Thursday, January 02, 2014

12 things I love about living in Paris

"Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it".
So what if it's grey skies in Paris most of the time. 
"Frankly my dear I don't give a damn".

I don't miss the verticality of living in New York City.
On the other hand I'm nuts Paris horizontals. Things are on a more human scale.

Pastries are lined up horizontally.

Same goes for chocolate bars and yogurts. They still put me in a trance-like state. Very calming. No need to buy. I get off on reading the labels.

I've fallen for vanilla beans. You can reuse them over and over in your hot chocolate in the morning (even when they dry up rock solid). 
And then put vanille in your tea at bedtime. Or anywhere else for that matter sweet or savoury.

Butter used to be one stick of Land O'Lakes sitting in my freezer 6-8 months. Not anymore thanks to Beillevaire Fromagere.
Vermont Cheddar, I've forgotten all about you. There are 300+ cheeses to love in France.
Seasonal fashion trends used to be more prominent at PB.
Now I'm consumed with what's to eat in season in the marché
I ate so many fresh, ripe apricots last Spring, I got a rash and had to wear long sleeves all Summer. It was worth every scratch. Will I ever learn moderation here?
GO TO THE MARCHÉ! If you want to see what people are wearing (Raspail on Sunday). What they are eating(far more important). 
What to eat in restaurants (they buy what's in season).
To practice your French.  For so many reasons the marche is one of the best, free experiences you can have in Paris.
As for the Metro, I've learned how to push with the best of them. It is the fastest way to get around Paris.
Till I learn to ride a bike.
Wednesdays are when new movies open in Paris. I read the Metro posters with great anticipation, then the reviews and sometimes I remember to go. Mostly I miss things. There is so much to do in Paris. DON'T miss 'Les Garçons et Guillaume, Á Table' Great fun.
Yesterday I BAKED. This is major milestone. Much thanks to Jill of Mad about Macarons. Her Tarte Tatin d'Oignon Caramelises was so easy and too good not to try. The other day I made Charlotte's Magret de Canard, also easy and trés delish. So yes, I'm still loving Paris for too many reasons to count.
BONNE 2014 PBers. Stay tuned.


  1. Wish I felt like you about the rain,:( it must feel not so bad in the city. .Love your sketch. See ! you can bake, the caramelised onion tarte looks de lish. Can I drop in, for lunch :)

  2. Marvellous! You may actually manage to convince me to go visit Paris, after all. ;-)
    Funny side effect of scrolling through your food picture: Carol slowly growing round and rounder, like a balloon. That tarte does look like it is worth every sinful bite.

    Grey skies? Funny you mention them (brilliant sunshine here, btw): I love when dark thick clouds of fog rise from the Danube and slowly settle over the city, devouring steeples and higher buildings while you watch. A fantastic spectacle.

  3. I already adore everything about Paris but somehow after your post ...I love it even more!!!!!
    Thankyou for a lovely dose of my favorite city on earth....

  4. And happy new year to you!
    Severe case of envy here.
    Buster very wooly.
    Snow storm expected....and so we go on.
    lots of love
    elizabeth and buster and robert too

  5. Ok, 5th of February I am headed for Paris. You did it. I've got three days and I am going to stuff into those as much as I can. Thanks for all your inspiration.
    Cheers from Christa

  6. My husband isn't from the US though he has lived here 30 years. He whines about our butter and bread nearly every day!

    1. Hmmm....what can one say
      There are a plethora of fabulous choices in France when it comes to eating

  7. Watercolor:) Sous les and your onion tart looks so good too..
    I am sure you have done more for my interest in Paris than anyone ever.

  8. Carol--
    My BFF gave me a Paris Breakfast painting for Noël! Yes, she did! It has a pink rose, a pink macaron and a letter! I love it. When I lived in France in 2007, I wrote letters back to her as my journal- so that's why she chose that one. I am off to get it framed today so that I admire it all the time. I am so glad that you are enjoying Paris so much. I am green with envy but I will be there in 2 weeks!!

  9. Agree with you on so many things--and there are more to love about Paris. The transporation system in general is magnifique! Navigo is best investment ever. Not sure about the gray skies, but I see that the Parisian winter---so far---is much milder this year.

