Friday, September 12, 2008

Decadent Desserts:from Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte

Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte,watercolor

After posting Monday about the new cookbook from Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte, I went looking for a copy.
The pictures and setting are utterly lush and truely decadent - just as good as a visit to the chateau. I was inspired to do a version of this heavenly line-up of L'ile flotante/floating island with pink pralines and green tea custard.  
The inside is every bit as yummy as the cover: Decadent Desserts: Recipes from Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte.
Kitchens are downstairs at the chateau - I shot these pieces montees of fruit and macarons - click for a better look!
A model of an old dessert, decorated with architectural details much like Antonin Careme.
 Stacks of brass molds to make even more desserts.
Plus a life size tableau of a cook preparing the meal.
 The author of Decadent Desserts and resident owner of the chateau, Countess Cristina de Vogüé. Sylph-like, it's hard to imagine even a cracker crossing her lips much less the fabulous desserts in her cookbook. Note the countess is wearing an apron with the chateau's symbol, l'ecqureuil/squirrel.
Ah to be a countess and reside here. It must be a lot of work I suppose. If you visit Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte on a spring and summer weekend, you may catch their special candle light dinners well worth attending. Someday...


  1. Oh, Carol, they're better and better all the time! Beautiful! Off to another school but glad I caught a peek at this before I have to head out today. I'll check back to enjoy it more this evening. Have a good one!

  2. Lovely painting. They are so rich in color now.. drenched in color I would say. :)
    Love the flower in the glass.

  3. You know my first thought when I saw the photos of all those cake molds? I wanted to take them all!! What a beautiful collection! And your l'ile flotante is gorgeous!

  4. All your watercolors have a lyrical esthetic to them and the colors are just so pretty!

    Judging from the cover, this book is a knock-out! I shall check this out soon =)

  5. MAy have to get that book...temptations...What great phots, Love those, can you imagine waht that kitchen is like when in full dinner mode..Very rich puddles you have going on PB..:-)

  6. Love this one ... but, just reading your blog puts 10 lbs on me *laugh. The photo's are tempting. I'm sure that's the intent of the author, huh?

  7. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Do you indulge in as many macarons as you paint?
    It's a dangerous subject, but satisfying to the eye.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    view profile
    loveitaly Pro User says:

    Just enticing, Carol. I love the luminous quality on the inside curve of the dish. that's what those Kremers'll do. The background is the perfect complement. Really lovely!

  9. "It's hard to believe even a cracker crosses her lips much less the fabulous creations inside her cookbook"

    LOL!!! :-)

  10. Something just occurred to me. For long has the macaron been in existence, I wonder?
    Did the cooks in olden times have to whip up a fresh batch every morning for the pieces montees displays and for their "masters"?

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Totally mouth watering. Your blog is too tempting!

  12. Hi
    Your are invited to spend a weekend, with me, traveling around my home in the beautiful Tyne Valley, Northumberland. Enjoy!

  13. Carol,
    You know I've always been a big fan of your WCs, but boy-ohhhh-boy,
    with these added backgrounds, you've taken them to a new dimension!
    And lucky you to have been invited to Di Overton's digs! Not to be outdone; I hereby invite you to spend a day in beautiful South Jersey, painting, with me!

  14. Anonymous6:55 PM

    For no apparent reason, it has NEVER occurred to me that someone (not an organization) might OWN Vaux! I am flabbergasted!

  15. What a wonderful blog. I ordered my copy of this book last week and cant wait to get it.Great watercolors.

  16. What a fantastic looking book! I will be hitting amazon to search for a copy, it looks like an absolute mnust-have!

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