique is way out of the way in an area where there is ZERO of interest.
    His caramels are 110 euros for a kilo (!)
    So 1/2 pound would be 25 euros
    The place was empty. Still I would have sat down, but they were not very interested to help.
    Even Figero said they were empty.
    Ca m'en nerve...I walked out and went to #1 Tarte Citron Carlo Marletti on the other side of town and they were delightful!
    That is my sad Jaque Genin story...

  21. Marie-Paule2:50 PM

    Yesterday I saw this Eiffel Tower at BHV/rue de Rivoli (1st floor).
    It's a big one (about 1m50) in several pieces you have to put together and paint.
    Have a great stay in Paris!
    (macarron addict and paris-breakfasts addict, but a very poorly "english writer")

  22. Lumival3:06 PM

    Bon jour cherie! Hope all is well. Try to see if you can get to "le Petite Fut aux Cheval" On rue Vielle du Temple this time. Its a little resto with more seating on the sidewalk than inside. They make a yummy tart aux pommes that my friends loved, though not as fancy as the ones you show. I go there for the tar tar, but sans l'oeuf!

  23. I just love your daily "billets doux de Paris"--merci bien.

  24. Sharon3:12 PM

    Hi Carol,
    When we were in Paris two summers ago, my then 15-year old son loved the street-level billboards that had rolling pictures, because if we walked by one at just the right time, a semi-nude model would flash by, advertising something! When I asked him the other day for a memory that he really liked, he came up with THAT!

  25. Pleased to oblige...
    "Un trench-coat est un manteau imperméable généralement descendant
    jusqu'aux mollets, utilisé par plusieurs armées pendant la Première
    Guerre mondiale et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Bien qu'Ă  l'origine ce
    soit un vêtement masculin, il est aussi porté par les femmes."
    -> A trench coat is a waterproof coat usually reaching the calves,
    used by several armies during the first and second world wars.
    Although it was originally a piece of men's clothing, women also wear

    The trench has been in fashion in France for a few years now, as
    you'll have noticed I'm sure. Especially in Paris, which is often
    rainy (or hail-y sometimes !).

  26. Have a great stay in Paris !
    From a French artist

  27. everythine I visit this blog I get that feeling of "home sickness" for a point where my entire mood shifts to sadness!

    And I am just an australian and Sydney is a nice place

    Why is that??? :o/

  28. Thank you for taking us along on your trip! I needed a vacation today, and this post provided the vacation eye candy I needed.


  29. I appreciate your blog and am enjoying every picture.

  30. carol b12:30 AM

    I know you have the real thing now, but you might enjoy reading this too!

  31. Great post! I've been here for almost 6 years and have never quite appreciated the French signs like this before reading your entry! And welcome back to Paris! Hope the weather clears up a bit for you during your stay!

  32. If I understand it right, those "dog-shaped/eclairesque macarons"
    are called "Liebesknochen" - love bones - in German. Don't know which bone is involved. ;-)

  33. I, for one, am glad you weren't treated well at #2 best citron tarte....after all you deserve the best, Number one! Bien sur!
    Those hot dog shaped macarons.... a whole new world of possiblity...but let's call them eclair much more inspiring.

  34. HBD!!! may the eiffel tower light your gateau.


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