
Monday, January 22, 2024

Sirha Europain 2024


Yesterday I went to the big annual bread fair, Sirha Europain.

At Porte de Versailles, Halle 1

It’s one big bread party. Don’t forget beer 🍺 is made from malt, a by-product of wheat.

The fair is on through Wednesday 24 janvier. To clarify, no individual boulangeries are at the show like Poilane. It’s big industry suppliers of flour & equipment suppliers to all those small boulangeries.

Free & 

It used to be for trade only.

You need to register. See link above πŸ‘† Then waltz into Halle 1.

There are food demos galore with ample tastings everyday 

Upper crust Le Cordon Bleu. Everyone was waiting for a slice of rice & chickpea bread/pain de riz et Γ  la farine de pois chiche. Thank you Le Cordon Bleu for the new bear 🐻 ❤️

‘Snacking’ is the operative word at this show & BIG in France πŸ˜€ 

A new journal called, ‘Snacking’. 

It used to be ‘le gouter’ was only allowed for French kids at 4:30 πŸ€” The French have discovered eating ‘round the clock’ ⏰

Bonjour Maine πŸ‘‹ Your lobster roll has been adopted & adapted. Call it “un bun langouste” 🦞 Hot with French boulangerie chefs πŸ‘

Endless good-size chunks of bread samples.

My haul of goodies. I put them in the freezer overnight so they can become ‘resistant starch’ i.e. healthy fiber.

While we’re all sampling like mad, major competitions were going on. 

International teams of chefs

Sniffing, tasting, making notes & big decisions.
Great whoops of joy reverberate through the halle when winners are announced for Coupe de Monde de la Patisserie and other competitions.

My first bread sculpture

There were bread packaging suppliers. They were worried I was nicking their designs till I showed them my press card. Then they relaxed 😌 

Patriotic ovens/foures πŸ‡«πŸ‡· 

To find the agenda at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles - check their 
πŸ₯Dream you’re in Paris & visit my Etsy shopπŸ₯

 ☕️ Or you can buy me a KO-FI ☕️ 

Now I have 3 bears 🐻🐻🐻 = the bear clan.


  1. Your new bear is adorbs! There seem to be many of these grand expositions in Paris. The breads look very tasty.❤️πŸ—ΌπŸž

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      The breads were terrific, grainy and nutty with dried fruits

  2. Patricia7:13 AM

    This expo and the packaging expo look so interesting . Is here a resource you can recommend to track such events for future planning? Have just returned from Paris and Nice, we stayed at the HΓ΄tel Duc de St. Simon and was so delighted and surprised to see your watercolour painting there. Merci, love your blogs.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Thanks Patricia,
      What’s on at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles - check their WEBSITE

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM


  3. Rick would die. I can't imagine how he'd be there. I'd be as geeked on the packaing (though who can resist bread?!!)

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I didnt show the ice cream and other foods…

  4. Bonnie L8:02 AM

    Bread tasting and a new Bear too?? Fabulous! ❤️

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Those breads don’t look like they need freezing…whole grains? sourdough? fruit & nuts? All naturally high fiber. Did you know toasting your bread will do the same thing? Yum, bread! Bon lundi Dorrance

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      The freezing/chilling 24 hrs is to make them into resistant starch is what They say.
      It also keeps them out of easy access πŸ˜€

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You have a veritable ‘sleuth’ of bears! Who knew a group of bears was called a sleuth? (I had to look it up πŸ˜‰) Very Sherlock Holmes, or Miss Marple. You won’t get away with much with them around! Chelmsley

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      In France bears 🐻 abound ! They are everywhere

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    What a lovely way to spend a Sunday…tasting breads! Only in France. One of the many reasons we love it so. Bob

  8. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Was there representation of the boulangerie Poilane at the bread fair? Fantastic sourdough bread! I always enjoyed stopping by their store on Rue du Cherche-Midi when visiting Paris.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Good point πŸ‘
      No individual boulangeries. Mainly big suppliers of flour & equipment to all the boulangeries.

  9. That press card..Wow..How great is that? I would be nibbling I favor bread over sweets:)

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      No press card required.

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh Carol thanks a bazillion for the info about resistant carbs! Now I can eat a few potatoes (which I rarely eat) without spiking my blood sugar!

    1. Anonymous12:13 AM

      Your welcome. I Never eat potatoes because of the sugar lows & now I can πŸ‘ I was reading today about Overnight Oats!

  11. Sukicart12:20 PM

    I love your new Cordon Bleu bear- so cute. I sometime think you could stay alive in Paris without spending money on food but just by attending all the food fairs and exhibitions.

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Ha! So funny Suki. Some fairs are very generous like Europain,Made In France, Les Flottants. Others not so much like Salon du Chocolat 🍫 ☺️

  12. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Love how you set up your sketch book for this post--an artwork in itself. Looks like a great exhibit. Looking forward to receiving one of your watercolors by Poste as it wings it way to US. Best, C. in Plano TX

    1. Anonymous12:11 AM

      I used to sketch, collage in an agenda all the time. The lines on the paper help πŸ‘

  13. Hello new Cordon Bleu bear, you are very cute! This was a very fun trip to the bread fair, I'm guessing it smelled amazing. Also very interesting to read about the freezing your bread for the resistant starch, I keep good grainy sliced bread from the markets in the freezer and eat it throughout the week as toast, a pleasant surprise to read that's good for you! (Helps me eat less bread, as it's in the freezer).

    1. Anonymous12:07 AM

      Out of sight, out of mind. I totally agree Kirra. There is a lot of info abt resistant starch. I just read about Overnight Oats! Cold Potatoes, pasta, beans can be reheated = much healthier for the gut πŸ‘

  14. Jill’s Mad About Macarons4:40 AM

    Love your new bear 🐻 but honestly, this ‘Snacking’ that has been popping up gradually over the last few years in Paris gives a chill down my spine! The French have been so proud of never snacking between meals and kept their waistlines as a result. Looked a good visit, Carol 🀩 Jill x

  15. Wow, a wonderland!! Did you mean it's the 1st bread sculpture you've seen? Bear #1 is still the leader, yes? Maine lobsters would be turning over on their deep sea bottom to see this hot dog thing, haha!! Of course, I love the sketches. One time in Provence I was sketching fabric at an outdoor market & the proprietor thought I wanted to steal her designs. I showed her the whole book & convinced her I only had interest in sketching beautiful things.

  16. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Love your trips thru the culture - But "press card" ? ? Qu'est-ce que c'est Γ§a


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