Friday, August 28, 2009

Champagne Daze 🥂🍾

Yesterday K/S said:you've had the coolest jobs!
Paul Bocuse, Champagne Mumm's ambassador, suggested I do artwork for them & made introductions.
They gave me a test assignment. Come up with a big group drawing ✍️ they could gift their employees of tons of celebrities drinking Mumm. Can you spot Kate Moss or Naomie? A Seagrams brothers is embracing a big bottle.
*Note everyone is holding their glass by the stem. Never hold a champagne 🥂 glass by the 'bowl'. You must not warm the bubbles.
The group drawing led to a portrait promotion assignment. Mumm wanted portraits painted directly onto Mumm Champagne 🍾 bottles. 
I imagined my living room a sea of Champagne jeroboams. Last minute I suggested they print their label design on my watercolor paper. I ended up with neat stacks of printed Champagne labels instead.

One of the perks? I stayed at the Mumm mansion in Reims.
The Champagne countryside is magnificent. There's a new fast TGV from Paris that takes 45 minutes. Don't miss it.
I also stayed a week at Veuve Clicquot's country estate in Verzy.
Just me & a giant refrigerator full of Champagne 
They said,"Do help yourself"
 Someone popped in with petit dejeuner most mornings. The rest of the time I communed and painted grapevines. They still use straw panier/baskets 🧺 to pick the grapes in Champagne.
There's a lot of partying in the Champagne Biz. Servers dress up as old-fashioned cellar men. Their job is to turn resting Champagne bottles🍾
Very fun to draw.
This is not me embracing the Mumm bottle. That's my French boss.
Below I’m partying at Chelsea Arts Club Belle Epoch Ball at London's Albert Hall. We had to dress up as characters from Degas/Lautrec paintings. I went as a Degas dancer🩰 
Roger, the club concierge, said,
"If you add one more ribbon 🎀 to that outfit, you'll look like a dog’s 🐶 dinner."
Don't you love the Brits. Pass the Bolly🍾Sweetie Darling


  1. Vos dessins sont vraiment superbes. Toutes ces gourmandises donnent envie.
    C'est une super découverte pour moi. A bientôt, La LucIoLe.

    Your drawings are really beautiful. All these delights make envy. It's a great discovery for me.

    See you soon, La LucIoLe

  2. are you sure I said that?? but I do think you have the coolest job!

  3. Carol, I always read your posts via email, but I had to pop in today to say Congratulations on this delightful gig! I know these jobs do not come without a lot of incredible work, so you deserve all the wonderful perks which come with this work! I am smiling broadly for you today!

  4. Foodwalker11:37 AM

    I do so adore champagne!!!! And you look so lovely with the swan neck.


  5. Wow, great artwork! And - what a job you have, lol!
    I love your pic....

  6. Oh how great, and bravo!! I'm so glad they chose *you*. Goes to show that the French are open to talent whether it be French or not!

  7. You are such a lucky girl - actually more talented and spunky than lucky, and all this stuff is so neat! You also look so soft and pretty in your 'Degras' outfit :)

  8. I'm officially jealous! You have one really cool life - and I love your drawings!

    By the way, THANK YOU for pointing out how to hold a champagne glass! A huge pet-peeve of mine! :)

  9. Forget the Longears garden - it won't begin to measure up to the Mumm mansion...all there is in the fridge is French's Mustard. And to add a little class, some Grey Poupon.v :-)

  10. Joanne5:11 AM

    I love your blogggggggg, and I think you look fabulous as a ballet dancer!

  11. Laurie7:58 AM

    Carol, I can't think of nothin' better than champagne and macarons! Ain't (the French) life grand!!!


  12. You are so pretty. I love your blog it is always such a joy.

  13. Beautiful sketches ! Do you do dancers ? Hello - I had to leave a note for your to say how wonderful your blog is and how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. They are creative, interesting and unique - and your photo's are divine too ! Best wishes and thank you for sharing them ...

  14. I laughed out loud at the Dog;s Dinner comment. Oh how romantic our English men are :) Love your ballet dancer outfit. Did you do a dance in it?

  15. You make life look like such fun and now I am going to have to find a way to share champagne with friends in my garden. Congratulations on receiving a bonus and all the perks to your job. It looks like even having fun can be a lot of work. Thanks for sharing your life.


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