
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jour du Tarte au Citron

Premier jour dans Paris!

Researche du tarte au citron meringuee or not.

Why do I live in a city where tarte citron does not lurk on every street corner? :(

C'est pas juste/it's not fair..pas de toute

Enough with leche-vitrine-time to stop the browsing and plunge in!

Oh Cafe Pouchkine - how often I've dreamt of you. I have gazed at you so many times, you temptress.

Quelle surprise! You are a little bit like a trifle. Your creme citron dedans is surrounded by a thin layer of sponge. And on top a decorative meringue, a little toasted, pleasently gooey like a baked Alaska.

You are worth the dreams but I must leave room pour les autres tartes.

Dans le vitrine - une belle piece montee macaron citron.

Dans le rue - une tarte au citron car de poste bien sur.

Brasserie Tarte au Citron.

The proud owner doesn't mind a bit as he drinks his tarte au citron biere.
Even Parisien workers are decked out in tarte au citron!
The shop vitrines may be full of color including tarte citron.
Mais les Parisiens, comme habitude, are decked out in noir, gris, beige comme toujours.

I make it over to Gerard Mulot in the 6th. Raids-Patisserie says he has the best citron tarte au meringuee.
Le Figaro says Mulot has the best tarte fraise. I buy both and French Girl and I gobble them down almost forgeting to take a picture. Were they wonderful? BIEN SUR!
Bear and I are very happy to be in Paris.
We're en retard - un petit de Jet Lag..ahem
but we are racing out as soon as we post and take a wretched shower with that horrid French shower thingie that gets water everywhere :(
Vite! Vite! Vite!
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  1. So glad to meet up in Paris again!!

  2. lol - that last comment about the French showers that get water everywhere cracked me up... so it's not just me?!

    You and your tarte aux citrons! Moi, I could take 'em or leave 'em... but I must admit that specimen from Pouchkine looks divine!

  3. What a cute cute zesty fresh and pretty post..Love the Citron theme..Have a ball!

  4. A great looking post - I've never seen pastries that look so good :)
    I could eat at least 3 of those tartes in your opening shot!
    Good to see that you have made it safely to Paris & I hope that you have good weather, many adventures and no strikes!

  5. .. wheeee, you are there ... don't envy the jet lag, just something you have to get through ... have fun, post pics from the bateau ... I miss Paris ...

  6. What a lemon fresh post after such a long day of travel...I love the Doxie in the cafe wearing the chic collar & leash.

    When I saw you last image I had to smile. On my first trip to Paris years ago I returned with a SEM (George Goursat) water color with horse carriages filled with Parisian society. In those days you could find them for a song! So I just loved your last image of SEM's dancing couples. Merci!

  7. Bienvenue Γ  Paris! I see you have your priorities straight-- Tarte au citron, miam-miam! Looks like the weather has turned to fall by now. La dame in the subway is all decked out in black and wears boots already! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  8. Dear Carol,

    I heard from a customer last night who is leaving for Paris today and is heading post haste to Gerard Mulot for Cherry Clafoutis. Is she deranged not to order the Citron tart? Should I cable her??

  9. What a perfect first day in Paris! Thank you for taking us along! Can't wait to hear more.

  10. Just shoot me now! I want one of everything.

  11. Haha, I feel like that all the time! Why do I not live in a city where hot fresh bread in the morning is the norm?

  12. How can I not eat all the time, when food looks so amazing? FOREVER FAT
    your blog doesn't do any good to my diet :D

  13. Geri, NJ3:03 PM

    Very strange...I've been craving lemony things since, had a leftover lemon from zesting for Madelines last week, so, sliced it up for my lemonade...then, browsed my Patricia Wells cookbook for the Lemon Lovers Tart in lemon pastry shell, which I decide I shall make this week for sure. Then I see your post ~ Coincidence? I think not...the Universe is trying to tell me something. Your pic of the slice of creme citron dedans actually made me gasp and sigh!

  14. will you please stop it with the high-calorie pics!
    I am putting on weight every time I read your posts...

  15. Oh,la! I want a taste of each please!
    I made crepes for breakfast with apple butter inside. I could have used Creme de Citron!!! Next time.
    so glad for you & Bear& to be hearing from you so soon!

  16. Paris is like working in a candy store
    You're surrounded by goodies.
    You build up an immunity.
    Well not all the time it's true...
    Like just now I had to taste (Ha!) the Sadaharu black sesame eclair in the fridge.
    it's gone now.
    where was my restraunt?!

  17. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You never fail to come up with interesting things. Since you are so widely read I think I should point out what I think are a couple of tiny errors:
    1 pas du tout = not at all
    2 comme d'habitude = as usual
    3 les Parisiennes, if you are talking exclusively about females from Paris

  18. Oh, man, I would take the jet lag any day if it meant I was in Paris. I am so happy you arrived safely and rarin' to go.;)

  19. EVERY day should be jour de tart au citron!

  20. Looks like you made it to Paris just fine. First thing you are doing is eating those goodies. Yumm. Was this the jet lags fault? :))

  21. Oh Carol, I am already in deep citron vert envy of your being in Paris and seeing and tasting all those treats.

    Have a fabulous time. xo

  22. Thank you for taking us back to one of our favorite Cafes in Paris. We would like 2 of each please.. and by the way there are no calories in Paris. Have a wonderful sweet time:)
    Judit & Corina

  23. have to say I hate it when people correct my French on my blog, would they also proof-read my English?
    Just saying...

  24. Carol I am so thrilled you are in Paris!

    Citron, I will take one of each!! Yum!

    Love your comments!


    Art by Karena

  25. Exactement MOUSE!

    And of course they ALWAYS sign themselves ANONYMOUS!!
    Cowards! :(

    Like I don't have enough to correct- photos, lineup, color, text, ideas,

    bla bla bla

    MERCI for the support!
    OUI cg

  26. I too think the serendipitous thing is madly at work, Carol.
    At the end of a beautiful art-filled day in your hometown yesterday (NY), son Mason and I partook of a big slice of good old American Lemon Meringue pie, with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, as we waited for the Bolt bus to take us back to Philly. From your sublime, to our...not quit as sublime...but oh so yummy.

  27. All the tarts I wished I ate in Paris, I can look at them here! Drooling ...

  28. What a wonderful day. Totally worth the jet lag.

  29. Tarte au favorite dessert;)

  30. Scoops of vanilla do NOT go with lemon meringue
    HMPH where did you have it anyway?
    At a Greek diner?
    One of those 10" high monsters?
    Very serendipitous anyway

  31. wow is all I can say, those citron tarts look amazing and that Cafe Pouchkine trifle-like pastry looks out of this world! I am thorougly enjoying your post today. I am going to take another look again..


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