
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where M I?

OK U got it. Mignon non? At Monoprix with matching glasses, cups, plates et pas cher...
I love the reflection in Christian Constant's ice cream ardoise
The REAL thing is nice too on rue de Rennes near Monoprix..
I'm sitting in MIYOU - Guy Martin's quickie lunch place on the deuxiem etage 2nd floor in Le Bon Marche
And eating a designer layered salade of quinoa bien sur with shrimp + pomegranate seeds = miam :)
No ones going to mind if I bring out my tarte au citron meringuee of the day, since I bought it next door at La Grand Epicerie, right? Louise says it's No.#4 (3.60 euros) on the best meringue list. I'm working my way through the list this trip. Fortunately I've already eaten Patisserie des Reves last trip so I am a little ahead.
3 down with 9 more tartes to go in 10 days.
wish me luck :)

Rick Tulka, famous Brooklynite-expat cafe artiste waits for me at his fav cafe Le Select. Out comes the chocolate mac Louise says is the best in Paris (I meant to get the mini size but was trop blase when La Grand Epicerie vendeuse burbled something and I just nodded back oui) - quelle idiot moi. Next time I'll note the bag is awfully big for two little macarons. Rick asks me to stop embarrassing him and hide the mac...ahem
We both doodle in unison - great fun.
Afterwards a stroll down my old haunt, rue Vavin.
An 'Older French Girl (OFG) leche-vitrine/licks the windows browsing.
Perfectly severe yet charmante clothes pour la bebe...
Pink scooters line up outside an ecole...
Giant pink meringues, formerly my dessert of choice before macarons came along - I love the way they crackle when you bit into them and then telltale crumble down your front. Chomp, chomp.
Pink ballerines - icon of Paris.
Only in Paris - DIY Whoopie pies in pink/rose
A final green tea Matcha domo dessert from Sadaharu Aiko just before bed instead of something pink. That green tea kept me up till 2:30 AM :(
Still...what's not to love about being in Paris?
Bonjour PBers!


  1. Wow! Great post - reflections (beautiful!),architecture, pastries, salad, street scenes - everything :)
    I love your doodles, too.
    Looks like you're having fun

  2. It wasn't THAT embarrassing...ahem!
    Always fun to spend an afternoon with you Carol! Especially at Le Sélect!

  3. Not one thing Carol.....xv

  4. Good thing my feet still hurt from the Venice Biennale, other I'd come right over to Paris!

    Enjoy your stay,

  5. So inspired and lovely!! I do prints, canvas, greeting cards and posters about fashion, you´r invited to see my work :)

    By the way love your blog and follow you!! :)

  6. Hope you are buying a little set of those dishes:)

    Happy for you to be doing such a wonderful thing!

  7. j'adore des photos...great post! j'ai etudie a l'icf--rue des rennes was always popular with me and my classmates! i'll be back in january and stopping by the spots you've suggested. as always monoprix > target!


  8. I was there one year ago today...I just want to pop through my screen and be there!!!! Just keep showing us pics! Please!!!! Have the time of your life!

  9. Ahhh Carol, I can see you and Bear have hit the cobblestones running at a fast pace. Doodling at Le Select with Rick, enjoying all that you love in Paris.

  10. You're back in Paris and we are too, with you, via your blog! Thank you and can't wait to see more.

  11. Lucky you! So jealous, but thanks for sharing it so I can visit vicariously. Enjoy!

  12. J'aime Paris!

    Bon séjour


  13. I just love your little vignettes of Paris....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. are in my hood....Vavin is "my" metro stop...we always stay on Raspail.....enjoy!

  15. What a noble quest you are on to eat through all those lemon meringue tarts. I look forward to the results. Great post. Such a wonderful expression of joy- in Paris, in life.

  16. Ah! Your posts brighten my days! I especially love browsing through your blog on gloomy Fall/Winter days...

  17. Hi, Carol! Have a blast! LOVE those doodley images of wonderful things. Hi to the Rick-ster!

  18. I love Paris and I love cruising your blog here!

  19. eh oui, what's not to love ! Carole you always make me feel like i never have enough tarte au citron :-) I'll be in Paris on friday and i'm already thinking of desserts...By the way, thank you for the best tarte au citron link. Gérard Mulot...indeed, i won't forget !
    Enjoy it all !

    ps : by the way, this is too funny my post title today was, Where was I ?

  20. Merci Louise -
    You laid out the map.
    I am just following in your footsteps a little.
    Today I missed the boat
    Cheers Carolg

  21. Great images, Carol. Especially the newsprint ballerina slippers. If you ever get bored, you can just read your shoes.....

  22. Obviously your pictures of food have left me drooling, but I especially love your photos of the architecture today. Why is everything in Paris so beautifully ornate?

  23. Oh, i love your post! And I love Paris!
    I was there one month ago.
    I just want go back to Paris!

    Have a good time!
    Hugs. Lilli

  24. Gorgeous doodling by both you and your friend! If they haven't become incinerator fodder, I hope you'll post them with your next entry.

  25. My mouth dropped with all these delicious treats! I cannot wait to go next year!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  26. Oh my!! While that OFG was licking the window of the shoe store, I find myself licking the screen of my Mac, drooling over the photos of the luscious pastries. What fun seeing Paris through your eyes!!

  27. Jeanette7:55 PM

    Every one of the best lemon tarts? Tres ambitious!

  28. There's no way I could eat that many sweets without being 900 pounds overweight! Even with all the walking one does in Paris. So, thanks for doing the "research" and showing me the Paris I never see when I'm with my husband.

  29. Oooh, la, and a bit more la, Carol. It is so much fun to see these reports from Paris.

    NYC is still trying to weave its way into autumn, though the weather stays warmish. Full moon last night.

    I look forward to your next report. Best wishes to you and Bear.

  30. The #4 looked a treat! Can't wait for your rating when you finish this so important tarte research!
    Wow, that macaron is as big as a Moon Pie!
    Did Bear sketch with you & Rick? I'm so envious that he can sit drinking coffee & sketching there every day! To think of all the artist who have hung out there since the '20s!
    So much in this post! all great!

  31. You are having way to much fun. Keep it up.. Did you guys doodle all day?

  32. The meringues look wonderful!


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