  10. Wishing you another wonderful year in Paris! How naughty to show the photo of your tarte d'oignon without a link to the recipe. (I tried to find the recipe on Jill's blog, but had no luck!)

    1. I did provide a link but you have to scroll and go to another page.
      Perhaps this helps?

  11. I LOVE that you love living in Paris!!

  12. I'm not certain I could find anything negative about living in Paris.. I find Paris most lovely in the rain.
    Jill's tarte looks almost as delicious as her macarons! Her book is one my favourites on our bookshelf.
    Bonne année! xoxo, B

  13. Bonne Année to you, Carol and cheers on another wonderful year on you loving life here. So, so happy when people make things I love too - your onion tarte tatin looks great! Just as well it was onions and not made with apricots, poor you! At least you know what was wrong now.

  14. Nancy C12:12 PM

    It's time for you to start on a cookbook - with a PB twist of course

    1. A cookbook entails invention.
      I'm just a copycat not that it doesn't take skill to follow directions. For some of us Great skill!

  15. Lynee C12:26 PM

    This was fun and I am sure you are not missingNY! Iwould rather know more about the food than clothes....

  16. Love this post today and I know where you saw the doll market shop--I loved that and wish I could have bought it but a photo is just as good. Happy New Year and I salute you for taking the plunge and moving to Paris!
    PS I can't read a bike either

  17. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I was in Paris just for five days last year (2013), and definitelly have to go back again. I was there for sightseeing only. Next time I make a list, and do the PB sightseeing :). Especially for the pastries :). Kate

  18. Karryll2:19 PM

    Big sigh of relief. We can all exhale and look forward to wonderful new posts from Paris in our inboxes.
    Bonne année!

  19. spectacular verticality of living in New York City
    Very poetic!
    I lived in Manhattan for 25 years--what an apt description.
    Love your blog.

  20. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I love this post, everything about it. When I visit Paris (I'm from Spain) I always think that the rain is part of the city, it makes it look special and romantic in some way. I like it!

  21. So great to hear how much you're enjoying it!

  22. Oh how I would love to live in Paris. I love it all. I would love to get my hands on one of those amazing sweet treats. Great posts. It made my heart very happy.

    Happy New Year.

    Please stop by for a visit.


  23. Normajean10:25 PM

    Thank you for the reminder about Mad About Macarons......bought it last year and look forward to reading it when things slow down!!:)

  24. Cooped up here with the snow storm, so seeing those clean streets, the metro, & the chocolate cheered me up!!

  25. I think you nailed every single thing I would love in Paris -- the buildings and pastries and markets, the fruit and cheeses and butter. Oh, yes! Can't wait for 2014 to unwind and more stories and photos to be revealed!

  26. Carol, try adding the Paris busses to your list of things to love! Some lines, like the 63, are better than paid tours! The Métro is better at rush hour but the busses are lovely experiences.

  27. Dear Carol; this is the ultimate I LOVE PARIS POST....
    Fresh, wholesome without being boring, interesting, true, and best of all - I feel the same on every point (except I can't comment on NYC because I've never been but I agree with you anyhow...)!
    Lots of good things, thoughts, foods & drinks for you in 2014 and thanks a bunch for the goodies of 2013 you shared with us
    bisous, Kiki

  28. Ahhh, I was never afraid on the Metro or the Tube in London ... on the other hand, I refused to take the Subte in Buenos Aires.
    Where I find myself now, only a car is available and the ground is covered with snow so I am sitting in my room, pondering a trip.
    There are 3 places I can go .. choices choices !

  29. Only 12 things! I'm astonished at such restraint Carol. Your tarte looks magnifique… Well done. It does look rather cold, but there are such wonderful warming consolations. Happy New Year to you.

  30. Paris to me is just magical. I love french cinema, music, literature and to make it perfect, my hubby proposed in Paris :)

  31. I completely identify with the choc and yogurt aisle trance. I spend hours there during the course of a month, totally mesmerized and delighted with the variety, reading labels and admiring the displays as though they were part of a bizarre Dewey Decimal System

  32. Bravo! And I love the drawing...Thought of you today because I was listening to Tune Up Your French in the car today, learned of it through PB (above right).

  33. Agree with you on so many levels! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your posts :)


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