Sunday, April 16, 2023

Yesterday in Paris


Yesterday, with the best of intentions (ha ha) I headed to the pool 🏊 and got there too late for the morning session (7 - 12:30)

Instead I went and got a much-needed haircut. Damien cuts it in 11 minutes (not kidding). Telling myself I’d hit the pool later for the afternoon session (13:30 - 18:00). 
Ah the little lies we tell ourselves…

A meander through nearby BHV near the pool is always obligatory. I love browsing their Mariages Frères depart. 
I have been looking for a basic Chinese/Japanese teacup to paint like this one for ages. Please 🙏 tell me where to go. 
I refuse to pay 24-28€ for one little teacup 😳 like this one teacup at Lupicia 40, rue Bonaparte. Have you been? Very elegant and huge and they have a small tea salon in the back I plan to visit sometime for Matcha. FT loves it.. 🆘 *SOS on the plain white teacup 🙏😵‍💫
I know some peep dream of owning a Chanel bag. I dream of owning  Lupicia’s miniature glass teapot 🫖 (30€! Ouch) same size as the teacup.
I was meandering my way over to rue du Faubourg-Saint Antoine, where I go monthly to pay my Free Mobile bill since my bank pays one but refuses to pay the other. French banks!😠
You know I’m nutz about anything red-checked- so French 👍 Bonjour Bonnard.
La Fontaine de Mars Watercolor
I know you love red checks too because of the ❤️ love you’ve shown my Fontaine de Mars watercolor 👏 A PBer backed their watercolor on red-check fabric! Thank you 😊
When I saw a complete set of red-checked tableware + matching napkins in the window (each 5€) of Flying Tiger - Copenhagen (35 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine) Instant coup de foudre ❤️❤️❤️
Goodby Sabre 👋 
Hello Flying Tiger 🐅 
Still trying to get to FREE Mobile, I took a look in this Focaccia shop. A lot of these convenient fast-food single-item eateries (babka, chou, poke)
 have sprung up in Paris.
When I saw they had Pistache pesto spread for their paninis, that was it. I got one. 
(8,50€ a sandwich) I had Parmigiana, prosciutto di Parma, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes 🍅 & the pistache. Only complaint - too big. I saved half for today.
Thanks to the
Paris Gastronomie exhibit 
I’ve been taking pictures of Parisian cafe rattan chairs like mad
And sketching Paris 
cafe chairs like mad.
I headed back to the pool for the afternoon session…and decided meh. Why not walk home from Hotel de Ville, thanks to the delightful Bubble Guy. It doesn’t take much to change my mind😊
I took the quai de Fleurs instead of passing by Notre-Dame.
Have you passed by the supposed former site of medieval lovers, Heloise et Abelard?
Such wonderful relief sculptures line the doors and mantle.
 I cross Pont-Louis, full of bikers in the drizzle.
This is the first time I’ve seen a cart on the bridge selling antique photo postcards. I should go more often.
On the other side awaits my weekend treat (chocolate chip cookies by the excellent MOF chef, Yann Brys at Patisserie Tourbillon
Thank you ❤️ PBer, who just recommended in the comments, Susan Cahill’s The Streets of Paris  for the backstory of Héloise et Abélard and other famous Parisians. I just bought it and heard this quote from Julia Child, You learn Paris on your own two feet” 
☕️ 🥐 Browse my Etsy shop and pretend you’re in Paris☕️🥐 


  1. Ann Scarff2:11 AM

    Love the red polka dots and red checks! What a great, new idea for our summer picnic table. Now to find a Flying Tiger!
    So enjoy you jaunts around town. I pretend I’m with you every time.

    1. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Yes red-check is so Summery! I think they have 3 shops in Paris and are probably in the US. Like the popular Dutch shops, HEMA

  2. We have a red check oilcloth cover for our ‘dinner’ table when camping - bought from a shop by the Marche d’Aligre and we treasure it. We’re in Paris now ad visited the market again on Friday. Thanks to your tip we also found the Mucha exhibit nearby was the perfect way to duck the rain that afternoon. Merci beaucoup!

    1. Anonymous3:12 AM

      I have the same oil cloth check! I heard the Mucha was pretty good - I will get there.

