Thursday, December 16, 2010

Macaron Class at La Cuisine Paris

A Toast to Macarons, 9" x 11"
We are overdue for a toast 🥂 to Paris macarons.
A new DIY macaron cook book just came out -
Mad About Macarons  by Jill Colonna.
It looks 'authentic' and lovely. 
Last trip I took a
how-to-make macaron class.
I've yet to acquire the essential pastry accoutrements but I'm working on it. I took a 2-hour class at La Cuisine Paris Owner Jane Berch. There were 10 of us. The class was in English - HOORAY!
We got tons of practical info and hands-on practice.
 How to tell when your Italien meringue is exactly the right consistency - a nice shiny stream.
And the right temperature and not a point more.
Good ingredients are essential.
Trader Joe's has pasturized egg whites.
Trader Joe's has almond powder.
But maybe the grind is too thick.
We all got a chance to squeeze out lemon macaron shells.
It was rather dramatic when they went in the oven.
And even more so when they came out!
Unfortunately some students multi-sampled the broken, slightly imperfect macarons. Unfortunately some students promised to subtract their eaten samples from the final take-home count. Of course they FORGOT.
Some other students, who did not multi-sample were feeling quite murderous 😖 towards the multi-samplers 😊
C'est la vie. No blood was shed. The macarons tasted terrifically lemony 🍋 
If you're in Paris right this minute race over to
Pierre Herme and taste his special Xmas flavors before they disappear off the shelves on December 23rd. 
Take a class at La Cuisine Paris And hope you don’t eat them all immediatement.
BONJOUR La Cuisine Paris!


  1. Oh oh oh! I'm going to order that book! I get paid tomorrow.

  2. Lovely print!! When we were in Paris we gorged ourselves with macarons but once we got back to the states we were left... empty. I finally found a store on Etsy that sells them and they didn't disappoint. Nothing like Parisian macarons but beggars can't be choosers. Love your blog!

  3. Justine3:48 PM

    Your class looks like great fun and very hands on!
    I guess you were too busy taking pictures to remember to snack...ahem?

  4. That book does make it look not so hard and I do have all the 'essential accoutrouments'
    I must get cracking!

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    They look like fun to make--they can't be that hard. It's a pretty simple recipe, right? Yum! love the painting, Carol!

  6. I love the painting!
    The macarons look delicious - even though I've never had one!
    Sounds like someone got a bit peeved at that class......:)

  7. Carol, I will now have to give Trader Joe's an extra star. Don't think that the extra star will get me baking my own macarons, but why not toss them that star anyway.

    It's the give.

    Best wishes.

  8. I like the two-colored macarons. I'll have to think of that next time I'm baking.


  9. I am not at all passionate about Macarons...
    But at this moment, on this particular day, this posting has made me REALLY CRAVE SOMETHING!!!
    My tummy thanks you.

  10. I love the painting. Very clever with the macarons.

  11. I'm so jealous that you got to take that class! There's someone in San Francisco that teaches a macaron class that I've been wanting to take. One of these days...

  12. What a fantastic class that would have been ! The end results seem perfect. Though, such a shame that certains personnes took more than their share ;)

  13. Anonymous1:55 AM

    oh this looks like something to do --- you have given me an idea. On the to do list. A cooking class in France - perfect.
    Macarons. I only discovered these this year. I don't know where i have been - little morsels of heaven.

  14. Yet another reason I can't wait for our TWO Trader Joes to open next fall!!!! And I promise not to over-sample or mis-count if you take me to your mac class!

  15. Exciting news!!
    Trader Joes also has the same liquid egg whites shown here - the same stuff the pros use for macarons!

  16. On Wednesday it will be time to go to Pierre Hermé before leaving Paris!!!!!

  17. I would love to participate in such classes

  18. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Hi Carol! I am back in New York and you've inspired me to take window display photos again. I remember taking photos in 2008, which were completely fabulous and somehow strange in the midst of all the crisis.


  19. How on earth did I miss this post? I love your macaron-Eiffel Tower painting, Carol. It's stunning. Interesting to know about these classes if people ask me, although it is easier just to read the book ;-) Thank you for your lovely words, my friend. J xo

  20. I'll be in Paris for about a week- my first time! I have been looking at cooking classes, and was particularly enticed by the one by La Cuisine. It looks like you've tried more than one class in Paris. Which one's the best and the one you'd recommend the most? Cheers!


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