Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Rue Cler, La Fontaine de Mars

Last night I was meeting Karen Schneid and her adorable daughters at La Fontaine de Mars

A quick walk down rue Cler was essential.

To see all the decorated shop windows 

Even though some were closing up for the night

Davoli had not yet taken in this enormous (bigger than your head) Panettone (which I now finally know how to spell maybe too well?).

All the cafes

Restaurants were buzzing

I think this is a restaurant, not a bucherie de cheval.

I love Ducasse’s Christmas tiger theme this year.

The mini Buches de Noël are out on rue Cler.

Exquisite desserts in the window at La Mere de Famille.

Kaviari was ready for Noël 

An adorable doggie in a restaurant window wearing a chic Comme des Garçons T-shirt. Really?

At last the door of La Fontaine de Mars

My friends were waiting, Karen and her two daughters, Scarlet & Saffron.

It’s been 10 years since we ate at Frenchie. The girls have grown up!
We shared their super delicious créme brûlée 

Karen’s candy company is Ooh La La Artisan Confectionary.

Then the perfect end to a perfect Paris evening ❤️👏🥂👏❤️


  1. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Thanks for great memories

  2. My idea of a perfect holiday occasion. Thank you.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      I know 😊 A stroll down rue Cler simply browsing, a good dinner at a great bistro with friends, sharing a crème brûlée & the Eiffel Tower!

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Bar PTT -- one of the best places to taste the sea in their oysters. Sigh.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Thank you! I didnt know…I love briny oysters 🦪

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    An inspiring post. I love the well behaved doggie!! Annie

  5. I love Rue Cler -- we stayed a few blocks away last trip and walked there many a time and ate there as well. Sigh. How I'd love to see it during the holiday. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      You’re very welcome Jeanie ❤️

  6. What a lovely way to spend an evening during the holidays. Good friends, food, and I am sure lots of catching up & laughter. No better place to do it…Rue Cler! 🗼❤️

  7. Bonnie L8:30 AM

    Oh! What a lovely evening you had, Carol! Fontaine de Mars is one of my favorite restaurants in Paris…the food is dependably good and the service is welcoming and kind. ❤️

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      You’re right. They are such pros at la Fontaine de Mars 👍

  8. Dorrance8:36 AM

    The holidays aren’t complete without a walk down festive rue Cler. Yum - Davoli! Next life I want to come back as a French dog. Glad you had a fab night out, Carol!

  9. Lovely girls!Ah Boucherie Chevaline.. no longer ..but my husbands dad had a boucherie chevaline..At the beginning ce fut la abated and ended.He always owned and ran a grocery store..I love Rue Cler.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      You are so rue Cler Monique. It’s more elegant these days.

    2. It looks enchanting right now.

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I wanted to let you know my granddaughter received your letter
    She let me know how much she enjoyed daydreaming and reminiscing about our last trip to Paris together Alice

  11. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Désolé, Carol! Panettone.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Dont be sorry. I knew I was getting ahead of myself. So many Ts! Will fix PDQ

  12. I love rue Cler - thanks for taking us on that Christmas walk. Your Fontaine de Mars water color is perfect - I love it. We finally got there on our last trip and it's now on our return list. Also, glad to know about Aux PTTs briny oysters.

  13. A great Christmas winter outing! I’ve heard it’s been pretty cold in Europe. Thanks for taking us out with you!


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