  3. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I love to wander around that ancient Heloise et Abelard neighborhood! Have you seen Susan Cahill’s book “The Streets of Paris? She begins the book with the story of the illicit love affair. She’s a historian who writes wonderful, interesting narrative.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM I haven’t. Will do. It’s a quiet part of Paris…

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Have you tried La Vaissellerie, 92 rue St. Antoine for cups, glasses, jars, and all kinds of kitchen galore? Very convenient prices. There is another shop of the same chain in rue de Rennes but I don't remember the number. Regards, Chiara.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Great idea. I used to shop there all the time. It’s not what it once was, but nothing is. Still for a basic white teacup that could be the place. If it is Chiara something special is on its way to you 👍 Thanks for responding ❤️

    2. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Sadly their last shop closed in 2020 😢I didn’t even know…

  5. You look FABULOUS!!! I love the little kitchen shops one finds by accident in Paris. Glad you bought the tableware, etc. I have a red & white check apron with a fleur de lis in the white square. I thought you might have purchased the red string bag at the gastronomie exhibit. Crazy about the cafe chairs, couldn’t you fit one in your apartment!🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      I Love cafe chairs but they cost an absolute fortune. 3-400€ each 😢

  6. P.S. Just ordered "The Streets of Paris".

  7. You do look great!! Fun day!

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Thank you Monique ❤️

  8. Bonnie L11:11 AM

    What an action packed Saturday you had! And, a cute new haircut. We stayed, years ago, in an apartment next door to the Abelard & Héloïse site. At #11 Quai aux Fleurs. What a tragic tale. Love your café chair watercolors! ❤️

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Isn’t that amazing!you do find interesting places to stay 👏👏👏

  9. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Your hair looks fabulous Lynne

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Thanks Lynn ❤️

  10. You look great- I think my hairdresser cuts my hair in the same amount of time. The postcard cart made me think of the bouqinistes, only on wheels.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I love that he’s very fast.

  11. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Yes, your hair looks fabulous, but your skin is even better. How do you do that? I'm 75 & haven’t achieved it. I've never worn makeup. YOU look 60. 💕

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      ❤️❤️❤️ Lov U Judy. Maybe its no creams, no moisturizer. Not much face washing. No vino or ciggies either.

  12. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You do look fabulous. Your skin is amazing. Zero wrinkles!!! Certainly staying out of the sun, not drinking and smoking help but I think bottom line is that you have good genes! At 82 my mother had no wrinkles and she too never used any creams. Lucky you!! I would love an 11 minute haircut. I find it hard to sit for 45 minutes for a haircut.

  13. Another fun post, Carol! Like so many others, I feel like that is me seeing the postcard carte, encore sitting for a 11" haircut, and always me seeing beautiful things that I think I need!!! I love to see what you've been up to! Keep your days interesting and arriving in my email. I LOVE THEM.

  14. You look fabulous in your new haircut darling <3
    That teacup look so elegant, I will keep my eyes open if I will find any similar cup for you. Thanks for recommending The Streets of Paris, seems to be a must have to learn more about the City of Light and people who have lived there <3

  15. Thanks for taking us on your day out in Paris! Sorry you missed the swim but the haircut looks good and you found the pistachio pesto, so a good trade I think. The red and white check pattern is very cool, I’m going to look up that shop!
    One of the fortunate things about living in Australia is we have access to lots of great Asian products at reasonable prices, there’s two Japanese shops near my house where I think you could get a much cheaper tea cup. (I remember when my cousin moved to London she said regular sushi was very expensive, here you can pick it up easily and not expensively like your panini, of course there are nice expensive places too.)

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Thanks Kirra 😊
      I will be popping around toute suite !
      Love Asian things

  16. Anonymous9:27 PM

    We have a huge Japanese store here in Seattle, Uwajimaya. I am sure they have a perfect white cup. CI

  17. Anonymous9:28 PM

    That picture of you getting your haircut is great! I couldn’t stop looking at it! I love your hair color. Best hair color yet! Carolyn

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Aww Thank you ❤️❤️💋 💋
      I am really good at taking BLURRY pictures of myself
      All the wrinkles disappear 😂

  18. Anonymous2:09 AM

    😂 “The little lies we tell ourselves”!! So true about so many things Carol.
    Stay well and I love the haircut, wish I could go so short! x IC

  19. Anonymous3:30 AM

    I remember LW and I reading about Abelard and Helorise so many many years ago.. One of our first cats had an undesended testicle so we called him Ablelard.
    AWC Catering

  20. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Please do a Bookshops in Paris map 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Merci Carol

    1. Anonymous2:03 AM

      I did it & its in my Etsy shop 👍 Also a bouquinistes map & Shakespeare & Co. letter

  21. Have you ever looked at Tang Freres? It has been a a long time since I was there, so thing might have changed. I used to find a lot of china items there.

    1. Anonymous2:39 AM

      I went there and was shocked to find ZERO. They used to be really good for china etc. Now it’s justa tiny area in the back. No longer upstairs full of wonders 😟


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