Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Boulangerie Saint-Germain Map


Bear🐻 is as addicted to Emily in Paris as the rest of us. He insisted we get a chocolatine/pain au chocolat at Em’s fav Boulangerie Moderne. 

Bear is watching EIP in French with Eng subtitles. 

His fav chocolatines come from Boulanger de la Tour on the latest Paris Map

Boulangerie Saint-Germain Map
Mary already got her map 🗺️ 

On the map is where to get a chocolate pavé, my fav viennoisserie. 

Someone asked what a sacristan was. Voila. Go to Huré on the map or go to Arles. 

Most boulangeries carry jams/ confitures. 

Btw a pronunciation tip from The Perfect French with Dylane - do not say boul-lang-er-ree. Instead say boul-lange-ree 👍

Keep an eye out for pretty glass paintings. Eric Kayser has them on rue Monge. 

This year they won best boulangerie in Paris. 

Many Saint-Germain bakeries on the map are prize 🏆 winners in the annual competitions for best baguette 🥖 best croissant 🥐 

Look for the wreath in the window. Emily’s boulangerie has a wreath 🥐🥐🥐 Stay Safe PBers 🐻❤️


  1. What a wonderful subject for your latest Paris Map! I hope Bear got samples from each. That’s a covetable Luxembourg Garden tote bag in the boulangerie window. Love your watercolor of Emily’s boulangerie, too!

  2. Naughty Bear has been slurping up croissants, pain au chocolats, you nameit, like he just arrived in France. He is sitting in the corner for a week or two ;((

  3. I love getting your maps in the mail and reading your blog. I feel like I'm in Paris with you

  4. Had my coffee and imaginary croissant while reading your post. Would be delighted to share the corner with bear if there is more "slurping" involved. Stay safe.

  5. So cute..

    the latter pronunciation is very English w/out the rolling r;)


    I am enjoying EIP your artwork of it..and your map.
    I feel Lily should see this:)
    What a beauty.

  6. Love the Luxembourg bag. Available for purchase in US?

  7. I shouldn't have read this before lunch. Looks to die for -- so tasty and beautiful, too!

  8. Jane Gaban12:51 PM

    The picture of the customer in the yellow dress is obviously fake.
    She is too skinny.
    Has she come to the boulangerie for help in looking normal?

  9. Hahaha
    Always doubting Jane !
    Do you have netflix?
    Go watch Emily in Paris

  10. With the virus raising it’s ugly head once more, how nice to see your lovely post!!!! Thank you.

  11. Received my map two days ago and love it, but it makes me very very hungry. Please don't be too hard on Bear and both of you stay healthy and safe.

  12. Is your map on Etsy?
    And I heard that Kayser is closing.

  13. The Boulangerie map is on Etsy as part of a subscription.
    I believe Kayser Maison branches in New York are closing. But not in Paris

  14. This is a really good one! Makes me hungry, but there isn't a single boulangerie around here. Baked goods are sold in the supermarket bakery section and are prepackaged in plastic containers usually. Not the same at all as freshly baked.

  15. Way too many pain au raisons around here ;(()

  16. Barbara2:55 PM

    What a treat to enjoy all these virtual Patisseries and Boulengeries with you. I love my monthly Paris Letters birthday gift, but the maps are equally charming and inviting.

  17. Thanks Barbara ❤️
    Its gone a bit chilly but skies are still gorge here

  18. Thanks for the link to The Perfect French with Dylane. Great teacher! 🤗 My high school French teacher, many moons ago, was very 'old school, only grammar & reading, almost no conversation ☹ and certainly not colloquial expressions...

  19. Linda S7:35 PM

    When I was in grad school in SF, there was a French Boulangerie near the campus. Their strong coffee and delightful array of French pattisserie was my favorite place several times a week. And in Paris, oh lala.

  20. Sometimes Paris has too much Oh La La in the pastry deptfor one’s health...

  21. Annebella I like Dylane’s simple direct French lessons on Youtube. Watching Emily In Paris inspired me to work harder on learning French !

  22. Dorrance7:40 AM

    love your Boulangerie Map post...sacristains...and your croissant/confiture watercolor!! ...
    And your Emily’s pain au chocolate watercolor

  23. Thank you for the latest map of boulangeries in the Latin Quarter.
    I love all of your art and am tickled every time a new one shows
    up in my mail.

  24. I'll have a chocolat pavé, s.v.p et deux ou trois sacristans!!!


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