Friday, October 27, 2023

Les Deux Abeilles 🐝 with Jill Colonna


Yesterday I met up with Jill of Mad About Macarons fame at Les Deux Abeilles 🐝 Have you been?

For afternoon tea 🫖 again.

Me ‘leche les vitrine’/admiring the goodies. 

For once I am early! 🤸‍♂️I brought along a sketchbook ✏️to doodle just in case. I’m working on my ADHD 🤔 

Jill peruses the tea menu & orders us Jasmine tea (a Green tea 🍵).

Jill has a special post on the 
Best tea rooms in Paris- a must read.

I, of course, pick up the heavy iron teapot & immediately drop it on to the table with a loud PLONK! Embarrassing 🙈 Has this happened to you?

Jill, could you please 🙏 do a post on tea salon etiquette ☕️

Do you remember the exquisite exhibit on 
Thé, Café ou Chocolat at musée Cognacq-Jay? 

Speaking of tea salons…you may be in dire need of a Parisian tea salon map non? 

What did we eat? I had a crumble aux poires et fruits rouges (pronounce that cRoom-bell in French). 

Jill had tarte aux poires. We have yet to decipher the meaning of the knife & fork 🍴 arrangement. Do you know? Both tartes were unctuous & delicious 👍 

I thought Jill might have a recipe for tarte aux poires…instead I found Bourdaloue Pear Tart. T
he tart's definition, "drowned in a vanilla frangipane cream". But who knew it was also traditionally covered in broken macarons? I’m salivating. 

Meanwhile I’m looking at the big framed 🖼️ photos on display and thinking, Why couldn’t I paint giant cups & saucers ☕️? 

Meanwhile Jill is holding up the
new Paris letter- all cups. 

On Etsy now 👏 and in la Poste 📬 

A  parting glance at the sumptuous side board…should I have gotten chocolate gateaux 🤔 No! Tonite is Salon du Chocolat 🍫 opening!🤸‍♂️👏 

We saunter out into
the Paris drizzle
Where should we have tea ☕️ next dear PBers?
                  What’s your favorite Paris tea salon?


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    This is fabulous Carol thank you 🙏😘😘 JC

  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Love the the cup letter ms ❤️

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Gosh, you’re good! I’m gonna go put the kettle on! ❤️🫖☕️ Chelmsley

  4. That was so lovely yesterday, Carol. I adore your cup paintings and maps as always and thanks for chumming me in that drizzle afterwards. It must be so lovely for your subscribers to have such cheery artwork from Paris every month x

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      ❤️ Jill, you’re the best tea salon companion. A expert 👍

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Your tea cup letter if fabulous! Love the delicate work around the edge. Your watercolors could be on the walls of soooo many establishments in Paris. Bon weekend🗼❤️🫖

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Aww…Thank you ☺️ Wouldn’t that be loverly ❤️

  6. Une belle sortie..Love the map:)

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Une belle sortie indeed ❤️ Monique

  7. sukicart12:24 PM

    You need to promote your watercolors to cafes and bistros - I'm sure you would have "takers".

    1. Anonymous9:12 PM

      What a good idea!
      Maybe for small exhibits? Restaurants dont BUY art generally.

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Ah, thank you Carol, this is delightful. Love the tea room map and happy I know exactly where most of the places are located! I keep thinking I'll have a hot chocolate however it's not cold enough yet in Southern California! Au revoir!

    1. Barb T3:43 PM

      That's my comment above. just figured out how to be me!

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      It is cold enough in Paris!
      You should see the neck scarves 🧣 wrapped up tight in wool!

  9. Bonnie L4:22 PM

    Lucky you, having tea with Jill! I love her blog and Instagram postings…was just drooling over her recipe for an Apple Custard Tarte!

    A pot of tea looked the perfect antidote to a drizzly Paris day. With a yummy homemade dessert, of course! Love your Paris Café Cups letter. ❤️

  10. Dorrance4:31 PM

    Favorite tea salon? That has to be Mariage Frères on rue du Bourg Tibourg. It is so old school. I always purchase way too many tins of tea from the boutique to take home. Your tea cups watercolor is beautiful, Carol.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Marriage Freres is wonderful! Have you visited their museum up the stairway? Full of overlooked tea-related treasures

    2. Dorrance10:03 PM

      No! I did not know about the museum upstairs. I learn so much from you. 🙏🏻

  11. Anonymous1:54 AM

    I went there years ago when people still smoked in restaurants
    Glad it is still there
    I’ll be back in Paris in the winter
    Btw could you please remind me of the name of the best confiture again -
    Merci Nowelle

    1. Anonymous1:54 AM

      Christine Ferber?

  12. Anonymous3:42 AM

    You and Jill are forever young!! Glad you have you gal time together...

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Jill is brilliant! I always learn so much from her ❤️ we kind of bounce off each other’s energy 🤸‍♂️

  13. That crumble looks to die for and I am wild about your cups! What a terrific afternoon out with a fun-sounding friend. I could swear I've walked that same street in your last photo but I have a feeling that there are plenty of views like that!

    1. Anonymous12:46 AM

      You Have walked that street Jeanie 👍 Walking along Avenue Rapp in the 7th. But I don’t remember what that cross street is 🙄

  14. Those cups on the letter are excellent! Af this looks like a great afternoon tea, definitely good choice for a crumble on a cold drizzly day.

  15. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Love your letter with the cups — such delicious edges❤️


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