Sunday, September 01, 2019

Sennelier, Paris

On Friday I ran to art shop Sennelier for a fresh pen. A 'heritage monument' to art supplies you shouldn't miss on 3, quai de Voltaire. Bus 87 stops nearby.
It hasn't changed much since 1887.
By the way they still take a break for lunch like French country stores, so take note.
They're situated conveniently a 10-minute walk across Pont de Carrousel from the Louvre as reflected in their front windows.
Art students, busy making copies of the old masters onsite,  could race over and grab a tube of paint or stick of charcoal at the break. I used to grab M&Ms chocolate-covered peanuts at the class break but that's another story.
These numbered drawers have 'old days' written all over them. I'd love to  peek inside.
Sennelier has a terrific selection of Frenchie-looking journals for non-artists as well.
Someone asked what pen I use. Pens are a personal thing. Every time I've bought someone else's favorite pen it didn't work for me. One prefers not to think of the $$$ wasted on other people's choices...ahem. One flight up you'll find almost every pen on the planet. Test them out. 
The array of colors everywhere.
Always brighten my day.
Around the corner on rue de Saint-Péres you'll find the perfect art student outfit. The 95 bus will to take you back to realité.
Thanks for reading and sharing Parisbreakfast. 
Subscription Paris letters 💌, maps & watercolors are in my Etsy shop. With love💋from Paris🐻🎨


  1. Oh you know how I feel about this store..regrettably we got there when they were closing for lunch.A gentleman took pity on us and let us browse a bit but we felt we were imposing and rushed.I see some journals I bought in France.I tried painting Noah in front and my Noah was so bad I painted another ..not much better and stuck him on top..

    Love yours.

  2. Another interesting point I painted the ext blue:(

    1. Well almost.
      I decided it is a blue-green, not dark forest green as previously.
      Color can be elusive.

  3. Oh Carol! I love this. When we went to Paris last October there was really only one place I wanted to go. Sennelier. Everything else was bonus points but Sennelier was mandatory. I loved its cramped space -- you could barely turn around! And you knew everyone in there loved art, loved creating and even without shared conversations, you knew you were among kindred spirits. Love your painting. It captures it perfectly!

    1. I put up an interior video on instagram.
      It is tight inside yet the outside looks so expansive...odd

  4. Oh my goodness! Love Sennelier...have stood outside with my nose against the window (lèche vitrine?), but never screwed up the courage to go in.

    1. Oh noooo
      It is a little forbidding but so cosy inside!

  5. I bought paints and brushes there!

  6. Thanks for the tour. Certainly a lifetime destination.

    1. Add it to the bucket list Krista ❤️

  7. I have been there, to buy pastels for my artist friend Rebecca!

  8. I loved this so much!!
    Your watercolor of Sennelier is wonderful!
    How lucky you are to be so close to such an historical shop that retains its flavor so perfectly

    1. I only realized how close I am today writing this post.
      If I take Metro 7 to the Louvre (5-7 minutes) and then walk across the bridge like those voila. The bus is much slower..

  9. Sharon T12:44 PM

    OMG that reflection of Louvre in windows! You ROCK CAROL!

    1. I never really noticed the Louvre reflections until today looking at my photos.
      They should hang big photos in the windows of the Louvre...something

  10. Makes me wish I were an artist, but would still appreciate the shop as I use journals & pens. I would love to have those drawers - perfect for scrapbooking paper.

  11. Did you know, one can go on Google maps and walk right through this store, floor by floor! If you can't fly there, take the next best thing!

    1. No way José
      How did you do that?
      Gonna try it

    2. Fantastic! Thanks for the tip Marcia C !

    3. You're welcome!! :-)

    4. Have to figure that out have never done a walk through on maps! Thanks

  12. Jerry Artz8:46 PM

    Love this shop. It is so fun to take artists there. Non artists as well. Im getting hooked on their watercolors and love the pastels. I went to Sennelier et freres two years ago, was the only one in the shop and she let me open each drawer and take photos of all the tubes of watercolor.

  13. I bought brushes. Wonderful shop we had very little money to spend, I could have bought so much, but I love my brushes.

  14. Love your post very much and was surprised by the new format.

  15. A wonderful portfolio of history and contemporary days, all rendered in beautiful colors by your splendid brush and modern photos.

  16. Just walking into the Sennelier store gives you a special feeling.

  17. My husband had to practically drag me out of that wonderful store. I would have spent the whole day and the whole budget.

  18. I hope everyone noticed that in that painting of art students copying the masters, the Mona Lisa is just another portrait, smaller than most, tucked away down in the bottom row.


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