
Friday, October 07, 2011

Derniere Minute Travel tips

Bear is ready. I am not...same old, same old.
Bear's bag is neatly packed.
Mine is not, comme habitude...
 A French travel tip I noted waiting at JFK. Many disembarking Frenchies had ribbons tied to their suitcase. The better to spot their bag on the carrousel. Who knew?
My secret tip - take New York apples to Paris. Are all French apples mushy?
I took your advice and bought a ticket to the Vedette boat (save 4 euros online).
I bought an NY MTA T-shirt with matching socks. Let Parisiens get directions from my shirt...
One of my all-time top travel secrets is to hide my valuables in a sport bra - Now everyone knows...ahem
A must-do before I leave is buy Fr Girl her Murrey's bagels. Bagels in New York have become monsterous, but posting this picture, I fell victim. I ate 1/2 a bagel. I hope FG doesn't see this...
Deciding which books to take is maybe the hardest...
I'm crazy for Japanese books on Paris, so I'm take this Metro guide. No, I can't read one word of Kanji but I love the graphics.
No matter how much you prep can you ever be ready for a national transit strike/le greve? Next week in France...
I watched an excellent French film, Human Resources (1999 Ressources Humaines) this morning so I'll be prepared.
I got my Place Vendome drawing done, so I'm almost ready. More to come once I'm in Paris!!


  1. We got back from Paris last week...beautiful weather and no strikes. I hope you do as well!

  2. Joy-
    that was last week.

    This is France we're talking about.

    At least they do plan ahead and let you know when and where.

  3. Fr Marie12:03 PM

    Au revoir Carol !

    Bon Voyage and check the French Demonstrations…
    it is a national sport worth mentioning and worth watching…. the atmosphere can be jovial and cheerful, even if the mottos are serious and with consequences…

    Enjoy Paris with or without greve!

    Tu as de la chance and I really feel at this minute that I want also to go home…

    Bye from sad French girl that is staying in New York…

  4. Carol, Carol, Carol!! I have been away from my favorite blogs for soooooo long but I am so glad to be back right in time to wish you a bon voyage and a jolly good time. I am so ready for your trip and selfishly hoping you will share your trip with us/me....I love traveling with you. It is a treat to see your preparations and hand me a bagel too. Yum..say hello to that bagel-loving FR GIRL from me.

  5. Bear is so cute with his little suitcase! You are extremely well prepared, chapeau! I would not worry too much about demonstrations and strikes. They are part of life in France, and in particular in Paris. As long as a transportation strike does not affect your flights, then you will be fine. Even when the subway is stuck, you can always walk in Paris. Like the other French Girl who left a message here today, I, too, wish I could go home with you ;( Bon voyage, Carol. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Je danged jealous!!! I love it that you just do these trips, Carol. You're an inspiration - artistically and personally.

    Love the sports bra tip. I have a industrial strength running bra that zips up the front for easier access to my ... valuables.

  7. you and Bear will have another fantastic London and Bear's the gum so his ears don't pop on the plane?

    and had you really never thought to mark your luggage with a ribbon of some sort....where have you been my dear?...that's standard practise.

    nothing better than finally seeing your bag on the turn table at CDG....enjoy it all...hope the RER B is at least working so you can get into town before the greves start...dommage!

    can't wait for your pics.

  8. Safe travels Carol....xv

  9. By now, you must be able to pack for Paris in your sleep! Naturally Bear beats you at getting ready....he's going HOME!

  10. Bear is ever so organised as usual - I love the little - jolie rose- suitcase ever so chic and I could imagine a "must have" when travelling to Paree.
    Have a wonderful time and take lots of pics - maybe even some buskers (street artists) on the Pont St Louis. xx

  11. You need to take lessons from Bear in packing. He knows his stuff!! :) Have a safe trip over.

  12. Bon voyage to you and Bear! I sent you an email with my contact email address in the hopes we might be able to meet in London. I'm always up for a coffee and pastry, and did you mention chocolate? :)

  13. ... so excited for you ... keep us posted .. hopefully no strikes that get in your way ...

  14. It looks like you are all set - and Bear, too.
    You've made many trips to Paris, so I think that the packing will go smoothly!
    That subway t-shirt must be a real conversation starter :)
    Have a safe trip and I hope the metro doesn't strike.....

  15. I sent you a message yesterday but it was returned "undeliverable" must go see my blog! It's all about you!

  16. Au revoir, Carol! Bon Voyage,Bear!

  17. Oh quelle idiot moi :(

    I thought the pink ribbons were strictly a FRENCH THING! :O

    I take my bag onboard going since it's so light, but coming home it would help, though my bag is so hideous and covered in FED EX stickers, it stands out like a sore thumb.
    My bag refuses to give up the ghost.

    I've learned to take the Roissy or Opera BUS.
    I saw someone get robbed on the RER = so no more for me.
    On the bus you can snooze and see a little of Paris-totally safe :)

  18. marilyn10:53 AM

    bon voyage carol & bear! wish i could hide in your suitcase. i went to paris for the first time last june and now understand your obsession! of course one has to return to undo the mysteries of the metro. just when i thought i had it figured out it was time to go! i do not speak french ......yet...who knows, .as long as those movies have subtitles i might pick up a few more phrases other than "i don't understand" & "i'm lost".
    have a fabulous time!

  19. I love your Place Vendome piece, Carol! C'est super!
    But do me a favor: sample more French apples. I thought they were some of the best in the world!
    Bon voyage! Amuse toi! xoxo

  20. Bon Voyage PB!

    We just returned from our month in Paris...a wonderful trip with some Florida HOT days....but no rain and no strikes.
    My Pierre Herme chocolate macarons were to die for!...thank you!!
    will look forward to continue our Paris vacation through your eyes.

  21. Carol, I LOVE your Vendôme sketch. Just right. French apple do ccrrrunch sometimes ;-)

    So glad you're ready - even if you have to follow Bear's example. Bon voyage, my friend! J xo

  22. Have a good trip.

    French apples put american ones to shame.

    I buy the cheapest I can in the markets to take to the horses in the Pyrenees and have eaten them and been amazed by their flavor. Don't know the names.

    Bon courage


  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hello♡I am a huge fun of your blog! I am japanese so if you have problems to read, I always help you. Which Kanji cannot you read?

  24. Je suis très jaloux! Have a merveilleux trip! We will be vicariously enjoying Paris with you!

  25. French girsl reads everything and is waiting for you and her sesame bagel!!!!! Entrecote /frites for tomorrow dinner....Nice flight!

  26. With this Gérard Mulot suitcase and Maison du Chocolat ribbon, you are definitely ready !

  27. Love this post AND the Japanese graphics are great, you are so right!
    Funny, my mom always put ribbons on our bags and I still do. HUGE help especially when you have a black roller back! Have a great trip!

  28. Traveling mercies, Carol. I'm so looking forward to living vicariously through you and your delightful blog. :)

  29. Dear Cobalt,
    Evidently the French did not invent this ribbon trick!

    I see ribbons right and left on bags...wo knew?

    Merci RIAAAK,
    But I am 'reading' the pictures so far and I am tout va bien :)


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