Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Thinking PInk even if it is Fall!

I know we're all getting out our black, beige and neutrals for Fall, but when I saw this pink Eiffel Tower at The Selby I starting thinking PINK!!!
Do you subscribe to The Selby for a vicarious look inside some divine homes?
These Selby shots are all from Paris designer and top Chanel model, Ines Fressange's FAB pink apartment...swoon
Paris pinks, original art, 9" x 11"
Can you think of another town where pink is so prevalent as Paris?
Here an entire shop in pink. Why were they closed?
ouvert tous les jours, sauf le mardi, jusqu’à 19H30

Pink writing on the wall!
Only in Paris...
Of course there has to be pink perfumes in the town where they say "La vie en rose (pink)" after saying "C'est la vie.."
Jeff Koon's pink hound could not be more at home here...

Shocking pink walls at Musee Nissim Camondo are not so shocking...
Patisserie Stohrer Very pale pink framboises macarons at Patisserie Stohrer...
Patisserie Stohrer And some very nice pink jambon too....
And just across the rue on Montorgueil, more pink pig at patisserie Maison Collet.
For Xmas, Galerie Lafayette's windows were full of P I N K!
Do take your chaises roses s.v.p....
Note how the guests are looking out the window at the viewers. Ha!
Guess who isn't ready to face the realite of Fall!?
Paris pinks.
Bonjour Pink!


  1. Marianne9:14 AM

    Hi Carol,
    Just a note to tell you how much I love your daily e-mails. It makes my day..heading to Paris in October and all your little shopping hints will surely be used. Thanks again for bringing joy to my day.

  2. Oooo I needed a rose lift this morning...

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    WOW--Some of those are not just pink, but BRIGHT pinks! Not sure I'd want a bright pink room. I loved the bits of pink in the wall, though--I'd love to smell that perfume...

  4. These are lovely items. I love the Eiffel tower! (I have a black one, I think a pink one would be fab!). Pink is such a happy color! I think that's why we love Lilly so much!
    Merci for such a lovely post! ;-)

  5. Hi ~Carol ..I love the Eiffel tower,. I have just had two fabulous weeks in Paris, saw Leesa and Dawn Barbara and Elizabeth.

    Had the most amazing time!

  6. FoodWalker11:20 AM

    Oh my, and I thought our apt. cluttered. We have nothing on Ines!

    I'm lusting for rain so bring on the Fall as soon as possible. Used to be my saddest time of year.


  7. I want to paint everything PINK NOW!!!
    including myself...ahem

  8. I desperately needed my pink fix this morning-- MERCI!! My motto-- no one can have a bad day when wearing pink. I saw those Galeries Lafayette windows last Christmas. Trop adorable! I video-ed them with my camera! Wish I were on a plane this minute for la ville lumière...

  9. Did you see the petit cochons?? Too cute
    Alyson, the 3 P's Mama

  10. You do have the most marvelous taste! We adore Paris and have been lucky enough to visit a few times. Not only your pictures but your artwork brings such smiles to our faces and very fond memories. Thank you so, so much for sharing your talents and experiences with us all so generously!

  11. Love it! Puts a new spin on La Vie en Rose....
    Are you in Paris these days, or New York? One can rarely tell by your blog!

  12. Pink always cheers me, no matter what season it may be. Love your pink tea cup and beautiful photo spread, Carol. XO

  13. true eye candy! Thanks for pinking up this dreary grey DC day.

  14. It's good to see pink on your post because I just see grey in Paris, everywhere!!!! I love pink and I love these fabulous Holiday windows. Waiting for you to shoot new windows...

  15. Hmm, it somehow reinforces the image of Paris as a feminine, romantic city doesn't it? I don't imagine so much pink is welcomed in black-is-the-new-black New York City:)

  16. You just outdo yourself everyday!

  17. Recently my hubby put together a wooden puzzle of La Tour Eiffel for me. I was going to paint it the dark bronze it is but when I opened this post today I saw first thing that lovely PINK Eiffel tower I knew it had to be this PINK. Good Timing Carol. :) I love this pink post!!Thanks.

  18. Martha7:01 PM

    Reading your blog each weekday makes me want to go back to Paris! I thoroughly enjoyed my 9 days there this summer! Best wishes!

  19. Which French designer invented hot pink? Schaparelli"? Not Chanel?

  20. très sympa tout cela!!


  21. Many thanks for the Pink post! It brightened my day!


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