Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Meet: Solli Kanani Food Photographer

We have been partners in crime for 10 years…

As Paris bloggers we had clout. 

Solli patiently waiting for me to show up for tea at the Peninsula Hotel. Late again!

Back in pre-Instagram days we were invited to fabulous afternoon teas & grand tours of the hotel.
Including the President’s suite & spa areas of Top Paris hotels: Peninsula, the Oriental, The Ritz, George V, etc. 
We were free marketers for their brands. Paris hotel PR knew us & were happy to invite us for shoots. 
We ‘sang for our supper’ 🎶 
Solli was always shooting food from the 1st time I met her at a Petrossian Bloggers Tasting on November 26, 2013.
Life was tough back then - snacking on ’Les Oeufs de saumon sauvage’. 
Perhaps we’ll celebrate our 10th year anniversary at Petrossian 
Solli has moved on since our lovely days of gratuitous afternoon teas

Solli quit her day job
and studied Italian still life paintings like  Caravaggio’s painting. She taught herself all the technical complexities of food photography.
Solli now shoots food professionally & full-time.
Her stunning work is on Instagram. Please follow @Solli_food. Solli’s portfolio is here.
Yesterday Shannon Grouchowski & I visited her new exhibition at Nikon Plaza in Paris.
At 99, bd. de Raspail, 75006
I’m so proud of you, Solli ❤️
Solli’s exhibition is on through the month of September. You can attend a talk & a workshop on September 28th. Do visit if you are in Paris if you love inspiring exhibits.
Solli is holding a  3-day masterclass in Italy October 19-22 at a lovely castle. ONLY A FEW PLACES LEFT!
❤️ Please stop in my Etsy shop
. ❤️
Here’s a picture I took of my best pal in an Alsatian restaurant where we were eating & shooting 📸 as usual ❤️


  1. Beautiful work! That first photo is the kind of inspiration that could spark not only a visit to France, but a lifetime here.

    1. Anonymous2:15 AM

      Solli’s photography is truly an inspiration ❤️

    2. Thanks dear Kiwi, how sweet of you to say :-) Means so much to hear!

  2. Charlotte Puckette3:14 AM

    Stunning photographs! Will look forward to seeing the exhibit. Thank you for the post!

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      That would be wonderful Charlotte ❤️

  3. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I follow Solli since I heard from her through you, Carol.
    She is a very talented artist of the culinary/gastronomy photography. No wonder you're proud of your friend.!

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      It’s been lovely to watch her evolve her own style & voice through photography. She really is an artist who has found her true calling 👏

  4. Wow Carol 😭😭 im at the airport now reading your post…this is so beautiful, im moved to tears 😭 im so grateful having a friend like you and not only you are my partner in crime but also my biggest inspiration ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for being YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM


  5. Miggsy6:32 AM

    Her work is gorgeous!

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Isn’t it! It just gets better and better

  6. Such a beautiful tribute to a lovely friend. Her work is most impressive, she is very talented. What a fun job. Staging for photography is not easy. I always wondered how the two of you met. Now I know. Thank you for sharing her beautiful photos. I will follow her on Instagram.

  7. Bonnie L7:09 AM

    Solli’s work is SO amazing…many of her food still lifes look like oil paintings…so atmospheric. Wish I could visit her current exhibition. ❤️

    I too follow Solli on Instagram because of you, Carol. I love seeing her work, her travels, her photography workshops. Here’s to ten more years of a beautiful friendship. 🥂

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I’m so happy to share Solli 🥰

  8. She is outstanding.And I love your friendship.Kudos Solli.Well deserved.And carol I still remember your Metro exhibit apart frrom a ton of other publications and honors.Isn't it fantastic when you can be genuinely happy for a friend's achievements?

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      She deserves it 👍

  9. I love food porn, classical paintings or elegant photo shoots, such as Solli does. It's elegant, poetry. What a gift she has and every blogger who has tried to make their daily dinner plate look like a food layout in Bon Appetit knows it! I'll bet her workshop is fabulous!

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I bet it is too. She will be having others in France I am sure.

    2. Thanks Jeanie <3So happy to hear you like my work <3 I love browsing through Bon Appetit and look at all the mouthwatering images :-)

  10. sukicart11:57 AM

    Thanks for introducing us to and filling us in on Solli. Her food art is stunning and I'm so glad to know more about her.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Solli is Swedish, lived in Danemark before moving to Paris. Now she goes back & forth to Italy and is of Persian descent. She speaks 6 ! languages & studied electrical engineering at Uni.

    2. Thanks sukicart! So happy to hear you enjoy my work <3

  11. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What an accomplished, beautiful young woman! 👍🏻 A caviar 10th anniversaire sounds sweet! Dorra

    1. Thank you dear <3 And we have thought about having a caviar 10th anniversary to celebrate our friendship <3

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Solli’s work is so beautiful! It has been fun watching her take so many gorgeous photos and grow her business !I am especially in love with the darker still lifes. Carolyn

    1. Thank you dearest Carolyn for your kind words <3 Makes me so happy to hear you enjoy my work and in particular my darker still lifes <3

  13. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This was fabulous. What a talented young woman. Her pictures and lighting and details in each shot is awesome. Congratulations to her. Lynne

    1. Thanks Lynne for your kind words and it makes me so happy to hear you like my work <3

  14. Anonymous8:20 PM

    This is a wonderful tribute to your very talented and beautiful friend Solli. I have enjoyed all the posts you have had featuring her and I am so happy to hear about her food photography exhibit. I will definitely follow her on Instagram as her food photography is truly gorgeous. -Suzanne P.

    1. Thank you dearest Suzanne, I'm so happy to read you enjoyed the beautiful post Carol made about me <3 So grateful having a friend like her, she is my biggest inspiration. I just started to follow you too on IG :-)

  15. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Thanks Suzanne P.👏 You will be very happy you did 👍

  16. Solli’s photographs are really amazing! It’s quite different to other food photography, definitely more artistic but also having the food amongst the table of other things I think shows the food in ‘real life’ situations……makes you wonder what would be happening there and how much you would love to eat the delicious food.
    Also lovely to hear about your great friendship, glad you got some good freebies as bloggers before the Instagramming took over. I still enjoy reading blogs over social media posts!


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